
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Chapter 55: Bound by Oath

We were called back into the gym for the award ceremony. Each of the teachers lined up to receive their placement medals and trophy. King Whiteford himself handed out the medals, awarding each team member their awards. When he got to our group, he nodded, "Congratulations. We will discuss the matter of the covenant after this ceremony. You all have far exceeded my expectations. You have proven me wrong, boy. You are ready for the challenges to come." He put the medal over my neck, and I smiled, "Thanks, your majesty. I won't fail to live up to your expectations."

Eris shouted out, "This year we had a new team take this tournament by storm. I think I speak for all of us when I say this was the best tournament in Everglint history." Cheers were heard throughout the gym in response to that. Eris smiled, "We saw crazy turnarounds, world-class magic, and enough action to last us another year. Give it up for our wonderful teams today." The cheers continued as the event began to wind down; the day was starting to end. The tournament lasted all day, and I was starving. We ate lunch, but that felt like hours ago. The king nodded as if he read my mind, "Alright, let's shift gears. Before you sleep today, come back to my castle; we have some things to discuss regarding tomorrow. Dinner is on me."

Altaria smiled, "I hope that's an open invitation." The king gave a small smile, "Yes, yes, everyone is invited; this is a conversation about what will happen in the next few days." With that in mind, we followed the King and his guards back to the castle; my stomach was crying out. I thought about Era, I hope they are at least feeding her something, and my heart ached a little in response. Lysandra smiled, "I can't wait to eat some high-class grub for once." Lulith sighed, "All you think about is fighting and eating." Her stomach rumbled in response, and we all laughed. Quinn stated, "I never thought today would end, to be honest. Now that we have won, it will be nice to just eat some good food."

Yuna chimed in, "Don't get too comfortable; after all, tonight is going to be your last meal. Better savor it." I shrugged, "Jeez, mood killer." Yuna frowned and looked away. The castle is amazing as always; the big tall pillars and golden archways led us towards the throne room. We were led instead down a series of floors and corridors past the throne room. Finally, we reached the great dining hall. The dining hall was a breathtaking display of opulence and grandeur. Enormous crystal chandeliers hung from the high-vaulted ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow across the vast space. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and noble triumphs, each thread seemingly telling a story of the kingdom's storied past.

A long, polished mahogany table stretched across the room, surrounded by intricately carved chairs adorned with plush velvet cushions. The table was set with fine china, sparkling silverware, and crystal goblets, each piece gleaming in the ambient light. Delicate, fragrant bouquets of fresh flowers graced the center of the table, adding a touch of natural beauty to the extravagant setting.

On either side of the dining hall, towering marble pillars stood as sentinels, supporting the weight of the regal architecture above. Elaborate stained glass windows depicted scenes of mythical creatures and heroes, allowing the moonlight to filter through and cast a kaleidoscope of colors onto the marble floor. The atmosphere was both regal and inviting, creating a space where royalty might convene for feasts and celebrations. The distant sounds of servants preparing the meal and the subtle fragrance of exotic spices hung in the air, promising a culinary experience that matched the grandeur of the surroundings.

The dinner was served after a brief moment; I would assume they were already expecting the company. The banquet table stretched out elegantly, adorned with a feast that would rival the grandest of celebrations. Rich aromas wafted through the air, teasing the senses and promising a culinary experience like no other. There was roasted venison, lobster tails, a roasted mushroom medley, with various other meat dishes laid out, and decadent chocolate cake for dessert. The king raised his glass of wine, saying, "This is also a celebration of your victory. Please eat until you drop." The sounds of laughter and clinking cutlery filled the hall, creating an atmosphere of jubilation and camaraderie. As the feast unfolded, it became clear that this night would be etched in memory as a celebration of both victory and indulgence.

I noticed Yuna wasn't eating; she was near me with her plate empty. I think she figured she wouldn't be allowed to eat given her crimes. I smiled, putting a piece of turkey on her plate, along with some roasted mushroom medley. I stated, "We only won because of you; this is a celebration. No need to be so stiff." Yuna mocked, "Getting too comfortable with the enemy is something you will soon regret, boy." I shrugged, "Nobody is an enemy when there's a party. Just relax." Yuna seemed slightly surprised, "So naïve." Regardless, she began picking at some of the food; it seemed she at least valued that she needed the nutrients.

Once the feast was over, and we ate our weight in gold, the king gave us a smaller, more cheerful smile. King Whiteford stated, "I am glad you seem to be enjoying yourself. Altaria, if you would commence the discussion like we talked about, that would be great." Altaria mocked, "You never were the type that liked giving speeches. Right, let us start. You all are aware of our goal; we want to attack The Covenant of Magical Annihilation in their base of operations. A base we have now located due to Quinn and Yuna." Quinn smiled, "She can't hide anything from me." Yuna frowned, "Damn monster." Altaria continued, "Right, we now know it's underground. It is near a town you likely passed by on the way here, Aquamere. It is 13 miles to the southwest from here; on the surface, the town is a normal town you can find anywhere. However, we have heard rumors that they have an entire underground operation going on. Quinn, please explain what you told me at dinner earlier."

Quinn explained, "Right, I was able to dig deep into Yuna's mind during dinner. Perhaps due to her fatigue, her mental blocks were momentarily lifted. Their base of operations is in this town somewhere underground. We need to find it and root them out. That is the plan I discussed with Altaria." King Whiteford nodded, "Yes, seems plausible. With that in mind, I have a few suggestions." Everyone turned their attention towards the King as he pointed at me, "Lucius, as the leader of this group, I will need you to decide what to do next. I suggest you come up with a plan of attack, and I also suggest that you pick a small force of people to take with you." I wondered, "A force? Are we not going alone?"

The king smiled, "No, going with just your team of five would be suicide. Listen, boy, the Covenant is not some little group of bandits or something like that. They have a long history that extends long past even my own life. I suggest that you pick a few people to accompany your group; it can be anyone, including students or other guilds. I will put a limit on it to make it easier: don't take more than 20 people, and don't take fewer than 12. The professors, including Altaria, are off limits since, as we discussed, they play a big role in this city. Not just as teachers, but they are a force of their own right. My personal guard oversees our day-to-day defense, but the teachers here are a second line of defense. Plus, Altaria has told me she wishes to see the new generation take on the Covenant. She trusts you. After watching you fight, I have to say I feel much the same."

He looks almost nostalgic as he says, "No more than 20 people because a large party can be stuffy inside an underground passage, but no less than 12 because taking on the Covenant with so few people is incredibly dangerous. Let me tell you something." His face grows dark, "They aren't super plentiful in number, but their powers are insane. From my dealings with them, they fight with a different power than us. They don't use magic but rather, as you know, old gods' powers. These gods are incredibly dangerous. Each of their members should be fought with no fewer than 5 to 10 mages at least. The reason I am even considering your group is that you have someone contracted already, and you have proven yourselves in battle."

I nod understandingly, "Alright, I have a few people already in mind that I want to take if you'll allow me." The king responds, "Oh? You have given it enough thought already? Go ahead, I am curious." I suggest, "I would like Pilot, Pylus, Prince Sorbek, Mynus, Gwen, Kaiser, and Arthur." Already, alarm bells rang off as Altaria said, "No, not Pilot; he is too young, too immature." I suggest, "He is very powerful, trust me Altaria. I won't let even a hair come off his blonde head." Altaria got defensive, "Please, Lucius, he is my son; I couldn't let him go into battle." I say, "Altaria, try to understand; we are going to need his power in the coming battles. At least ask him and see how he feels." Altaria gives a small nod, "I will ask him, but I really can't consent to this; it's way too dangerous."

The king added, "Likewise, my son is off-limits. I already told him before the competition that even if your team lost, he wouldn't go into battle with my knights." I add, "Your Highness, with only the utmost respect, I plead for you to reconsider. Prince Sorbek, your son is incredible; his power and domain on ice are next level." The king shook his head, "I am sorry, boy; pick someone else. This is one point I can't back down on." His eyes grew pained, "Not after Norvus. I can't lose the only family I have left." As if on cue, the Prince, seemingly having heard his name, made a regal entrance into the dining hall.

He walked in more regal attire befitting a prince; his noble robes on his shoulders, he stood tall with a stern expression. Prince Sorbek spoke up, "Father, I happened to overhear your discussion as I was making my way to dinner." He knelt down respectfully, "Please, Father, let me go tomorrow. Father, I have grown a lot since I was young; you know how much I have trained. I am a warrior first, the prince second. Please reconsider. I want to be useful to the kingdom and to you as your son."

The king gave a stern, "Son, I can't allow-" He was cut off by Altaria, "Corvus. Remember when you were young? You were an adventurer once before settling down to your current position. You have to cut the cord sometime. The boy is reaching adulthood; he is no longer a kid." The King gave a somewhat pained frown, "Dammit, why do you always have to make sense only at the wrong times. Alright, on one condition. I will leave the Grin Reapers in charge of the prince's protection." He gave me a stern glare, "Should anything happen to my son, I will leave the fault with you. Decide now if that is worth the risk or not."

The prince looked up at me, his eyes gleaming with both pain and expectation. I nodded, "The Grin Reapers will stake our lives on making sure that your son gets home safe. You have my word." The king seemingly satisfied stated, "Then with that, I hereby decree the Grin Reapers the task of both protecting my son and dismantling the Covenant operations in Aquamere." I smiled, "I hereby accept the challenge; my group will come back with good news in a few days." With a solemn nod from the prince, we accepted our newfound duty, and as the feast ended, we walked towards the door. The doors slammed shut, sealing us away from the grandeur of the throne room, and we started our preparation for our new quest.