
Chuunibyou Challenge!!

Chuunibyous are weirdos who believe in the supernatural. But, what's to say the supernatural doesn't exist? Matt Lewin, a former Chuuni, decides to live a normal life after a traumatic experience in High School. He becomes a college student and his life is going pretty smoothly... until he is once again thrust into the madness of his past. After meeting someone he used to know, Violet, he discovers the hidden truth of existence, and the role he has to play to protect it. The world is divided into two parallels; Reality and Fiction, and the barrier between the two is collapsing. It is now up to the very Chuunibyous who are despised by the world, to save it. Confronted with this very precarious choice, what path will Matt take? Will he continue his mundane college life? Or... will he join the Chuunibyou Challenge and save the world? * * * The first few chapters are slow-paced, but they build up to a very good payoff. I would advise readers to read the first five or six chapters before deciding whether they would like to continue.

Magecrafter · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
75 Chs

The Orientation Ends

"I have a regular life as Matt Lewin. I'm sure everyone else here has a life too, asides saving the world of course."

Matt just wanted to know how they would handle their everyday lives with this ultra-important Chuunibyou Challenge.

He knew he couldn't speak for everyone, but since the Chuunibyou Society made it mandatory that its members lived normally in society, that required them to have lives. With that in mind, wouldn't it be weird if the Chuunibyous had to vanish every time duty called?

Wouldn't that affect the very normal lives they were trying to live?

Matt didn't know about anyone else, but he didn't want this Chuunibyou business—despite how important it was—to seep into his normie life.

Absolutely not!

"You've raised a very good question. Honestly, your team leaders would have explained this to you even without you asking" Lucy answered.

'Then why bother telling us to ask you a question if you're gonna act like this?' Matt wanted to speak, but he decided to keep his thoughts to himself.

"Time flows differently in Outerverse. The ratio can vary depending on the Dungeon, but time usually flows faster there. The average calculations we've made show that you can spend a day in a Dungeon while barely an hour will pass in real life."

Lucy's words made Matt gasp in surprise. This was unbelievably convenient. If it was like this, then he could definitely juggle both lives

"And how long does it take to clear a Dungeon?" He asked excitedly.

"Well, it varies, but an average of—"

"Director, forgive me for interrupting, but you have already answered one of his questions." Noah's voice overlapped with Lucy's until she finally stopped.

Right before she revealed what Matt wanted to know!

"Y-you, what did you do that for?" Matt yelled, but White ignored him.

"Well, White has a point. Very well, we'll stop here. Your leaders will tell you anything else you need to know, anyway. Just be patient until then, okay?"

It wasn't like he had any other choice, so Matt simply answered with a disgruntled "Okay."

He glared angrily at White, realizing he was liking him less and less, the more he got to know him.

'First a cool guy, then a stuck-up dude, and now, I don't even know anymore.'

"As long as you three dilligently complete your missions, it won't adversely affect your regular lives. You also have team members and powerful leaders to guide you. I can guarantee that they will do their best to enhance your growth."

In the end, wasn't that the most important thing? That these three grew from newbies to powerful veterans in the Chuunibyou Society.

'Who knows, you might end up being team leaders yourselves.' Lucy thought with a smile.

"This concludes our meeting for today. After I leave, a door will open by the wall. Go through the door, and you'll meet the moderator who oversaw your exams today."

Matt shivered at the thought of seeing Rose, as he felt a little nervous about speaking to her again—especially after their fiery clash in the exams.

"She'll guide you to your respective locations. She'll also show you how to operate the Bridge back, so you can do it on your own next time."

'That means I'm going to experience teleportation for the very first time? Sweet!' Matt couldn't conceal his excitement.

Many crazy things had happened to him, and he honestly didn't know where and how to begin. However, despite the way his heart pounded violently within him, he was still excited for what was to come.

'I want to do this!' More than anything, he felt the strong urge to be a part of something bigger—something like this.

'I guess being a Chuunibyou isn't so bad, after all.' Matt smiled to himself.

That said, there was no way his friends were ever going to know about his escapades.

'I'd rather die!'




"Haaa… those kids."

As Lucy left the three newbies by going through the 'Door', she arrived at her office.

It was a massive space. The office had a vanilla and strawberry frosting theme. The frosty texture of her office walls had a delicate cream colour, and the pink decorations added a vibrance to the cream walls.

At the center of her office was her ornate mahogany desk. It was white, and definitely not an ordinary table made of wood. Lucy knew how many enhancements the piece of furniture had received so it wouldn't break apart easily—as did the previous ones.

This one had lasted over a month, though, that showed how durable it was.

Behind the desk was her chair—propped up to make her seem taller than she actually was, when seated.

This chair was made of the softest, comfiest wool and foam. Colored a stunning pink, the chair was alluring as always.

She didn't resist one bit!

It didn't take long for the director to take her seat. Once she did, she sighed contently, collapsing on the soft furniture. She leaned back against the chair, and her legs were comfortably placed on the table.

Now that she was all alone, she could act however she liked in her office.

"What a day…" Lucy murmured.

She had watched the exams from her office, even she had to admit how surprised she was by the results.

"That boy is a lot more skilled than I gave him credit for."

It was a good thing she already established contact with him, and that he decided to go down this path.

"But, due to his power, he's bound to attract a lot of attention—within the Society, and even outside it."

Lucy knew full well that their enemies had their eyes on the Society, and that their influence was growing steadily, despite their efforts. She also knew the boy in question was now her responsibility, and as the director, she had to protect him.

'I won't let them corrupt you, Voidbringer.' Why would she let them snatch such raw talent from her grasp?

With things getting more intense than earlier, and with the recent developments that required a great deal of power, Lucy knew she couldn't allow the enemy to get their filthy claws on her dark horse.

'He's ours for the greater good.'

That was all there was to it. And as for the other two, they would be quite useful as well. They would need all hands on deck for what was to come.

'What do you think, father?' Lucy smiled to herself and closed her eyes.

'Am I doing a good job in your stead?'