
Chapter 87: Pact

Three more days had passed, and with each one Mya feared she was losing her mind. More gifts had been left outside her window: a book she had been coveting regarding the study of physiology, more herbs—the kind that only doctors were allowed to purchase—and a letter.

She had read that letter more times than she could count, and yet she found herself sitting on the chair beside the window with it in her hand, reading his scrawled penmanship once again.


I hope these herbs will assist you in your experiments. I expect to hear about them when I return. Please do not worry. Make sure to eat and sleep regularly. I will be with you soon, fagr skjaldmær min.

With all my love,


Mya rested her head against the window and sighed, her breath fogging the glass as she tightened her grip on the letter.

Where are you? Are you hurt? Are you in danger? Why will you not let me see you, Erik? Why will you not tell me what has happened?