
Chronicles of the Lightning Wizard

Overpowered? Check! Transmigrator? Check! Golden Finger? Check! No Harem? Check! Low-Key MC? Check! Looking for a story with those qualities? Well… you have come to the right place! You don’t have to worry, the MC is truly low-key. He isn’t going to look for trouble out of nowhere. If he is, he’s going to hide his identity well. He wants to be the [Hidden Boss] after all… More serious synopsis: Awakening as an apprentice wizard within the Lightning Magic Tower of an unfamiliar world, Zack, an ordinary introvert, confronts a daunting reality: estranged from his loved ones, he faces an uncertain future. Yet, fate has granted him a unique boon—the coveted "golden finger." Little does Zack realize, this gift is no mere trinket but a key to grasp “Infinity”. Embark on an epic adventure alongside Zack as he explores this mysterious realm, delves into the arcane arts, and unravels the secrets of his newfound abilities. But amidst the magic and danger lies… the possibility of unexpected romance. Prepare to be spellbound as Zack's journey unfolds—a tale brimming with intrigue, enchantment, and the promise of limitless potential. Note: If you enjoy the story, consider supporting me on Patreon to help me keep writing. Plus, you'll receive access to 10 advance chapters! patreon.com/FantasyStories917

ImmortalThief · Fantaisie
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89 Chs

Fannie Advancement

The next day, Zack woke up with bloodshot eyes—or well, he couldn't really call it "waking up" since he hadn't slept a wink.

He glanced over at Fannie, who was still peacefully snoozing on his arm, her cheeks stained with tear marks. The swelling in her eyes had gone down, a perk of wizardly recovery that surpassed normal human capabilities.

Gently, he brushed his fingers over the tear stains on her cheeks, silently promising, 'I'll make sure you never have to shed tears like this again.'

His decision to accept Fannie's confession might have seemed sudden, but truth be told, he'd harbored fond feelings for her for a long time—though not in a romantic sense, more like family. The idea of spending his life with Fannie had actually crossed his mind ages ago.

Being in Mossley with her made him feel like he finally belonged somewhere. It was like stumbling upon an oasis after wandering the desert for ages. Amidst his relentless pursuit of magical knowledge, she provided a much-needed sanctuary.

His relentless drive to improve himself, both in knowledge and strength, stemmed from his burning desire to find a way back to his previous world. But he knew he couldn't keep pushing himself indefinitely. Deep down, he realized he needed a break, especially after his two-year stint as an apprentice in the tower.

Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that even if he took a break, he'd quickly find himself drawn back into the world of magic. Without giving his mind a breather every now and then, he feared it might crumble before he ever found a way back to his family.

So, finding and mentoring Fannie, along with all the banter and interaction, had actually been a lifeline for Zack. In the aftermath of the war, when his mind was in its darkest state, she'd been there for him. She'd given him a reason to keep going in this chaotic world—a home to return to.

Around her, he felt completely at ease, like he'd finally found his place in this world. The idea of spending his life with her didn't seem like a bad deal at all.

Seeing her after a decade, with her face changed by time, made him entertain a new possibility for the first time. What if they weren't just like family anymore? What if they became lovers, partners? In the past, when Fannie still had baby fat, he'd only ever seen her as a cute little sister. But now, with her matured appearance, he began to view her as a woman. Sure, he knew it was a bit superficial, but hey, humans are visual creatures, right?

But he quickly pushed that thought aside, fearing it might ruin the bond they already shared. Besides, he didn't see himself as worthy of her. He still saw himself as just a regular guy from Earth, while she was like a supermodel in comparison.

However, her heartfelt confession swept away all his doubts. He decided he was willing to give a romantic relationship with her a shot. If she ever regretted it, he'd step back without hesitation, putting her happiness above all else. However, he'd always be her protector, whether she wanted him as a lover or not. After all, he owed her his life, and that wasn't something he'd ever forget.

As for the dilemma of what he'd do once he found a way back to his world—whether he'd return to his family there or stay to protect Fannie in this world—well, that was a bridge he'd cross when he got to it. But right now, that seemed like a distant concern, something to worry about later down the line.

Lost in the moment, Zack gently caressed Fannie's cheeks, only for her eyes to suddenly flutter open. At first, they were bleary and unfocused, but as they locked onto his face, they sharpened with clarity. Then, the most radiant smile spread across her features, making Zack's heart skip a beat. Sunlight danced across her face, highlighting the strands of her glossy black hair and the smoothness of her skin. In that moment, looking at her, he couldn't help but think, 'Damn, she's gonna be the death of me.'

Pleased with the stunned expression on Zack's face, Fannie leaned in and planted a light kiss on his lips. Pulling back with a playful grin, she chirped, "Good morning, handsome."

This time, Zack snapped out of his daze faster, refusing to let Fannie tease him without consequences. With a mischievous grin, he maneuvered himself on top of her and began kissing her passionately. Both of them were inexperienced, stumbling through this new territory together. But, their love for each other was all that mattered.

After lounging in bed for a while, Zack and Fannie finally dragged themselves up and headed down to the tavern for breakfast. Once they'd filled their stomachs, they returned to their room, where Zack broached the topic of Fannie advancing to level 2.

He laid out all the level 2 spells he could recall from memory, allowing Fannie to choose one. Since Zack had already introduced her to some core level 2 spells before his time at the tower, she had a decent idea of what she wanted as her innate spell.

True to form, she opted for another defensive spell—[Lightning Sanctuary]. This spell essentially created a protective bubble around her, spanning a 20-meter radius, primarily for sensing and warding off incoming threats before they could reach her.

Compared to [Thunder Armor], this spell was a notch above. It not only deflected attacks but could also repel stronger spells and even provided additional buffs to the caster. It was undoubtedly one of the most potent level 2 spells out there, albeit with a high degree of complexity. Thankfully, with Fannie's talent, she had already mastered it two years prior.

Eager to get started, Zack handed over the magic circle to Fannie and set out to locate a lightning mana ley line, also known as a magic vein, to aid her advancement. For the next two months, they scoured the land in search of a magic vein with sufficient mana concentration. With Zack's mana gathering formation, they managed to boost the concentration to nearly fifty times the usual amount—a feat they hoped would be enough for Fannie's advancement.

The level 2 magic beast guarding the spot didn't stand a chance against Zack's powerful spell—it was toast in no time. Sure, Fannie could have handled it solo, but they were on a tight schedule to get Fannie advanced as soon as possible. Plus, Fannie had racked up enough fight experience dealing with level 2 powerhouses in recent years.

Zack stood watch as Fannie underwent her advancement. Ten days later, a swirling vortex of mana began to form around her, steadily expanding until it reached a whopping 100-meter radius. A month later, Fannie successfully completed her advancement. They spent the next week consolidating her newfound power before hitting the road again.

This time, Zack was dead set on fulfilling his second main goal outside the tower: annihilating that bloody saintess once and for all. Not only would it rid Fannie of a major threat, but it would also serve as his revenge. It felt like killing two birds with one stone.

This was the first time Zack felt a true thirst for blood, a deep desire to end someone's life. He knew it was morally wrong, but the memory of the saintess destroying Mossley, causing the deaths of millions, haunted his dreams. The anger and helplessness he felt as he witnessed the city's destruction became a constant mental torment, a demon he couldn't ignore. Ignoring it could lead to dangerous magical backlashes during his meditations.

In any case, after witnessing the saintess's prowess during the war at Mossley, he was confident in his ability to overpower her. With his mastery of spells and his vast reservoir of mana, he felt ready to confront her and bring her to justice.

He had a cunning plan: Since Fannie seemed to attract trouble from the Holy Empire Forces like a magnet, he'd stick close to her, knowing they'd eventually run into a level 3 powerhouse. The only downside was they wouldn't know which level 3 powerhouse they'd encounter. To tilt the odds in their favor, they bought intel on the general whereabouts of the saintess from the black market and decided to hang around that area.

According to the sketchy info they acquired, there were only two level 3 powerhouses in the Fulminar territory—the saintess and the grand paladin overseeing the invasion. Meanwhile, the Pope was kicking it back in the Holy Empire.

Zack and Fannie made their way to Altenfeld, a bustling city on the eastern side of the Fulminar Empire. They figured it would be the perfect base as they roamed around, hoping to cross paths with the saintess. As it turned out, the saintess tended to stick to the eastern side of the Fulminar Empire, specifically in the Winterflow Duchy.

The Winterflow family, once a formidable force, had seen better days since the death of their eastern guardian in the Great War a decade ago. Instead of swiftly appointing a new family head, they got caught up in a messy power struggle among heirs. This internal strife allowed the Holy Empire enough time to infiltrate the territory and gradually seize control.

Rumors swirled about the Holy Empire's hand in prolonging the Winterflow family's internal conflict, giving them the opportunity to sneak in their forces unnoticed. By the time the Winterflow family realized what was happening, the Holy Empire had already gained a foothold. Despite their best efforts, aided by the magic towers, they struggled to fend off the Holy Empire's advances.

The saintess's presence in the area added to the Winterflow family's woes, as she worked to suppress any resistance from both the family and the magic towers. Without another level 3 powerhouse to bolster their defense, the odds were heavily stacked against them. The fact that they managed to hold out for a decade after the war was nothing short of miraculous.

But with casualties slowly piling up, it was clear that the Winterflow family and the magic towers wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. The situation was dire, and Zack and Fannie were about to wade into the thick of it.

With a heavy sigh, Zack ran a hand through his hair, mulling over the information they'd acquired from the black market. They'd arrived just in time; if the Winterflow family fell, the entire eastern side of the Fulminar Empire would crumble under the Holy Empire's control.

Unlike the western, southern, and northern guardian families, the eastern guardians—the Winterflow family—had lost their head in the war, leaving them vulnerable. Once the Holy Empire seized control of the eastern territory, they'd have a strategic base to launch further attacks, hastening the fall of the Fulminar Empire. Well, let's face it, with the southern fortress cities already lost in the Great War, the Fulminar Empire didn't stand much of a chance to begin with.

But Zack wasn't about to let that happen. Oh no, not him! He, Zack the great transmigrator, had other plans. Freshly advanced to level 2, he already felt like he could take on a level 3 powerhouse. And once he mastered level 3 spells? Well, then all those level 3 powerhouses would be bowing at his feet.


Ahem... Zack cleared his throat, noticing Fannie's amused yet pitying gaze. "Okay, okay, I know I'm getting carried away," he admitted, feeling a bit sheepish. "But seriously, Fannie, why do you look at me like I'm hopeless? Hey! Stopped walking away! Explain!"

Anyway, back to the Fulminar Empire predicament. Zack wasn't aiming for world domination or anything like that. His goal was simple: to protect the lightning magic tower, the source of his power, and his most precious person, Fannie.

Once the dust settled, Zack envisioned himself happily lurking in the shadows, delving into magical research behind the scenes. He'd emerge only when necessary to protect the magic towers and Fannie from impending threats. But he had no intention of using his real identity—nope, he was aiming to become a covert figure, a hidden boss of sorts. That way, he could avoid all the fame and trouble that came with revealing himself.

Just imagine—defeating villains incognito, then slipping back into his research and, well, getting a little lovey-dovey with his better half. Sounds pretty sweet, right?

Anyway, back to the grind. Over the next few months, Zack mapped out a routine: six days of intense study and rest in Altenfeld, followed by one day of exploration with Fannie, all in the hopes of tracking down the saintess. This cycle would repeat each week until they finally found her.