
Chapter 25: Mate

When morning came and she'd finally left Greg's warm embrace, Daniella felt relaxed. One could even say sated, as long as she managed not to stay too close to him, think about him too often, or what they had spent most of the night and early morning doing.

Making love with Gregori was everything she could have asked for and more than she could have ever imagined. According to him, it had also made her immortal. She was still human, but taking Greg as her mate gave her certain vampiric abilities, such as enhanced strength, speed, and immunity.

Daniella didn't feel any different, although Mya's movements seemed slower to her, like if she focused just enough, she could catch them out of the corner of her eye. Sometimes it even seemed like she hit harder, but true to Mya's word, even if she did, Mya would still have the upper hand. She was trained and honed for battle in a way Daniella was not, but she would be. She had to be.