
Chapter 180.

Rosemary turned to Diego with a sweet smile. "Don't worry, I won't let him say anything that will tarnish your reputation as Mr. Grumpy."

Diego graoned. He was doomed. "So, are the two of you like, a thing?" He looked at the both of them, back and forth, waiting for their reply.

Sebastian paused. This time he wanted to think before he talked because anything he says might be used against him by Rosemary later. He didn't want to lose her becasue he was too forward. He has seen that she wants to take things slowly so he would let her. If he has waited this long for her to even notice him and overcome her fear of what people will say and him losing his youth then he was going to wait for her answer.

"We are.." Rosemary looked at Sebastian for help. The both were suddenly confused because to be frank Rosemary didn't know where Sebastian stands. All she knew was Sebastian was in love with her but he was yet to make an official move.