
Chronicles of the Interdimensional Ruler

Long ago, before the age of heroes existed, before even the gods cast their gaze upon Genkai, there was a man. Bloodshed filled the land as a result of greed, and lust for power, however, everything changed when he came. The Great Titan Jolvomoth Fell as the man chased after the other cataclysmic entities, disappearing from the universe entirely.

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Invasion of the heavens

<p>Three women, each beautiful in their own right sat on the floor, doing their best to cover their naked frames. The first woman was one with long black hair and violet eyes that stared up at Artorius with both fear, and shock. Her body was curvaceous, having an impressive rack with a rear that while not as impressive as some Artorius had seen, was indeed big.<br/><br/>"Hmm, such a beautiful face, yet I can tell just by a glance that your personality is horrid." Artorius didn't hesitate to insult the fallen angel, glaring at her in disgust. He was already beginning to contemplate his choice of reviving the woman, but swore he'd see his decision through thoroughly.<br/><br/>The woman did not respond, still too shocked to even think. Artorius turned his attention to the two other women, the first of which was even curvier than the first. Her long locks of dark blue hair reach down past her back. Her yellow eyes darted around the room, unsettled by the sudden Awakening. Unlike the first Fallen Angel, she made no attempts to cover her body, instead she held her head, looking between the black haired fallen angel, and the other woman, who looked more like a child with blonde messy hair than a woman.<br/><br/>"Pleiades, your presence is required," Artorius said calmly. In less than a second, seven women appeared. All of them were adorned in maid outfits, with each having their own twist on it. It was very apparent by their auras that not a single one of them were human. All seven women knelt down, showing the upmost respect for who they perceived as their master. "The Pleiades have arrived at your request, Lord Sanctus," Yuri Alpha, the Vice Captain of the maids said, maintaining a neutral tone of voice as she spoke. "Three new recruits, first one is the one with black hair, Raynare, nasty cunt, second one is the blue haired one, Kalawarna. She's relatively tame, but still needs 'fixing,' and lastly is the midget over there, Mittelt. Out of the three, she's probably the most sadistic one, so don't go easy on her, though, I wouldn't expect any of you to show mercy."<br/><br/>All three fallen angels were surprised by the fact that he knew of their names, not realizing that he had read their memories. "Be sure to break them down before you build them back up." Yuri alongside the rest of the maids nodded, before they grabbed a hold of the women's arms, dragging them through rifts that opened up. Only one of the Pleiades remained after the rifts close, that being of Solution Epsilon, one of the most beautiful, and dangerous members of the Pleiades. "Hm? Do you have something you wish to tell me, Solution?"<br/><br/>solution fidgeted around with her blonde, spiraled hair before reaching into her bosom, retrieving a scroll. "King Zenos of the Southern Kingdom has requested to speak to you, and the gods staying in Genkai have begun to immigrate down to Tenkai," she said before bringing the scroll to Artorius.<br/><br/>The smell of Solution's perfume, or rather her natural slime odor reached the nose of Artorius, making him smile at the smell of fruit. Artorius thanked the Slime girl, before opening the scroll.<br/><br/>"To the King of Sanctus, and ruler of the seven heavens, and hell, it is with great joy that I write to you today. With the establishment of the Parliament in both the Northern, and Southern kingdoms, tension has been at an all time low, allowing for the progression of demons, and demonic-based species to progress and prosper, and for that, I give thanks. With all the good that has been happening, I feel saddened that I need bring to you unfortunate news."<br/><br/>"The Gods of Tenkai have begun to migrate down to Genkai."<br/><br/>Although he had just heard from Solution about the gods, he couldn't help but feel irritation setting in.<br/><br/>What right had the gods to roam around his domain?<br/><br/>It was something he would remember. The intrusion upon his lands was something he did not tolerate, even more so from a bunch of incompetent gods who, instead of helping the mortals down below, watched in entertainment as they were swarmed with monsters.<br/><br/>Truly, there would be blood to pay for such a crime.<br/><br/>Noticing the sudden influx of Artorius' aura, Solution, Albedo, and Gabriel all prepared themselves mentally for what was to come. Seeing Artorius lose his temper was something that was uncommon, it was even more uncommon to feel the spiritual change. "Lord Sanctus," Gabriel Said, opting to take the role of her position seriously. "Should I tell Samael, and Michael to ready their garrisons?" She asked with a serious tone, while Albedo had already mentally given out commands to those within her circle. "That won't be necessary. If they wish to roam my lands, then they will do it as mortals."<br/><br/>Artorius bit his thumb, drawing blood before using the red liquid to trace a a symbol upon the air. After a minute of drawing, the symbol of a reaper was shown.<br/><br/>"Crudelissimum mortale fatum sit." Artorius chanted, before the symbol of the reaper glowed. It disappeared shortly after, leaving The three women in wonder of what Artorius had done. "Problem solved," he said, still maintaining his neutral tone. "Gabriel, Albedo, you're free to whatever you want. Just don't cause trouble." Both women nodded in unison, a smile appearing on both of their faces. "Can I visit this world's Heaven?" Gabriel asked. Not knowing her intentions, Artorius nodded. What's the worst that she could do?<br/><br/>Gabriel quickly disappeared in a flash of golden light, leaving behind a few white feathers from her wings. Solution withdrew cleaning agents from her body, before getting to work. It was clear to Artorius that she did not want to teach or even deal with the fallen angel trio, leaving her only one option to occupy her time.<br/><br/>Clean.<br/><br/>It was her duties as a maid to clean, so she decided she would. Albedo on the other hand simply wanted to stay beside Artorius. Her instincts as a succubus, and more importantly, as a woman made her want nothing more than to stay beside him.<br/><br/>Power oftentimes attracts power good and bad. With all need for conversation finished, Artorius walked upstairs, letting the Succubus follow him, before sitting down in the middle of his bedroom. "It's time to begin tracking," he said as he straightened his back and closed his eyes. a golden hue began to emit from his person, seeping into the house's structure. There was a long moment of silence as Artorius settled into scanning the world, before his golden light quickly shifted to a black miasmic substance. His hair which has always been a bright blonde faded to a dull tone as his blue eyes turned to gold. His pupils dilated until they turned to slits.<br/><br/>Compared to his normal form, his current one oozed with power, much much stronger than his holy powers. The feeling of bloodlust, rage, and wrath emanated from his very being as his mind expanded across all of Japan, even going as far as to pierce the heavens of Which the divine stayed within. The appearance of many divine figures, ranging from the Greek pantheon's to Norse all felt the spiritual invasion, turning to the source of power. Of course their heavens were separated, based entirely on their lore, which meant that Artorius had been dividing his conscience to go to each pantheon.<br/><br/>In Asgard, the old Norse God, Odin, turned to look at a wall, feeling the holy, yet wrathful aura of Artorius. It was an aura that shouldn't have existed in their world. No one should be capable of housing such divinities, yet as he looked, he couldn't help but nod his head as a sign of respect. Confusing the young, white-haited Valkyrie who had been guarding him all day. "All Father, what is it?" the young lady asked.<br/><br/>"We have been invaded."<br/><br/>In other corners of the world, Gods were saying the same thing, both in awe of the power, and disgusted by it. Their attempts to view where the origin of such a power came from were denied, their divinities vanishing momentarily as the replacement for Yahweh forcefully scanned through their memories, checking for any signs of the titan he had been hunting.<br/><br/>If course, none of the gods at the time had any inclination as to what was happening. Had they known that their memories, and secrets had been acquired by someone, they might've just engaged in a war with whoever was responsible.<br/><br/>Gods tended to be childish like that.<br/><br/>Not every god was within Artorius' reach. For example, gods of death, and life were usually always in their own realms, carrying out their duties, while Gods of mischief, and trickery could simply put their divinities to work to conceal their location.<br/><br/>After getting all the information he desired from the deities, he withdrew from their realms, leaving many of them in wonder of just who would do something as daring as what had just happened.</p>