
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Chapter 59: The Abyss Beckons

The dig site was outside town, a little ways, and as we approached, the air seemed to hum with ancient energy. A sense of anticipation mingled with curiosity as we stepped onto the uneven ground. The landscape was marked by scattered tools, half-covered trenches, and the remnants of previous excavations. The sun cast long shadows, creating an intricate dance of light and darkness around the site. The air carried a hint of earthiness mixed with the salty breeze from the nearby coast, adding to the mystique of the surroundings. As we ventured further, the dig site revealed layers of history, each stratum telling tales of those who had once inhabited this place. Weathered artifacts and pottery fragments lay scattered, waiting for eager hands to piece together their forgotten narratives. The subtle rustle of the wind through the surrounding trees added an almost ethereal soundtrack to our exploration.

Pilot was the first to stop, "Earth... Uneven? Something Buried?" Finn looked at me confused; he had barely seemed to notice the little guy. I nodded, "What is it, Pilot?" He pointed ahead beneath the grounds; something was noticeably sticking up in the rubble. We got closer as a group. I was about to grab it, but Quinn put out his arm. Quinn suggested, "It could be a trap; let's proceed with caution." Pilot moved to the front, "Let me." He raised his hand in the air; power formed in his palms as the tablet floated effortlessly into the air. We gathered around the tablet as Pilot held it up for us to see. Aeolus spoke first, "Huh, it's written in the language of the gods." I nodded, "What does it say?" He frowned, "Well, it's a warning. It says speak these words to open the path at your feet. A maze you will find, where challenges meet."

Yuna stated, "Oh, you stupid-" Suddenly the tablet began to glow as the earth shook around us. Without warning, the ground disappeared at our feet. Everyone besides Pilot fell into the trap; Pilot merely floated in the air. A whirlwind of sensations engulfed me as I tumbled into the unknown. The air rushed past, a cacophony of wind and disoriented shouts. The ambient light dimmed, replaced by fleeting glimpses of rocky walls and mysterious symbols. Gravity seemed to shift, playing tricks on my sense of direction.

The fall was a disorienting plunge into darkness, punctuated by gasps and exclamations from those around me. There was a moment of weightlessness, as if time had paused, before the ground rushed up to meet us with unexpected force. Just as I thought I would collide with the ground below, my senses warped once again. It was as if I was being pulled somewhere deeper into the chasm; the ground once again opened up in front of me. Finally, the impact would come, but instead, I merely gently glided to the ground unharmed. I fell on my butt, but otherwise, I felt alright. I looked around.

Once my senses got better, I found Yuna was on the ground near me as I got up, and Finn was also lying down. Nobody else was around, it would seem. I called to them, "Hey, is everyone alright? Seems like we got separated from the others." They rose to their feet. Yuna stated, "Ah, you freaking idiot, why would you say that incantation out loud." Aeolus, looking dazed himself, frowned, "In hindsight, reading that out loud first might not have been my best plan. However, this could be an opportunity; maybe the enemy is down here." Yuna frowned, "Yeah, and I guess you expect us to use that entrance every time to our own base. This isn't our base, genius." Aeolus shrugged, "Well, who knows where this place leads; could be something valuable stored here. Take it from a god, people love hiding things in desolate underground ruins."

The place we had landed was a crossroads of sorts. There was water flowing curiously down into a chasm below us. To our right was a path, and to our left, there was another path. The ground was a weird-looking blue dirt, and it smelled like rotten eggs down here. I decided, "We need to find the others, right? Sound good to everyone." They all nodded as we followed the right path. I stated, "Stay close; we don't know what is down here." Finn nodded, "Let me go in front; I am well-suited to taking hits." I saw the power of his armor when he fought the snake. As long as he had that armor on, he was extremely durable.

As we walked into the darkness, I asked Yuna, "I never did ask why does your group hate magic so much." Yuna frowned, "Obviously, it's because magic is unclean. Magic corrupts, always has; those in power push those without power down. We worship progress. Science and humanity's progress; magic is nothing but regression. Simply put, Azura worshippers go against progress, and mages are always trying to maintain that status quo." Aeolus sighed, "You cultists are just insane; you worship false gods. Listen, what we did in the past, we needed to do. The world before you humans was chaos; we did you a favor. Casting out those false gods was just us cleaning the streets up for humanity."

Yuna glared with hatred, "A favor? You sealed away the old gods because they threatened your domain over the world. You were just scared." Aeolus glared back at her, "Human, you have no idea what you are talking about. The gods you worship, if they were to ever regain their power, would cast you aside like a fly. They are a greedy bunch; they want full control over everything. Trust me; I have seen the world under their rule; it isn't pleasant. But I guess someone like you is very easy to deceive if you mix up your illusions for reality." Yuna chuckled, "Taunt all you like; you little rats will be put to the guillotine very soon." Just as she said that, she stepped forward; a blue glow from a tile activated. She tried to jump backward, but it was too late; needles shot out to the side of her.

I reacted in time, standing beside her. I kicked her out of the way; the needles that would have pierced her neck only grazed it. She fell forward; her hands stopped her from falling on her face, and she looked stunned. I looked down at her, "Save the guillotine for later; we got a maze to explore." She got up off the ground with a scoff, "Don't expect thanks, mage-born." I frowned, "Jeez, you really don't have a shred of tolerance for mages. I would hate to see how you acted at home." Yuna frowned, "Home? I never had a home; The Covenant is the only life I ever had. They rescued me from my family when I was young." I frowned, "Rescued?" Yuna explained, "Yes, I was told my parents tried to kill me. The Covenant stopped them and rescued me."

Aeolus laughed, "Ha! This human truly is a riot; they saved you? Just how delusional can you be? You and that Syravella are a good match; both of you are incredibly gullible." Yuna pulled out her sword, "You little piece of... they rescued me!" Aeolus mocked, "Oh yeah, I am sure the demons of Eldoria saved you. I don't know these cultists' full history, but I know a lot about these old gods. They would say anything to get you to do their bidding. They are weak; they have been sealed away to a realm beyond this one. They would do anything to have someone fight for them, even if it meant they needed to lie, cheat, or manipulate humans." He pointed his small finger at Yuna, "You're weak. So incredibly weak that you have to rely on a weak god for power. Weak humans borrow power from the gods." He put his hand on Finn's armored back, "Strong humans forge their destiny. They don't cling to divine crutches; they carve their path through sheer will and determination. Strength isn't borrowed; it's earned through relentless effort and resilience."

He finished her off, "The difference between you and Finn is the bond you share. Between you and your god, there is no trust. Your god eats away at you like a parasite. In order to be as powerful as me and Finn, you must forge a bond with your god. Every old god has their goal; Syravella is no different. You will always be weak if you never use her goal to form a symbiotic relationship. Gods can only be contracted once after all, so she needs you. Oh, and while you're at it, join the side that has a chance to win." He points at himself, "Like any side that has me on it." Such confidence; the only reason I even believed he was a god was that he talked with such extreme confidence.

Yuna stuttered, "You bastard... what do you know about me, calling me weak? I could slice you in two with a single swing." Aeolus shook his head, crossing his arms, "I call you weak because that is what you are, just a powerless human putting limits on themselves. I can sense your earth and death magic, girl. You are good at hiding it or disguising it, but I can see it clear as day. You deny your real power." Yuna spat out, "Silence; I would sooner cut off my ears than hear such drivel!" Aeolus flew ahead now, "Whatever you say; if you wish to remain weak, be my guest. However, if you want power, you'd be wise to ditch those cultist bottom-feeders."

Yuna walked in silence, and finally, we reached a room that made us stop as we made our way inside. The center of the room had a giant golden sarcophagus; the thing was massive. It was about 20 feet off the ground, and around it were multiple figures standing in a circle. The figures were frozen in place, their bodies seemingly covered in sand, unmoving. From here, it is hard to tell if they were ever alive or just a construct created by this place. Intricately adorned with hieroglyphs and symbols, the sarcophagus stood as a silent sentinel, its golden surface reflecting an otherworldly glow that bathed the frozen figures in an eerie light.