
City's Alchemy

What If somebody told you that the history of the city your ansestors has lived for generations is nothing like what you've been taught at school? History is going to take a completely different turn when a teenage brunette shifts to the city of Willowspell.

Kashfa_Arman · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 2


The first day of my school wasn't half bad, I made a friend and my parents are real happy about it, (even more than me) given that I barely talk to people. Anyway, there is still a bit of pain in my backbone due to the former incident at school. However, I've got no time to bother about it.

I walked towards the school building, looking at a group of warewolf kids hauling (it's still early morning, i don't find any reason to haul and disturb other's slumber) and running around. But just as i was about to enter the school gate, my steps came to HALT.

I'M PROBABLY LOOKING AT GOD, I thought. There Stood a group of boys probably vampires,(their skin too pale to be any other creature) but my eyes stayed on a particular one; he seemed a bit more taller than me, long haired, pale skin, leanly muscled, hazel eyes and sharp facial features. Awestruck, i stared.

A tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality.

"Hey! What ya watchin'? I called your name like 5 times?" it's just Madyln. Ahh.

"Oh . I just. Um. Who's that boy?" I pointed towards the hottie. Her face showed a pinch of disgust while she responded, "nasty school heartthrob and brat, Tryson Lenoir"

I bet on my life, I've heard this name before.

"The guy who pushed you yesterday, remember?" She added.

There! One thing about me, I always get into stuff that I clearly shouldn't.

"Are you interested?" She teased.

I hesitantly nodded.

"You clearly shouldn't. He is the crown prince in kingdom of Assholes. Besides, he got a hot girlfriend, our classmate to be exact." Red Haired warned me.

BUT I have got my eyes on him. And i don't give two fucks, if he is an asshole or an entire ass. He looks so fucking gorgeous.

"Why don't you sit with me?" Madyln offered as i moved towards my place.

"Um. Me?. I. Um. I'm.fine." I nervously told. I'm surely friends with her, but it doesn't changed my weird habit of getting all defensive and denying when I'm offered something nice.

(Maybe in my past life, i was killed because i accepted a nice deed. Sounds stupid? I know)

"I'm not giving you a choice, kid" she declared snatching my stuff and putting them in the desk beside her.

I sighed. "I don't bite, Kristyn. Plus, we both got no friends." She added trying to explain her action. I smiled and nodded.

Just smile at every creature you see. I remembered my mother's words.

Soon the classroom was filled with all kinds of living souls that you might think of and the teacher arrived.

There went some 45 minutes of a long ass lecture related to business and commerce. My personal favourite.

At the end of the class, a small girl tapped my shoulder,

"Hey? Um. Can we copy your notes? We can't see the board clearly." She softly mumbled in a honey voice, refering to herself and her seatmate.

I nodded and passed her my notebook.

"Care to introduce yourselves? I'm Madyln and she is Kristyn." Madyln injected, ah! Her social battery can never die.

"I'm Noella and she is Haylen" She said referring to her friend. Let's be honest, both of them were pretty.

Noella had curles where as her friend got this real smooth and straight hairs.

"You aren't human. Are you?" I questioned Noella, "Yeah. I'm siren." Which clearly explained her irresistible beauty.

"You guys are of the same class, don't you already know each other?" I questioned the others as they seemed too formal for classmates.

"No, we never really talked. Um. Just kinda know each other as students of the same school or class." Haylen explained.

"By the way you were so cool the other day, that fencing sword fighting stuff, I'm damn impressed." She further added.

Madyln smiled in pride. "Umhh. Thankyou"

"Do you learn the fight tactics and all?"

"Nopes. I never really touched a sword or stuff before yesterday. I was just real mad on that punk."

"That explains you are a risk taker." Noella finally stated, staring intensely at Madyln.

In few seconds, the next teacher entered the class and we were busy till it was lunch time.

"Let's go eat! I'm starving!" Madyln half shouted as I closed my notebook.

"Why don't you guys eat with us?" She asked the other two. They looked at each other for a millisecond and then nodded.

We sat on the table and there went rounds of jokes and laughter along with awkward comments and serious moments but overall it was good. I was silent for most of the time and kept smiling, it's just this red haired gallon of gossips who don't get tired of speaking. I wonder why she got no friends, even after being as social as any social media platform. The rest of the day went with even more of socializing with Noella and Haylen. And maybe, this school year won't be that bad.