

I've always wondered why I'm born miserable. Being torn apart with the severe struggle of life. I was abandoned by my Mum at the age of eight, as she left to search for greener pastures to feed her daughter and herself. Loneliness has always been my watchword, not until I met Joanna, an orphan, who is very optimistic about life. She's my best friend, but we act like sisters. I always wish we were born as family. Working together at the same restaurant, living together in my apartment, having each others back and our love not dying away, gave me something to live for, Joanna and Mum. After being told my father has departed from the world and trying to battle with this loss, seven years later, I encounter what I consider as a life changing moment, a man considered as the dead,stood right in front of my doorstep. Rep Me Up High is a school for the rich, prestigious and popular. What happens when a poor girl like Hildagard Salome attends such a school. Binded by the presence of discrimination,hatred and loneliness, she encounters life changing circumstances that turns her life around. Crashing into the most handsome,richest, smart, brilliant and proud Brixan Pertel, things go around for the worst, something she never anticipated, but what if she finds love in the way, find out in CIRCUMSTANCES I FIND MYSELF

Daoist9SoFvi · Sports, voyage et activités
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19 Chs

Chapter Six: Time up

I wore a hoodie to school, trying to avoid Brixan. I had gotten my books, feeling fulfilled , heading for class when three male figures obstructed my movement.

" Excuse me" I fake voiced. My cap was removed from my head, forcefully.

" H...hhi" I forced a smile.

"Three days is over." Brixan, who stood by the wall, his hands clutched in his pocket, walked with glamour towards me.

" Where's my one million dollars?" he asked

" You said you'll give me a week to get the money"

" How much have you saved?" he asked and I kept mute.

" I have 300 dollars, 10 cents and....and...." I handed them to him "I...."

"Do you take this as a joke? " he yelled as his breath warmed my face.

"Nnn...no" I said. He pulled my hair and I cried out in pain.

" Have you made your decision?" he asked

"I...I..." I stammered

" Get your luggages ready. My driver will pick you up by five. Make sure you don't waste his time." he said and turned to leave.

" And..." he said and slowly turned to face me " Don't think you can run away. I'll kill your entire family if you do." he warned. He walked away with every inch of pride.

Syi and Mari stepped on my money before I finished picking it up. I bit my lip, annoyed.

" I can give you a million bucks if only you transfer" Syi said and I looked at her ulin disbelief.

" Why do you hate me?" I managed to say.

" Because you're poor and dirty. It's not fair. You're so stubborn headed. You're not the first poor person to attend Rep Me Up High but you won't be the first to stay. The others left and I'll make sure you're not an exception " Syi said. Mari tore my money into shreds and I felt angered that I pushed her.

" Gosh, you have the nerves to touch me? " she screamed and before I knew what was happening, I was beaten up. They spat at me and left me injured.

"Asshole" they spat.

I wrecked of pain. I bit my lip, annoyed. What had my annoyance led me into?

" Don't get into trouble " Mum's voice echoed and I sighed.

Classes got over when I ran after Brixan.

"Hey, asshole " I yelled and he turned to look at me. I couldn't believe he knew he was an asshole.

" Can I talk to you for a sec?"

" So you do know how to say a nice sentence without stammering" he said " If you want to talk, 300 bucks"

"Ha" I said dumbfounded " I lost my money, the money you threw on the ground, my sweat" I yelled

" I have to go. I'm running late for an important business meeting. " he said.

"I want to talk to you" I said while he walked away. I felt anger surge through me. With my injuries, I ran towards him and jumped on his back. I tugged at his hair and he yelled.

" I want to talk to you" I yelled as he turned around, trying to get me down. I shoved my hands in his eyes and nose. I squeezed his face like an orange.

"Let go" his guys threw me off with no effort. I landed on the grass, hard.

" Fuck" he grunted as he looked at me.

He walked up to me as he held rage and anger in his eyes. I expected him to strangle me or kick me or hurt me more than the situation I found myself but he I found him gritting his teeth in abject anger.

"Speak up before I lose my patience" he spat out

" I....I....need more time" I said and burst into laughter.

" 4 days from a week isn't enough to get a million dollars"

" Keep to your word and I'll do my bid. Four more days. If I don't pay you the money, I'll serve the weeks but I need four more days" I said. He looked at me, probably surprised at my audacity.

" Fine. Let's see how you make a million dollars in a week" he said and left for his car.