


i simply have no idea of what's happening i would scream but he is a god so i don't know i still don't believe him and for the fact that i almost died and that he brought me here to save me it sound like a excuse he probably need's something from me

wait! does he want me to use corruption or something

gosh this is stupid what does he want from me

staying here reminds me of that stupid novel i got stuck into and why is staring at me and telling me to sleep is he going to kill me in my sleep or something whatever i will just listen to him and pretend to fall a sleep

POV- arahabaki

he's staring at me with a straight face but i can still tell what he is thinking without even using my power's

why did i had to have such a stupid vessel,who even had the idea of making him my vessel that idiot.

wait actually that was me only nvm the person who had the idea of making him my vessel isn't a idiot he's a genius

it just seem's like he need's some more practice and training then he could become the perfect vessel

oh well will you look at that he fell asleep i though he would only pretend to do that didn't think he would actually fell asleep

since he looked like he wanted to scream at me but couldn't since i am a god


i wonder how much more time will it take for him to come i only gave him a easy task

end of pov