
Chronicles of the Interdimensional Ruler

Long ago, before the age of heroes existed, before even the gods cast their gaze upon Genkai, there was a man. Bloodshed filled the land as a result of greed, and lust for power, however, everything changed when he came. The Great Titan Jolvomoth Fell as the man chased after the other cataclysmic entities, disappearing from the universe entirely.

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6 Chs

Annoying Women

The trip to Artorius' home was instantaneous, as he appeared directly in front of it. The lingering feeling of mana was still present in the building, indicating that they had just finished the house. At least, it was supposed to be a house.

"Fucking ey." The sheer size of the residence was something he did not expect. It resembled a Victorian mansion, being three stories, all painted with a blueberry blue with a wisteria undertone to it. It truly was quite a sight. "Over the top extravagance that I do not desire whatsoever," he sighed, but walked into the house nonetheless. It was impolite to complain about a gift after all.

Looking around the house, he could tell that Rias had went all out with furniture and designs. The place had an old historic feeling to it, despite it being brand new, yet, Artorius couldn't help but wince at the amount of summoning circles drawn on the floor. Truly, the Gremory child was a bit too obsessed with him.

Without much effort, Artorius dispelled the excessive amounts of magic circles, before carving into the wooden foundations of the house a barrier keeping anyone undesirable from bothering him. After finishing up his basic defenses, he brought forth the same demon he'd created when he crashed the Phenex's party. "Hmm, what to name you..." He thought about names for the demonic beast before finally settling on one name. "Your name is now Bob. The world will come to fear such a name," he said before patting the beast's head, watching it change its form to that similar to a Great Dane. From its mouth down to its ribs, there's a slice splitting the body in half, yet it holds together as if the two pieces were magnetic to each other. From the open gash radiates crimson flames, which becomes far more pronounced once one looks at its head, taking the place of the hound's eyes, and teeth.

It let out what any normal person would consider a horrifying screech as it responded to Artorius. "Good Bob," Artorius praised the demonic hound before continuing. "This place is in need of custodial staff. I would much prefer to leave the angels out of it, since outside of fighting, and singing, they're incapable." He scratched the hound's head, before issuing a command. "Fetch me some souls."

For as talented as Artorius was, creating life wasn't something he was an expert at. Yes, he could create demons easily, without even blinking an eye, but that was because demons were innately tied to sin, a concept that he was familiar with from his time as a prince. Bob let out another screech before his form shifted to that of a normal Great Dane, looking familiar to a certain talking dog.

It disappeared, leaving no traces behind as it began its hunt for souls that had not moved onto their respective afterlifes.

"With that out of the way, how about you show yourself, Deity," he said as he faced away from the door. There was a long moment of silence, before Artorius pointed his palm toward the front door, a star similar to the one he formed at the phenec party manifested in his hand. A light enveloped the room momentarily before a woman appeared. Long brown hair flowed freely down her back as a pair of brown, fuzzy fox ears twitched momentarily. More and more of her appearance revealed itself as the light disappeared, showing a woman that looked to be in her mid twenties with crimson eyes, pale skin, and a black oriental kimono with flowers made of fine, red silk.

Nine fox tails protruded from her back side, the fur being the same color as the hair atop her head. Her pale, pink lips showed a frown as she looked toward Artorius. "You threaten me on my own land? Perhaps I should just incin-" Two golden spears were pushed against her neck as two figures appeared, encased in golden armor that was engraved with runes from head to toe. three pairs of white, feathery wings protruded from the person on the right, while the being on the left was the opposite, having on singular pair of black wings, similar to that for the fallen angels from this world. If their power were to be measured by this world's standards, they were easily on a level similar to that of lower gods. "How dare such an insignificant woman threaten MY Lord!?" The angel on the right side of the kitsune said, malice practically oozing from her very being, much to the discomfort of the kitsune.

A frown formed on Artorius' face before calling out to both Demon, and Angel. "Albedo, Gabriel, dismissed." His tone was laced with disappointment for both of them, making them twitch. "B-But," Gabriel wanted to protest, only for a portal to appear, sucking both her and Albedo inside. "Apologies. Angels tend to be a bit protective, and well, Succubus tend to like to suck from one source," he said before closing off the portal.

The tension that was once in the room was completely diffused by the two individuals flying into the portal, leaving an awkward atmosphere. "Tea?" Artorius asked. "That wasn't the Gabriel I've heard of," The goddess asked, completely skipping past Artorius question. "Tea?" He asked again, receiving a blank stare from the goddess. "Your king is being polite right now. If you intend to stare at me like a bumbling bafoon, you're free to leave," he finally said, losing more and more of his patience by the second.

"What're you doing on my land?" The goddess said with an accusatory tone. "I gave the devil's permission in exchange for resources, however, I never permitted your heaven, God."

"The name's Artorius Sanctus, and you will speak respectfully in my home, lest you wish to have that pretty face of yours torn off."

Everything The goddess had ever heard about the God of the Bible displayed him as both kinda, but wrathful, yet never in all her years of living had she heard of God threatening to rip someone's face off. "Excuse me?" She really didn't know how to respond to such a threat. Never in her years had she been disrespected on her own land. The lack of experience left her speechless, unable to formulate a response, before she appeared outside of Artorius house.

She attempted to manifest inside, but was denied. 'What!? But this is my land. I can manifest wherever I want on it!" She shouted, pissed off and confused as to why she was being denied entry, before words began to be carved into the very air in front of her.

"Fuck off, cunt." the message read, quickly disappearing shortly after, leaving the goddess once again speechless.

"She didn't take up my offer, so she doesn't get any of my time," Artorius said to himself, having no regrets for the way he treated the goddess.

'All gods behave like children anyways. There's no point in holding a conversation with a upset toddler.'

'Hmm, but Amaterasu. I'm sure I'll have to deal with her later on.' He sighed, deciding it best to finally dish out a punishment to the pair of feathered idiots. A portal similar to the one that sucked the two women up appeared, spitting both out as the knelt down on the ground, holding their stomachs. "Armor off ladies, he ordered, no hint of emotion I'm his voice.

Both complied, dismissing their armor as their figures were revealed. Albedo, the one with the black feathers had long hair that matched her wing's shade of black. Two horns protruded from her head, curving around to the front of her forehead. Her pale skin paired with her golden colored eyes and slitted pupils, gave off the appearance of a sickly person, yet there was a beauty to her that cannot be described.

looking lower, one could see her curvaceous figure hidden behind a tight white silk dress with golden colored decorations. "Lord Sanctus!" She said with glee, before noticing the gaze he was giving her, quieting down as the feeling of anxiety began to ache in her heart.

To the left of Albedo was a woman who looked like the exact opposite of the succubus. Instead of long black hair, the woman had short white strands that matched her three pairs of white wings. Her ice blue eyes looked at Artorius with both respect, and love, something that Artorius could not reciprocate to her as of yet. Her breasts were smaller than Albedo's however they were still big by normal standards, alongside her rear. A black, gothic styled dress left a lot to the imagination, having a long, frilly black skirt that reached down to her ankles. while her sleeves were also loose. She chose not to speak, understanding that Artorius was not happy with the pair.

"Who gave you permission to leave Heaven, Gabriel?" He decided to start with the Angel, knowing very well that Albedo was only a follower in this instance.

"W-Well, I did, Art- Ahem... Lord Sanctus," she stuttered, not able to look him in the eyes. "You gave yourself permission to leave heaven. Since when did you have that authority?"

"Never, Lord Sanctus..." She said with a depressing tone. "Gabriel, do you understand why I do not allow you to leave heaven? Why you cannot explore the other parts of my kingdom yet? It's because you're not emotionally stable." His words were like knives piercing fleshing, causing the Angel's wings to droop low to the ground. She looked down. "But... I love you," she said.

"There's a difference between love, and obsession Gabriel. You are still hurt from the death of your father. You're only 'in love' with me because you haven't gotten past the grief."

There was silence as Albedo cast a glance at Gabriel, feeling genuinely bad about the woman's history. They were polar opposite in nearly everything, but after Artorius bridged the gap between hell and heaven, they began to understand one another. "I'm sorry, Lord Sanctus, but you are being to harsh on her. Yes, she's hurt, but you can't throw away a woman's genuine feelings!"

She spoke out of term, knowing very well that their may be a punishment awaiting her. Both succubus and angel waited for his ruling, only to receive a sigh. "I apologize," he said, rubbing the silk-like hair of both women. "I'm harsh, because you need to grow, not in strength, or in appearance, but emotionally, Gabriel. You let your emotions control your actions, and we both have first hand experience of what happens when someone is solely controlled by such a thing."

"I'm sorry," Gabriel said, feeling a little better about the situation, but still hurt at the reminder of her father's death. "Apologize to your father. He entrusted me with you, and the rest of heaven," Artorius said before continuing. "Listen, you're free to go wherever you want, but you must take precaution. The last thing I want is to have to bury another person that I care about."

Gabriel wings flapped happily, before Artorius added one last bit. "And lose the fucking attitude, you yandere. I don't need you to defend me from someone obviously weaker than me."

"YES!" She shouted, finally standing up before trying to go in for a hug, only for Bob to appear, blocking the Angel's attempt. "Ah, so you're back. I take it those three souls were the only ones you could find?" Artorius asked the hound, earning a screech in response. "Well, good job," he said, before scratching its head. It gave out one last screech before disappearing.

Three tainted souls floated in front of Artorius. He could tell they used to be pure, yet they lost themselves. He was disgusted, primarily because of just how thick the layers of corruption was on the soul's shell, however, upon looking deeper, he could see the remnants of purity, a small little ball of bright white that had fought off the corruption for what could've potentially been hundreds, if not thousands of years.

"So this is how this world's Yahweh punishes his children," a tone of disgust resonated in the room as Gabriel and Albedo looked at the souls. Despite her father's flaws, he had never once did something so cruel to them. Not even Samael, who had led a revolt against him was punished to such a cruel degree.

With the death of God, and the instability of both Heaven and the underworld, there was no place for these souls to go. It was either remain in the living world in limbo, or fade from existence, not that the three souls had a choice.

"There's still hope for them, as tiny a chance as it is, I am interested in seeing if they can overcome the corruption." Artorius extended his hand forward, a cross made of golden light manifesting under each of the souls. "You, who have lost everything. Become mine." The house was engulfed in the light of the three crosses, before flesh began to sprout from the crosses, gradually forming the bodies of three women.

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