
Chapter 27.

Instead Dr. Nathan got excited. Sanders could see it from the way his eyes suggested something else. No…no…no

It was ridiculous.

'No." Was Sanders final reply.


Antonia slumped on the sofa nearest to her and dumped her bag beside it. Her cat, Auntie B trotted towards her while meowing. It was a pretty cat with B furs and black paws. It didn't care about Antonia's tired appearance as it jumped onto her laps expecting a pet.

Antonia wasn't in the mood. She picked up the cat and dropped it beside her. Her actions earned her a fierce scratch from the offended cat.

'Ouch!" Antonia drew her hands back. She inspected the area, shaking her head when she saw faint lines of sharp claws on her wrist. She sighed, watching the cat walk away with her butt in the air.

Slowly, she bent down to take off her heels. Not liking the way her apartment looked, she proceeded to clan. It should take her mind off her sister and family for a while.