
Chapter 104: Betrayal

Mya was anxious the entire morning. She clung to Erik the moment she woke up, and he held her just as tightly. He promised her that he would come back to her, just as he always had. He told her she had no reason to worry, and when she explained the terrible sense of dread churning in her gut, he assured her he would be safe and everything would be fine. After all, how many battles had they fought together? How many times could the universe have tried to break them apart, and yet they were still standing together?

Mya couldn't argue with that. Logically, he was correct. Time after time, they had always made it through and only grown stronger. Yet the feeling stayed.

After she kissed him goodbye, she busied herself. He told her the meeting that would confirm the formation of The Council would be at 3:00 p.m. The location was only twenty minutes away. By 4:00 p.m. he would walk through the tavern doors, and all of this would be over. She just had to wait until then.