
City's Alchemy

What If somebody told you that the history of the city your ansestors has lived for generations is nothing like what you've been taught at school? History is going to take a completely different turn when a teenage brunette shifts to the city of Willowspell.

Kashfa_Arman · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

At our school assembly, a few days ago, our principal announced their wish to take the students to 3 days and 2 Nights camping for the Annual School picnic. Now, being unsocial creatures, both me and Noella were against the idea of attending a stupid picnic in the middle of a forest but when the other two hyper social beings began to hurt our ears everyday about it, then we had no option but to give in. Though, the only reason I agreed is, I had nothing better to do anyway.

The bus ride to our location, was the loveliest yet saddening ride I ever had in my life because i got a chance to stare at my potential love interest (who sat next to his pretty blood sucker girlfriend ) for exactly 2 hours but it was a reminder that, she is with him, I'm not. They are perfect for each other, I'm not.

Getting down from the bus, one can notice students from different schools present there for the same purpose as us. The teacher divided us into groups of 6, each group having their own tent and supplies and laid ground rules like finding our own firewood, no roming around after sunset, not going in the forest without informing any teacher or never meddling in something which is not our business. The four of us were paired with two werewolf girls named Raven and Rylee who were friendly, actually.

After setting up our tents, six of us headed for our firewood hunt but when we walked deeper, Raven and Rylee transformed into wolves and disappeared within a blink of an eye. Afterall, forest is home for them.

"What does firewood looks like?" Haylen queried sarcastically.

"It looks like wood on which we can set fire." I mocked.

"I know it!" Madyln roared. "The other day, Mr. Achilles taught me about woods that we can burn and woods we can use to hit someone and ton of shit." She continued flexing her knowledge.

Our hunt proceeded as we encountered several other students some of our own school and some of others searching the same. The howls of werewolves playing around echoed from every direction. It was still late afternoon when we were getting out of the woods, the sunrays hitting the yellowed leaves turned them golden and the forest felt magnificent and glamorous than ever, almost like a fairytale.

Everything was fine until we by mistake, walked in to a area where some students were fighting and cursing. It was none of our business so we walked our own way, until a woman's scream pierced our ears,


"What the fuck?" 4 of us said at the same time. It was indeed none of our business but someone is getting hurt, we need to MEDDLE INTO IT. We ran back to stop the fight.

"Hey! StOp IT" Madyln shouted on the top of her voice. The boys turned their heads in our direction, a few Vampire boys of some other school, seeming much older than any of us.

"Look what we have, little girls who are lost." The tallest of them smirked.

He fisted the woman's hair and banged her head to the ground and then threw her harshly. Her body went limp. Unconscious.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?" I screamed. "LEAVE HER! LET HER GO." I gritted my teeth.

"Oh what will you do, if I say she is gone already?"

"I'll punch you in the face." Haylen glared at him

"And make sure you lose that shit like smirk forever " Madyln completed the sentence.

"Wait up. I got this." Noella walked closer to the tall guy. He was so tall that she was at least 3 inches below his shoulders.

"I'll keep a Hand on your head and you'll be underground, doll. Don't be silly." He laughed like a jackass.

"You! All of you! I dare you to encircle me and try it?" She smiled widely pointing towards the vamp group. They did as she said, probably planning diffrent ways to kill her.

She closed her eyes as they neared her and began to chant,

"Come come listen to me. A decree I'm about to make. For I'm your master and you my slave. I tell you to leave and you do as I say."

Their steps came to halt almost as if they are frozen, they all tired to move and speak but nothing happened. It was like their body was hypnotized, yet there brain was working. And then they all started running in different directions and disappeared within the blink of an eye.

Our mouths hang open.

"How the FUCK?" Madyln and I sang together.

"Just siren traits."

"I refuse to believe."

"Her siren song is way more powerful than what you can imagine. You know short of High rank stuff." Haylen explained.

"And you never told us?"

"It was never necessary. I don't really use these stuff." She answered nonchantly.

We walked towards the unconscious women. Her face was almost buried in the ground. I turned her face towards me and my soul left my body. Half of her face was pitch black, black like I've never seen, whereas the other half was pale like a vampire, spotless like the past instances never occurred to her. She wore a threadbare robe that covered every inch of her. That's when it hit, She is not an ordinary creature. She is a demon. A half vampire-demon who exchanged her soul with the devil. Those who do it, their life becomes worse than the harshest death. They suffer in every breath and are the greatest threat to other creatures, specially humans. So, if you ever encounter one then,

Either 1. Kill it OR 2. Run.

"Guys?" My voice trembled.

I turned back when I got no response, and they were more horrified than me. Frozen to their places,

"What... Are... We... Gonna...Do?" Noella started breathing heavily.

"Maybe we should run?"

With that, they all started running but before I could even take two steps, some icy cold hand grabbed my legs firmly. I was scared to death and felt my end coming.

"Kristyn! No!!" Madyln howled.

They rushed back to me. The women left my legs, standing up. She dusted her clothes like a noble lady and if you see only half of her face, you can tell that she must had been pretty. I wonder what happened that she ended up being this way?

"Please let us go." Hayeln pleaded.

Noella walked towards her probably wanting to try her trick from earlier.

"Don't you dare!" The woman finally said glaring at her, her voice deep as octaves but feminine and hypnotic.

"Let us go?" Madyln repeated looking down. None of us dared to meet her eyes afraid that she'll suck our soul, if we do. We pleaded and begged as running away from her now is useless.

"No. You all will come with me. Pretty girls with brave hearts." She laughed mocking our foolishness to save someone who can probably eat us alive.

"Would you still have stood up for me, even if you knew that I'm...?" She continued in a horrific voice. Her voice going deeper at every syllable.

"I guess." Madyln replied half sure.


"Because they were hurting you and nobody deserves to get hurt. Also in such a scary way." I explained truthfully.

"Hence, we hope you don't hurt us either." Haylen added.

"Do you wish to know your future?" She ignored our replies.

"If it involves you sucking our soul, then no."

"Something worse than that."

"My parents found out I failed the mathematics test?"

"Do you have a death wish?" She was clearly irritated by Haylen's unseriousness and I was planning ways to stab Haylen as she is going to get us killed.

"No no just let us go." Haylen made a baby face which clearly don't suit her.

"I'm thirsty, I've not drunk human blood in ages...but.. " Her voice is now less a woman, more a man.

"But .. I see you girls are cursed by fate. And who am I to interfere in a cursed fate?" She continued, laughing like a maniac. The echo of the laughter turned me deaf, my head spinning as my vision started to blur and I fell on my knees.

Eternity later, when it stopped, she almost disappeared in air. The sky was darkening, it's past sunset. I looked around, Haylen and Madyln were lying on the ground and Noella was breathing heavily. We did not said a single word to each other and fastened back to our tents. The warewolf girls were already inside. Our bodies felt drained of all the energy, yet we received a nice scolding for being late first from them, later by our assigned teacher.

So what do think? it's my first time writing. do tell me your views

Kashfa_Armancreators' thoughts