
Chapter 59: Sap

Johanna and Luke had spent most of every day of the last month together. She couldn't remember ever laughing as much as she had in her time with him, nor feeling as warm and cared for as he made her feel. They ate together, and no matter how busy Luke got, he always stopped to cuddle and sleep with her. When Luke wasn't with her, he was off being a busybody, flitting around doing something to what he liked to call "their" house, or working for the firm. Then Daniella announced she was pregnant, and he added worrying over her to that list. It was adorable.

There was really only one problem with all of this. Multiple times a day he asked her what she wanted, as a way to remind her to check in with herself. As the days went on and he kept asking her that question, she kept having to stop herself from saying "you."