
Chapter 22: Delicious

She gasped, her body still against his.

"Ella, is it so wrong for me to want to be everything you need? Everything you want? To give you everything you could ever desire?" He cupped her face. "Seeing you hurt destroys me."

"No, it's not wrong." She wrapped her arms around his neck, and her smile could have rivaled the sun. "But you've forgotten one thing. You already are all of those things for me, my everything."

Greg's lips clashed against hers. He pulled her to him, pushed against her. They twisted, yanked, fell against one another like a rising tide, but it wasn't enough. He'd gotten a taste of her, the way she felt when she'd allowed him to wander, and now he wanted more.

He kissed down the contours of her neck. Daniella held him close as he sucked and nibbled on her. When he bit her neck, stopping himself from puncturing her skin, she moaned.

"Soon," he whispered against her flesh, a promise to the both of them.