
Chapter 10.

He could blow up at any time.

Immediately the house was empty, Silas walked over to his friend who hadn't gotten up from the chair he sat on a few hours ago.

"Looks like Bounce will be in full show tonight. Why don't we go there and have some fun? You need to get laid." Silas suggested. He would do anything to bring his friend out of his suicidal mood.

Lucas did not even spare Silas a glance.

Silas sighed. It wasn't working. Then he had an idea.

"Instead of sitting here, sulking, why don't we go and have fun...we could ask some questions about that feisty lady." He added, waiting for a reaction. He got it when Lucas turned his head slowly at him.


If Silas didn't know better, he would have thought his friend was offended but he could see the little glint of excitement in his eyes.

So, it is the Laurel girl. Silas shook his head. Was his friend having an interest in that feisty girl? That would be ridiculous.