
Chronicles of the Farmer Son

John, a young farmer's son, yearns for excitement and adventure. His dreams come true when he embarks on a thrilling journey alongside his companions, Sarah, Thomas, and Elara. Together, they face numerous challenges and obstacles, testing their courage and resilience. From treacherous landscapes to encounters with mythical creatures, the group navigates through a world filled with danger and wonder. Along the way, they discover the true meaning of friendship, loyalty, and the power of believing in oneself. Join John and his friends as they embark on an unforgettable adventure in this captivating tale.

Wendell_8792 · Fantaisie
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76 Chs

chapter 61

Chapter 61: The Plot Against John

As the protectors of the scrolls and their allies prepared for their next move, little did they know that Black Skull's treachery still loomed. Black Skull, though defeated, had devised a sinister plot against John, the heart of their alliance.

Deep within the confines of his hidden lair, Black Skull conjured dark energies, forming a mystical projection of himself. His eyes burned with malice as he spoke to his loyal followers, including Red Serpent.

Black Skull: "Listen, my faithful servants. The defeat I suffered at the hands of the protectors was but a minor setback. It is time to turn the tide in our favor."

Red Serpent, with a cruel smile, stepped forward.

Red Serpent: "What do you have in mind, Black Skull? How can we bring down the protector named John?"

Black Skull's projection flickered with wicked delight.

Black Skull: "John is the backbone of their unity. If we can weaken him, their alliance will crumble. I have discovered a way to exploit his deepest fears and vulnerabilities."

One of the witches, eyes ablaze with anticipation, clutched her staff tightly.

Witch: "Tell us, Master Black Skull. What must we do to unleash chaos upon his soul?"

Black Skull's projection looked into the eyes of his followers, his voice dripping with malice.

Black Skull: "We shall delve into his past, unearthing the pain and regret that lie hidden within his heart. We will bring those memories to life, tormenting him until he is weakened and vulnerable."

Red Serpent, understanding the weight of this plan, grinned with wicked satisfaction.

Red Serpent: "And what of his allies? How do we deal with them while we target John?"

Black Skull's projection turned its attention to Red Serpent, a twisted smile on its face.

Black Skull: "You and your followers shall infiltrate their ranks, sewing the seeds of doubt and discord. Exploit their fears, manipulate their trust, and watch as their unity unravels."

The necromancer, eager to contribute to the plan, stepped forward.

Necromancer: "And what if they resist? What if they refuse to crumble under our influence?"

Black Skull's laugh echoed through the lair, filled with a chilling madness.

Black Skull: "Then we shall break them. Crush their spirits, unleash our dark forces upon them. They will learn the futility of resisting the inevitable darkness."

With their plan set in motion, Black Skull and his allies reveled in their wicked schemes. Unbeknownst to the protectors, the darkness was gathering, ready to strike at the heart of their alliance.

The chronicles of the farmer's son were about to bear witness to a battle not only against external forces of evil but also against the internal struggles of their own souls. The protectors would be put to the ultimate test, and they had to endure the trials to come if they were to protect the ancient knowledge and preserve the light.