
Claimed by my Guardian Angel.

Wanting to find answers about the disappearance of her roommate who hadn't returned back after entering the young Master Marcos room, Anna walked outside the Mansion to the backyard where Young Master Marcos often visits at midnight. She saw him standing with his hands tucked into his front pocket looking at the butler who was holding a shovel in his hand. He was digging a pit at the late hour of the night. "What are you--" Anna stumbled on her footsteps, making her fall on the ground. On hearing a female voice, Marcos turned around to see Anna standing near one of the graves holding a lantern. "What do you think I'm doing?" The corner of his lips tugged up with a cunning smile. "Burying a maid who refused to obey instructions." Anna took couple steps and she froze on that spot. Close to the butler was the dead body of her roommate! "Victoria!" "I told her to make me coffee and she made me tea instead." He put two and two together and his eyes went from her head to toe. "Maidens like you are supposed to be either on bed or working in the kitchen at this time. Anna what are you doing in the middle of the night all alone? Did you come here to seduce me again?" At his words, her face flushed with pink blush and she tried to avoid his gaze. "That is not true." As the butler was about to place the dead body into the grave, Marcos stopped him by raising his hand. "Find a way to dispose this body. We will be burying Anna instead." She felt her heart sink into her stomach at his words.

Gift_candy · Urbain
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40 Chs

I feel so weak

Taking Elizabeth's dinner, Anna walked upstairs to her room. As she knocked on the door, it opened and she saw Marcos came to stand in front of her.

"I was looking for you everywhere." She told him.

"I left." He replied and opened his hand for her to hand the tray of food to him.

"I can't give it to you. I need to see Elizabeth first." Anna said. She wanted to comfort the girl. How much pain she must have been going through just because of her condition.

"Give me the food now, Elizabeth is hungry. I don't have much time to waste here." Marcos frowned.

"I will give you when I see Elizabeth. Can I come in?" She asked.

"No." As he was about to pull the tray of food from her hand, a small cry sounded throughout the room, making Marcos turn around.

Elizabeth had stood up from her bed and had come to see what was going on.

Anna subconsciously pushed Marcos to the side to see Elizabeth. What she saw broke her heart into pieces.

Elizabeth's eyes had become dull. There was dark circles underneath them and her body was drenched with sweat. The condition had made her body broke down.

Anna pulled her into a tight hug. Elizabeth's hands hung by her side as she did not have the strength to hug Anna back.

At the small sobs of Elizabeth, Anna felt her heart being torn in different directions. The more Elizabeth cried, the more she could feel pounding pain in her chest.

"It's going to be alright." Anna comforted her. She patted her back as she continued to cry.

"I'm so weak." Elizabeth croaked out. Her voice had become cracked and had lost it's light.

"You are going to be fine soon." Anna stroked her hair.

"I brought you food." When she didn't respond, Anna looked down to see that the girl had fallen asleep. She raised her hand to stroke her hair, as she slept peacefully on her shoulder.

Raising the girl up, Anna carried her to her bed and tucked the blankets to cover her body.

Getting up, she turned to look at Marcos.

"Lucian told me of her condition." She whispered to him.

Marcos pursed his lips before nodding his head. "You already heard from him. She is not feeling too well at the moment."

He opened the drawer and took out a syringe before walking up to Elizabeth.

"What is that for?" Anna asked.

"To keep her asleep for a long time. She doesn't sleep long." Marcos took her hand and injected the liquid in her hand.

He dropped the empty syringe on the table and started walking. Anna glanced at Elizabeth one last time and saw as the girl sleep peacefully. If she had heard from someone outside the Mansion that this child was up to fifteen, she wouldn't have believed.

Seeing Marcos walking outside the room, Anna quickly followed him and locked the door from behind. He turned around, making sure the door was locked with key before he continued walking.

As they walked down the corridor, none of them spoke a word to each other. There were still maidens roaming around the Mansion. When they reached the stairs, he turned to her.

"You should probably go to bed before you find yourself in more trouble."

Anna waited a few seconds before saying, "I still need to do some work before going to bed."

Without saying a word, he turned around and started walking from there. He went into his room and locked the door from behind.

Anna watched the door closed before she walked downstairs to the kitchen. After they finished doing the chores in the kitchen, Anna and Victoria retired to bed.

Changing her uniform into night gown, Anna went to bed. Though her eyes were closed, she was in deep thoughts.

Why was Madam Charlotte not caring about her daughter's health? It was only Marcos and Lucian who had been caring and treating the girl like their blood sister.

The next day when Anna woke up, her eyes wandered around the room. She rubbed her hand in her eyes before getting up and went into the bathroom.

As she was bathing, she tried to reach for the towel with her hands. Unknown to her, the soap had slipped off on the ground and as she was about to take the towel, she fell down causing her back to hit the ground with so much force. She could feel a prickling pain on her back and she knew her skin had torn from the impact of falling. She managed to get up and wiped her body with towel before wearing her uniform and headed outside the kitchen.

She met Victoria there and they washed the dishes together while the other maids prepared breakfast.

Wiping her hands with dry towel after they were done washing, she turned around to see Edith holding a tray of food.

"Give this to Master Marcos." She handed her the tray and Anna bit her bottom lip.

Why does it have to be only me?, She thought to herself before walking out of the kitchen.

She breathed out as she knocked on the door and Marcos came out after some time.

"Good morning, Master Marcos. Breakfast is ready." She bowed her head.

He opened the door for her to come in and she went inside. Placing the tray of food on the table, she turned around to leave when Marcos stopped her. He pulled her from behind, making her eyes widened with shock.