
Chapter 44: Conduit

Luke's eyes widened. "What?"

Astrid didn't turn to him. Instead she looked at Dani, her head cocked to the side in question. "I'm surprised you don't feel it too."

Dani's gaze shifted between Astrid and Luke. "Feel what?"

Astrid made a soft humming sound before she slowly twiddled her fingers a few inches above Johanna's body as if she was plucking the strings of an instrument. Astrid paused around Johanna's waist, near the wound that had almost killed her. "Ah I see. You were there when Luke brought her in. You helped save her."

"Yes, I did," Dani confirmed, her tone full of questions.

Instead of taking his earlier spot, Luke sat on the corner of the bed. He knew he was crowding Astrid, but for some reason he felt compelled to be as close to Johanna as possible. There was an electricity in the air, a call that made the hairs on his arms stand straight, and it called for him to protect his mate, even though he knew she was perfectly safe.