

Auteur: Nothing_7127
Actuel · 436 Affichage
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What is Clad

Lisez le roman Clad écrit par l'auteur Nothing_7127 publié sur WebNovel. ...


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Just A Teenage Father

Eli Evergreen was a wealthy man that grew up in a poor family. As the only man of the house he had to deal with a lot of struggles that no kid should go through, because of these struggles he matured faster than others. He spent all of his life working to become successful to help other unfortunate people in a capitalist country run by wealthy corrupt politicians. One day on the birthday of Eli's 69th birthday he looked around at reality and realized he was all alone knowing he had no family to speak of. All that's left was his nieces and nephew's that he barely knew. Every day he became more depressed and regretful, his mind was full of questions like "why didn't I ever settle down and have kids'' but he knew it was because he wasn't attracted to the women of this world, it always seemed like they had intentions or they wanted some kind of benefit. Eventually the time finally came for him to pass away, he found himself in a hospital bed all alone in his room too weak to move, he could only turn his head and talk. "So this is how I go huh? All alone by myself.... I....wish.......no... god if your listening please grant me my one wish I've never asked much of you but please if there a after life I hope that I can have a big happy family....." *BEEEEEEP* "Hmm... It's my time to go I guess....I wish.....If on..ly..................*BEEEEEEEEEEP* Suddenly a nurse come in run over to the man only to see him dead a doctor rushes in and says *Sigh* "Time of death?" The nurse says "Approximated time of death 3:34 PM sir" The Doctor once again sighs, he knows that the news is going to be crazy for the next couple of day's after all who hasn't heard of Eli Evergreen he was the most famous entrepreneur of his lifetime. *Shuffle* Shuffle* *Flip* "Huh where am I? Wasn't I just in the hospital dying? And these hands they're definitely too small to be min- wait! Don't tell me!" Cover photo isn't mine, OC's Are mine, If you feel inspired by my novel you have my permission to take some ideas as long as it not total copywrite.

Atlas_Evergreen · Urbain
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1 Chs

The Ability Simulation

[Congratulations to Rei Gojo. You awakened the ability called Simulation system for an unknown reason] [In every Simulation you will receive a total of 4 traits] [The traits are ranked from F to Ex and the unobtainable rank is Unique] [Current trait: 1.) Mutation of Hard Worker and Lazy(D+): You are a hard worker and always wanted to finish the work faster to laze around. 2.) Mutation of Fool and Genius (A+): Sometimes you like to fool around and sometimes you will study diligently, making you learn everything at a fast pace. 3.) The observant (C-): You like to remain quiet as you observe first before voicing out your thoughts and know how to read people's emotions. 4.) The mutation Cheerful one and the Cold one(C+): You realize that being negative won't help you and decide that you will live your life with happiness despite it being depressing. You are a cold person who would remain quiet and just look coldly at the others. Mental resistance increases. 5.) Natural Born Fighter(SSS+): you know the principles of fighting without going into a single fight and can copy any fighting style just seeing it once 6.) Perfect Body(SSS+): Your body won't receive a single body complication due to using any fighting style and you have a monstrous growth] [Your current trait won't be locked or removed if you start the simulation] [Once you start the simulation it will be put into the simulation slot] [Current Simulation slot 1] [You can have a total of 6 companions] [Current companion slot 0/6] [Every 5 months a new simulation slot would be open and the total companion slot would increase] [Beware! The simulation is mostly random] [Beware! You need to stay inside the simulation for 5 years or more depending on the Simulation difficulty] [You will be kicked out of the simulation once you die and need to wait 5 years to start a similar simulation once again] [You can delete a simulation slot and start a random simulation once again] "Eh?" Looking at the bunch of notifications, he questioningly wonders why or how he got this system all of a sudden. "I'll deal with you later; I still need to finish my exam." After saying that, he continues putting his focus on the question. Rei himself didn't if he should felt annoyed or something _ _ _ I don't own anything besides the MC.

Immoral_Phoenix · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs
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Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1


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