
Chapter 97: Jealousy

Mya and Erik returned home with blissful smiles on their faces, until they found Gregori waiting for them. Gregori's eyes roamed over her, noting the lack of her dress and how it had been replaced by Erik's tunic. Judging by his expression, he would give them approximately one minute to formulate an explanation or else he would pummel Erik, whether he was an older and thus more powerful vampire or not.

Together they constructed a lie, explaining that her dress had been ruined on her way to the cabin, and Mya sent Erik on his way. She and Gregori had made a deal after all, and the idea of not keeping her promise––especially after lying to him––filled her with guilt. He deserved better.

Telling her brother of her assault was both embarrassing and relieving. He did not judge her or criticize her or think she was weak. Rather, he understood, hugged her, and even through bared teeth he spoke the words that she did not realize she needed to hear.