

time skip....

i'm back my lord

arahabaki- ahh finally you are back how did it go

?!#@%-it was okay but can i be truthful when you make a mess you should go clear it up yourself i always have to hear the other gods keep on saying things it's annoying just because we are married and have know each other since childhood doesn't mean you will make me clear up your mess.

arahabaki- ( ~ ^-^ ~ )

?!#@%-don't make that face it's annoying and makes me wanna hit you only if we weren't married and you were the god of destruction and all i would kill you right away.and now what's up with your vessel what happened to him and why did you suddenly decided to bring him here and start lying to him that he was on the verge of dying and you brought him here.

arahabaki- first of all that's rude my face is beautiful and he's sleeping can't you see

?!#@%-i can't! why did i marry you

arahabaki- because you love me?..

?!#@%- ( -_- )

arahabaki-( ~ ^-^ ~ )

time skip.....

?!#@%- so you decided to bring him here because you were worried about him!? are you lying to me do you actually want me to kill you

this is not the full chapter i will update it again

AKiOfficialcreators' thoughts