
Chapter 73.

"Don't open that door." Lucas fumed as he watched Laurel forcefully drag the handle of the car. At this rate, she was either going to injure her hands or break its handle.

"But Boss, she says she doesn't want to ride with you. You can't force her to..." Cecil was about to complete the sentence but the boss in question wasn't looking or listening to him. His boss' attention was rather focused on...'Laurel?" She was crying!

"Hey, hey, hey," he heard his boss say, rushing to the other side of the car. "What is the problem?"

Cecil sighed in frustration. Was his boss blind? He is asking a girl he took hostage what the problem was. He was the problem! Besides, he had seen what transpired between them in the party. Cecil hated the parties Mrs. Isabella Dante threw. Everyone from the warehouse hated it apart from her friends.

It was like an invisible war.