
Chapter 188.

Cecil didn't flinch a little as hydrogen peroxide was poured on the wound to disinfect it. Both hands were bandaged and it seemed like it was only him to cane out scathed.

Laurel had worry etched on her face as she watched the bodyguard who had try to save her life struggle with pain. She sighed burying her face in Lucas' chest.


Agent Adler and his men packed in a reasonable distance from the camp site of the so called Dela Cruz. He turned to his men who were ready for action.

"Alright listen up. There is no need to shoot unless you are attacked...then it can be called self defense," Adler chuckled at his own joke, trying to relieve the tension.

No one laughed except Agent Derrick who felt he needed to protect his Boss' reputation by laughing at his dry jokes.

It only made matters worse.