
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Chapter 67: From Ruins to Riches

With the idea that we would be resting for today, I decided to get up; at least it was still pretty much just after noon. I had been idle for a few hours now, so I figured that was plenty of rest for one lifetime. I figured we could at least use this as a chance to have a more normal day than always running around fighting. Most of the others were still resting minus a few. I decided to talk to Quinn first; we could use today to sell some wares, and maybe I could have Finn help me later. I needed Quinn on his game, though, so I walked up to him as he was sitting near the window, spacey. I cleared my throat, "Hey, got a minute? Look, I get it, that ruin showed everyone here fears they don't want to talk about, but if you want to talk, I am all ears. Did you remember something?" Quinn looked up, a small frown on his face, "Yeah, I did. I saw a face, someone from my past. It's been bugging me. I know I used his face for this form, but I can't fully remember him. Just fragments, you know? It's like I'm trying to hold on to something slipping through my fingers."

I took a seat next to Quinn, the air heavy with unspoken thoughts. The room's stillness emphasized the weight of recent events. Leaning back, I looked out the window and then turned my gaze toward Quinn. "Faces from the past can carry a heavy weight. Want to share more about him? Sometimes talking it out helps, and we've got the time today." Quinn sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I can't shake the feeling that he was important to me. The connection runs deep, and I remember that he wore a crown. It's strange; I know we shared something significant, but the details are like fragments of a shattered mirror. I see his face, and it's like glimpsing a fading dream—there and gone in an instant."

As Quinn spoke, the weight of his words hung in the air. The room, usually filled with the bustling energy of our adventures, now held a more somber tone. I could sense the struggle in Quinn's voice, the frustration of trying to grasp memories that eluded him. Leaning forward, I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "Memories are tricky things, Quinn. They sometimes reveal themselves slowly, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. You're not alone in this; we're here for you. If you ever need to talk more or just share what you remember, I'm all ears."

Quinn nodded appreciatively, and for a moment, the weight in the room seemed to lighten. I decided I better get the next person too, someone that seemed to be in an even poorer state. Yuna; she hadn't spoken since we got back. She just kept muttering to herself; I was a bit worried even if we were enemies. She seemed like she had truly broken; her eyes were glazed over, and the god in the ruins seemed like he brought something to light. She sat alone, her eyes fixed on a distant point, as if trying to escape the echoes of the revelations the ruins had unearthed. Clearing my throat, I approached, "Mind if I join you, Yuna?"

No response; she barely even registered my presence at all. A warrior like her being so defenseless was pretty telling; she was at her wits' end. I took a seat beside Yuna, the air thick with unspoken turmoil. After a moment of silence, I cautiously broached the subject. "You know, sometimes the weight of our own thoughts can be the heaviest burden to bear. It's okay if you're not ready to talk, but if there's anything you want to share, I'm here to listen." Yuna's gaze remained distant, lost in the haunting echoes of her past. I added as I began to get back up, "All I can say is if you feel lost, just know I am willing to listen. I will give you your space." I began to head towards Finn's room when my sleeve was grabbed from behind.

Yuna's grip tightened on my sleeve as she finally broke her silence. Her voice, low and filled with a mix of pain and bitterness, cut through the heavy air, "You think you understand, but you don't. You can't comprehend the depth of betrayal, the void left when the ones you considered family turned against you. I was left for dead, abandoned by those who should have protected me. So, don't pretend to offer solace when you've never walked the path of betrayal and abandonment like I have." Her words hung in the air, laden with the weight of her own suffering, and I realized that her wounds ran far deeper than I could have imagined.

I met Yuna's intense gaze, acknowledging the pain etched across her face. "You're right; I can't fully understand the depth of your suffering. Betrayal leaves scars that run deep, and I won't pretend to comprehend the intricacies of your pain. But you're not alone in this, Yuna. If you ever find it in you to share your burdens or just need someone to be there, I'm here. We all have our demons, and sometimes, facing them together can make the burden a bit more bearable." I offered a small, empathetic smile, hoping to convey a sense of genuine support.

Yuna's grip on my sleeve tightened, a silent plea for understanding. She whispered, her voice barely audible, "I never thought they would... I trusted them with everything. My sister, my parents—they were my world. And now..." Her voice trembled, choked with the weight of betrayal and loss. "I don't know who I am without them. I don't know where to go from here."

I sat back down, offering her a comforting presence. "Yuna, I can't fathom the pain you're going through. Betrayal from those we hold dearest is a wound that cuts deep. But remember, you're not defined by the actions of others. It's a journey to rediscover yourself, and you don't have to face it alone. Take your time, and when you're ready, we'll be here for you." I walked away; for now, she'll talk to us when she is ready. I needed to let her healing happen on its own from what I can tell the covenant seemed responsible in some way for her family dying. I gathered that they basically tricked her into thinking her family was evil, and I think they may of even had her kill her family through manipulation. I truly felt sorry for the situation she was in, but she just needed time. I walked into Finn's workroom in the back of the house; it was on the east side. It was a similar workroom to his father's. I heard the sound of tools clanging and a hammer striking iron. I entered the room as Finn was deep into his work; I called out to him.

I shouted over the banging, "Hey, Finn, got a sec?" Finn turned around, his small goggles on his face with his brown hair peaking over; he had his shirt off. Scars and burns covered his skin, but he was a lot more toned than I thought. He was absolutely shredded; I guess that was what it took to always use such heavy armor; his small frame had toned muscles. He put down his hammer as he looked up; I noticed Aeolus was lying down peacefully nearby. He had small earplugs in; that was almost comical to see. Finn smiled, "Hey boss, just getting started on those designs we got from the ruins. What's up?" Boss? That was going to take some getting used to. He at least seemed less stiff than before; he was actually like a different person lately.

I smiled, "Just call me Lucius; we're all a family here now. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to help me later. I want to sell some of my goods in town; I was wondering if you wanted to put some of your weapons in." Finn nodded, "Yeah, sounds good. My weapons aren't the best, but I'd be happy to sell them. Take a look at this though? What do you think?" I walked closer; I took a look at what he was making; it was some kind of weapon, but it was weird. It was made of metal, but there were no points or any sharp edges." I scratched my temple, "Is this a weapon, Finn?" Finn laughed, "Damn right it is. She is a fine weapon at that, one of a kind." He really talked differently when it was about blacksmithing. I asked, "What does it do exactly?"

He looked like he was waiting for that, "I have no freakin' idea." I laughed, "How do you even know it is a weapon then?" He pointed to the barrel, "Having built it according to the blueprints, I can tell it is meant to fire something. I have no idea what though. I also don't understand yet how it can fire anything. I think it is supposed to be some kind of ranged weapon like a bow, but that is about all I know so far. I just managed to make the most basic prototype, but I will find out how it works, mark my words. I stake the Hamilton name on it." He seemed determined; I nodded, "Alright, sounds good; can I expect exclusive rights to sell it?" Finn nodded, "Naturally, if it works the way I think it does."

He paused for a moment, "Assuming it works as I think you can expect everyone in every country to want one as soon as possible. I am almost a little scared of what this will mean for our world." He seemed very serious as he said that; I was shocked a little, but I added, "I would expect no less from someone like you, Finn." He blushed a little. I added, "Think you can take a break for a few hours then? I can show you my job as a merchant." Finn stood up, "Yeah, with the prototype started, I can't do much with it yet until I figure out how it works. Blacksmithing takes time; I just have the basic design started. I won't be able to finish it until after we deal with the covenant." I nodded, "After we deal with them, we can make that our next goal. If you are serious with what you said earlier, I will use all my resources to help with whatever you need." Finn wondered, "You trust me that much?" I laughed, "Hey, you saved my life and all of our lives. I have also seen your passion and work; I trust you completely. Now, what do you say we turn a little profit today?"