

the air started to turn black all around me i started to think about everything that has happened till now. why did i always have to be the second option ,why is it that i am ready to sacrifice myself for them but they aren't ready to sacrifice them self for me as i stopped thinking everything my eye's started to slowly close it felt like i was finally free from everything even tho i wasn't even dying everything around me went silent the comfort in the silence was something i couldn't explain as i finally closed my eye's and fainted....

as i finally started to open my eye's slowly and i got up i saw a black figure near me before i could even say something the figure started to come closer a bit and stopped and then said ''my child,looks like you are finally awake are you okay now''

as i looked closer the black figure the black figure became more and more closer it was a person dressed up in all black clothing whether it was a man or woman i couldn't tell but they were wearing a black veil but still there face was visible coal black eyes and a pale skin with face filled with scars.

are you okay my child..

[chuuya]huh? ,

wait what..?

seriously i literally asked you something can't you reply to it and what's with the dumb expression,..i can't believe you really are my vessel

[chuuya] wait what i can't understand what do you mean your vessel

seriously...your name's chuuya right


then your my vessel

chuuya look's at him with confused eye's

godd!... your the vessel of arahabaki the god of destruction right then your my vessel of do you understand now i am arahabaki

[chuuya] wait!wait! what but arahabaki doesn't look like this and even if he did how can i trust you that you are arahabaki you literally kidnapped me

[arahabaki] okay okay fine your so annoying kidnapped you why would i god of destruction kidnap a human and second of all i literally saved your life if it wasn't for me you would have died

[chuuya] died?

[arahabaki] yeah died idk the reason why you were on the verge of dying since i wasn't paying attention that time since i left and when i came back you were on a verge of dying if it weren't for me bringing you here you would have died and you didn't even thank me and started saying i kidnapped me

you know even if i am the god of destruction i still have feelings you know.

[chuuya] uuhh... sorry i guess

[arahabaki] whatever you should sleep now since you still need to recover

[chuuya] isn't there alot of thing's you still have to explain to me for example what's happening right now outside while i am here

[arahabaki] you don't need too worry time is stopped from outside since i brought you here

[chuuya] you can stop time!?

[arahabaki] well i don't have the power to stop time but i guess a friend of mine does so it's not that hard to threaten him to stop time...