
Chapter 63.

She let out a nervous laughter. "For a moment there, I thought you-"

"Thought what, Laurel?" Lucas asked gently.

Now, what is that look on his face? Laurel asked in terror. Was he really considering...? Why is he staring at me like that? "Wh-what?"

Lucas cleared his throat. He didn't know what to think anymore. "You know what? I'll allow you a bit of your freedom if that will make you," he gestured at her injury. "stop this madness of trying to escape." With that, he gave some instructions to the man at the door. Laurel had a feeling this would be the last time he would come in to check on her.

Sighing, she looked around. The tension in the room slowly disappeared with Lucas' absence. Suddenly, she felt lonely. What did he mean by he will let her have a bit of her freedom, Huh?

He was really bad at describing things. He'd always refer to her or say things like she was an object to be owned.