
Chapter 37.

The bastard had the guts to crush on the Dante family's mother hen.

There was nothing Lucas didn't know about. Ranging from the men outside life to the business, Lucas was aware of all. He just sometimes overlooked their mistakes. He made mistakes too. It was supposed to be like this but it never was.

Lorenzo Dante never made it happen.

'What did he do this time?"

'I will kill him if he dares show his face in that house again." Rosemary swore, banging her hands on the table.

Lucas shook his head, sighing. 'It's his house rosemary. Your duty actually stops there."

'That was really insensitive Boss." Rosemary wasn't offended. It wasn't their first time saying something insensitive. It was part of her duty to let it slide and as much as they pretended not to notice, she knew they cared.