
City's Alchemy

What If somebody told you that the history of the city your ansestors has lived for generations is nothing like what you've been taught at school? History is going to take a completely different turn when a teenage brunette shifts to the city of Willowspell.

Kashfa_Arman · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

"Hello Everybody!! I'm Kristyn Alison, I hope we'll get along well" she stated shyly as everybody stared at her, maybe waiting to continue, "And I'm a human." she finally added.

"Miss Alison you may take the seat next to Miss. Redd in the 3rd row" the teacher said pointing towards some girl who clearly don't seem friendly enough.

"Oh thank you! But can I take that empty seat in the 2nd row, sir?" Kristyn muttered in a low voice.

"Anything that suits you."

The rest of the class went fine as she stayed hyper focused on the lessons and nothing else.

The lunch time arrived, but she rather decided to explore the building as eating alone will be hella depressing. She walked around the school garden, library, empty classrooms and even washrooms as you name it. As she was coming back to her class, she noticed a crowd of students in the ground and walked in the direction, curious, what's the gathering about?

"IDIOT!!" A red haired girl shouts.

"I'M NOT!! IT'S YOU!! JUST BELEIVE IT 'Women Will Always Need Male To Protect Her' ITS HOW IT IS!! WARRIORS ARE BRAVE AND SO AS MEN, NOT WOMEN!!" some other boy shouted back.

"Fine!! Since you are admant about the fact then ... How about we just have a fight and I'll show you who's weak?"

"Are you kidding me? You'll die if i just punch you once! Go play with your doll" the boy laughed. Not just him, all the boys in the crowd laughed.

"You don't want me to fight because you are afraid you'll loose. The society don't let the woman fight because they are afraid she will snatch the throne of man" The red haired stated a matter of fact.

"Okay then, any of you, go and bring two sabre from the fencing room. Let's see if she can fight. But don't you beg for mercy later, Little girl"

"But don't you think swords without proper protection can be dangerous" Somebody injected.

"No! It's do or die!" The boy replied smirking.

The swords arrived and each of them held one firmly.

"It may cause minor cuts. I'm still warning you, don't cry later"

"just start, you chucklehead"

"Fine then, the first one to drop the sabre will loose."


And the fight begins, they raced towards each other as hungry lion, brandishing their swords. The crackle of swords and their heavy breath seemed the only noise for the next few minutes. The boy pushed her on the ground and was about to nearly cut her arm off when she raised her sword in defence, trying to push him back with all her force. Standing on her feat, she attacked him again, but the boy appeared to have greater strength, looking at her one can clearly tell that she must be regretting her over confident commitment.

Maybe Seconds later she realised, defeating him by strength is not an option, so she choose the classic way like in movies, using the brain. She stopped trying to fight and he who concluded it as clear victory, made two quick slash on her arms, her uniform torn and covered in mud. Henceforth, confident of his triumph, he naively reduced his strength thinking the girl is already tired but right when he did not expected, she raised her sword and with a one big strike she tore his shirt apart, along with making a major scar on his chest.

"OHH NO!!" He Barked dropping the sword and the red haired Smiled in Victory.

There is a brief moment of silence and then a sound of applause is heard. It wasn't like everybody was cheering, just one timid girl who seemed so much fascinated by the action.

"You are something Alison right? It's your first day?" The red haired questioned.

"Oh yea. I'm Kristyn and YOU?"

"Madyln. Madyln Roggers"

"MaDyLn, nice name, can i try the sword, i mean sa-- WHATEVER IT'S CALLED."


As Kristyn held it, she remembered all those female characters from books who were brave and courageous.

After some 15 seconds, she some way or other ( unexplainable even for her) managed a perfect slit in her left palm.

"Holy Christ! I'm FREAKING BLEEDING" . She panicked.

"Oh let me see, It's Big, We NeEd To gET To ThE MeDiCaL RoOm" Madyln stated.

Just when they were about to proceed, something or somebody pushed Kristyn to the ground, more specifically hovered over her like a beast. Before anyone could realise what happened, her head hit the harsh concrete ground and she passed out.


The Door Of The Headmaster's office opened and revealed two boys and a girl.

"Welcome, I'm glad to see the heros who are nearly successful in tarnishing the image of our school" A Bald headed man greeted them .

Rather than being ashamed three of them barked at once,


"I agree. It's the school's fault that they expect the students to be in discipline"


"So am i allowed to ask why Mr.Grey's and Miss.Roggers' uniform is nearly ragged? And why has Mr.Lenoir almost 'killed' a newcomer?"

They all tried to speak at once. "Silence. How about miss.Roggers you begin first?"

"I'm sorry. We just got into a fight. It will not happen again. I realise it was a terrible terrible idea. Please pardon us sir." The girl explained for both herself and her enemy, she was annoyed but not foolish. She knew that acts like this could get her expelled. 

"And how will you justify your act Mr.Lenoir?"

"The aroma of her blood was delicious, i was tempted so i attacked" The pale boy declared dramatically.

"And you are now a potential criminal, according to the law, vampires prohibited to attack humans and other creatures."


"Mr.Lenoir you are 18, her family can take legal action on you. Please stop throwing tantrums to get attention."

"Legal Charges? On me? I fear nobody." He smirked proudly.

"This ego of yours, you'll regret someday. I'm warning three of you, if i ever find anything like this again, you'll be expelled" The man Scolded, anger visible in his face.

Three of them walked out and not even looking at each other, they paced to their classes.

But Madyln was rather worried for the other girl. The 'something' Alison, according to her was such a naive little child. She walked to the other end of the building, where the other lays, still unconscious.  She took a seat beside her, staring at her features, shiny dark brown hairs and fair skin, she was indeed pretty, at least more ladylike than herself. It's not like Madyln herself wasn't girlish or pretty it's just that she wasn't like 'Barbie girl' kinda pretty. Her features were sharp and her skin was spotless except a scar beside her left eyebrow which was her biggest cause of insecurity.

"I'm alive." The girl stated, her brown orbs now staring right at Madyln, who is taken aback by the sudden response.

"How are you feeling?" She enquired recovering herself.

"I'm alive. I guess. What happened?" She muttered, attempting to sit up.

"Oh you got this cut on your palm and this brat vampire Lenoir, jumped on you, wishing to drink blood. He won't do that again though."

"Are you sure? I don't wanna die yet."

She said sarcastically, examining her bandaged palm.

"Yeah. And if he does, then I'll beat the shit outta him. Don't Worry. I'll protect you." The red haired smiled, she had no idea why she said that, maybe because the girl looks so fragile that she fears, will die without proper care.

"Thanks. By the way, are you okay? You were so cool out there." Kristyn asserted realising that the latter was more harmed than herself.

"Yeah. Just a few minor cuts and responsibility of explaining my parents 'what havoc occurred that made me look homeless'." Madyln explained referring to her tattered uniform.

They talked for what seems like hours, discussing their hobbies, friends and family as well as perspective on different matters along with exchanging cell numbers and social media accounts. They were both alike and different in many ways.

Krystin was more of a bookish nerd with extreme academic excellence who wrote poems and stories in free time whereas Madyln was her total opposite. she was an extroverted girl whose life revolved around art, games and sports. She wasn't bad in academics but not the best either. Perfectly confident, she never feared giving a piece of her mind, her nature was rather aggressive and bossy. She never harmed anyone but knew how to fix the person's head who tried to get in her way. Whereas Kristyn was a softie who never bossed anyone around but neither did she like being told what to do, a master of her own. Although, by beliefs they were more alike, feminist, quirky and seriously perverted yet very well mannered and  composed. Both were on the peak of their teenage years.

Right in the moment, Madyln suggested, if the other wishes to attend the last lecture of the day, receiving affirmation, she helped her find her specs and get on her feet then they both proceed to the class.

"𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧,

𝐓𝐨 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞."

So What do you guys think?

Kashfa_Armancreators' thoughts