
Chronicles of the Interdimensional Ruler

Long ago, before the age of heroes existed, before even the gods cast their gaze upon Genkai, there was a man. Bloodshed filled the land as a result of greed, and lust for power, however, everything changed when he came. The Great Titan Jolvomoth Fell as the man chased after the other cataclysmic entities, disappearing from the universe entirely.

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(A/N: Info dump. Don't complain. I look for actual feedback, not some cunt's rant about Artorius' stereotypes)


The multiverse theory has been presented in multiple books, blogs, etc, so it was hard to find someone who did not have an idea of what the multiverse was theorized to be. "Yes, Alternate worlds, as in the multiverse. it's quite an expensive thing, I must say, so expansive that not even I can comprehend just how many worlds there are, and I am considered a universal threat by that giant red lizard in the void."

Everyone in the room was confused as to who Artorius spoke about, excluding the dragon dwelling within Aika's gauntlet who chose to remain silent. Asia, after listening to him speak about how he met God, was sparkling with excitement.

"What is he like? Is he as great as the Bible makes him out to be? No, the Bible cannot describe his holi-" Artorius pushed a finger to Asia's lips, quieting her down. "I truly hate to break it to you, since you seem like a nice girl, but the God I knew was a hypocrite who failed at doing his duty. I mean, he was a nice guy and all, but he went against his own beliefs on a. regular basis. It didn't help that while my people were suffering from the constant flow of monsters flowing from a cursed pit, he and all the other gods were in heaven watching with amusement."

His phrasing was rather rude, however, his tone remained neutral, as if he was simply speaking the truth. "I'm not sure how your God here is, but mine died because of his creations, and I've been having to clean up the mess he left behind. Taxing work for a young man such as myself," he said leaning back in his chair as he looked toward the ceiling.

"The Titans, I heard you mention something about it at the engagement party yesterday," The ever quiet Koneko said, speaking up. "What are they?"

Artorius hummed before closing his eyes. "It's hard to explain without first explaining the powers they possess, and where said powers come from. I suppose I can explain it when Miss Gremory comes back. I've already shared a lot without her here."

As if on cue, Rias walked back into the room, a smile on her face as she sat back in her seat. "Your home will be ready by the end of the hour. Had to pay them extra to get it done today," she said, looking quite proud of herself. "That's great, Miss Gremory. I was just sharing some of my history with your... Hmm, is it peerage or chess pieces, I can't seem to remember which."

"Peerage. We just so happen to use chess pieces to convert them into devils," she said before taking a sip of her now cold tea. "Hmm hmm... I suppose I can let the others catch you up on what I've told them later on. I need to answer the young lady's question," he said, smiling at Koneko.

"The first important thing to know before I can explain Titans, is the root of all realities. It is all of creation, a force that is immeasurable by anything in existence because of the fact that it is an infinite entity. Everything in this reality, and all others come directly from The Root."

rias listened intently, wondering just what she had missed to get to this point. "So, it is creation?" She asked. "Ehh, that's kind of iffy. It has the concept of creation within its existence, however it also has destruction. I'd say it more lines up with life itself. Anyways, that's a whole nother debacle that I cannot answer confidently," He said before continuing on.

"All of us come from The Root. Gods, demons, humans, all of them are in essence the same, just some are more exposed to the roots powers than others."

"Excuse me Mister Sanctus, but how does this relate to these Titans you've spoken of?" Asia asked. "Yeah! Why are they so important if they're technically the same as us?" Aika joined in.

"That's the thing, Titans are not from the root. It's similar to Newton's third law. For Every action in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The root is not excused from that."

"Ah, so what you're saying is that they're is a counterforce to the root, and the Titans are a part of that force." Akeno surmised. "Exactly. The god of my world was a fool. In his attempt to create the perfect being, he dabbled in that counter force, which I refer to as The Void." Asia appeared slightly disturbed at the notion that God would ever dabble in something she would consider "unholy," but she kept in mind that the god of her world, and the god of Artorius' were completely different beings.

"He created the Titans accidentally, cursing my world with an even greater threat than before. The Titans did not spare him, piercing his heart before throwing him out of Tenkai down to the mortal world, and that's how I met him."

"So... What happened next?" Rias asked, still somewhat confused as to what he was even on about. "Well, I figured you all would know. I met the god, he gave me his power, memories and authority before he left, and left me with a kingdom of stuck up Angels, who I had to beat the shit out of to make them understand their faults. If you want specifics, you're out of luck, because honestly, all of that happened in a short span of time. Can't even remember the Archangels that served Yahweh."

Everyone besides Asia and Aika were quite a bit skeptical of his story. "If you've inherited his powers, surely you have wings, a halo or something that you could show," Kiba said, with a smile that did not reach his gaze. "Of course, here you go." Eight pairs of white feathery wings sprouted from Artorius' back as a white halo appeared over his head. The amount of holy power that was being let out suffocated everyone in the room, before Artorius snapped his fingers.

Each of the devil's present quickly acclimated to the holy power, thanks to Artorius as they stared in awe. "Oh, Lord- OW!" Asia winced in pain as the heavenly system of the world punished her for saying one of God's titles. "Yeah, not a big fan of the wings, to be honest. they're cumbersome, and unnecessary, since I can fly without them." He withdrew his presence, reeling it all in as the wings disappeared to who knows where. "The halo is fun to use as a throwing disc, though it tends to just cut through any matter. Don't ask me how I know."

There was a long silence as everyone processed what had just happened, before the door burst open, revealing what Artorius could only assume to be more Devils. "Rias, are you okay!?" the leader of the group asked, as every single member of her group held magical weapons, and or magic circles on the ready. Before Rias could answer, two magical circles appeared as Sona's Sister, Serafall, Rias' brother Sirzechs, and Three Archangels appeared, creating a tense atmosphere. "Father!?" The Archangel Michael yelled, only making Artorius uncomfortable.

"No no no, I'm not your father, so please, never call me that again," he responded, put off at the idea. "T-Then-"

"What're Angels doing in Devil territory?" Serafall asked with a serious tone. Her clothes were that of her usual Satan Uniform, which was uncharacteristic in the younger devil's opinions. "Alright, well, this feels like a shit show. How about we all just calm down and take a seat. From the memories I scanned from the big ol Lucifer over there, you guys always seem on the cusp of mutually assured destruction."

His tone wasn't that of someone giving them a suggestion, but rather he was commanding them. As much as they wanted to resist, it seemed that his words had a strange power to them, making their bodies comply, despite their minds saying otherwise.

Seats manifested in the room, giving everyone an opportunity to sit down. The three Archangels were sat directly across from the Two Satan's while Rias, Sona, and their peerages sat in the back.

"Okay, now that everyone is seated, let me just apologize for scaring you Satans, and the gal in the back. I was demonstrating something for Rias and her friends," Artorius admitted. "And like I said before, I'm not your dad. Please don't call me that ever again." Michael alongside Uriel, and Gabriel all bowed to apologize, Michael having an embarrassed look on his face as he did, before turning to Serafall and Sirzechs. "I apologize for entering your territory without permission. It's just... Well, you know how it is."

"Hmph, had you done something to my adorable So-Tan, I would've annihilated heaven," Serafall Huffed, slightly embarrassing Sona. "I suppose we can look past this, however, Zekram may not be so kind."

"Hate that old bastard," Serafall muttered under her breath. "Hmm hmm, sounds like your own problem. Simple solution, kill the guy. Problem solved," Artorius said, which wouldn't solve anything at all.

With that sentence spoken, it became very evident that any chance of him being the angels father diminished to near zero. Serafall smirked at his suggestion. "Oh, I like your thinking, but we can't. He has too much influence as it is. If any of us were to kill him, the underworld would retaliate," she sighed, pouting as she thought about a world without the old man.

"Well, anyways," Artorius stood up from his seat before continuing. "I'm heading out toward my home. Any explanation can be done by Rias and her peerage, as I don't want to repeat myself."

"What about the address? I assume you'll be needing that*" Rias replied. "Already got it from your thoughts. You need to get your head out of the gutter, hun," he teased before disappearing, leaving both angels and devils in the room.