
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Chapter 54: A Triumph Tinged with Sorrow

We kick-started our combo attack. Sometimes, when I fight next to Quinn, I feel that our thoughts are perfectly linked. I had an idea that came to mind, something I wanted to try, and because Quinn knows what I'm thinking, it just works. Quinn leaps at me, his body shifting in mid-air as he wraps around my skin and flesh. We merge into a single unit, his body turning into hard black flesh-like armor as I run towards Professor Berkley. Better to get him out of the way; we don't want him throwing a giant ball of metal at us or causing other chaos. Gwen tries to stop me, "Aurora Beam!" She fires out, but my body, without my command, turns into a mirror-like substance, perfectly countering the light-based attack. I yell out, "Cosmodine!" as my hand turns into fire, deciding to use one of my new attacks.

I yelled out, "Meteorite Fist!" As I struck Professor Berkley directly in the stomach, he doubled over, collapsing to the ground. I turn towards Gwen, my new armor making me feel invincible. I smiled, "Your attacks won't work as long as I have Quinn." Gwen regains her confidence, "No, I think I should be thanking you. You've made it easier to take you both out at once." I laugh, "I don't think so; we have an answer to any move you have." She begins concentrating, "What about something you don't know anything about?"

Quinn yells out, "Lucius! Run!" I realize too late what's going on as Gwen smiles, her body pulsing with power, "Too late! Now perish in the chasm beyond light and dark. Lost Paradise!" Light converges perfectly with darkness to create a purple element, something I hadn't seen before. It wasn't twilight, but something else—was this the power of a tri-mage? The ability to have many different concentrated element combos? I try to move, but fear rises up in me—the fear of failure, the fear that I had been overconfident, and the fear that I would lose Era for good. Suddenly, she fires out her attack, a purple wave aimed at both of us. It's an explosion of energy with no way to avoid it; this would be it.

At the last moment, Quinn separates from my body, jumping in front of the wave, turning his body into steel. It wouldn't be enough, as the blast still shoots me backward towards the right of the barrier. My body collides painfully as Quinn's body, taking the full blast, goes limp. I yell out, "Quinn!" The wave seemingly drains me of most of my magic—I'm weakened, bloody, and my ears are ringing from the explosion. Gwen casually walks towards me, her hand glowing with power; she's a bit away, and she would want a guaranteed hit, I assume. At that moment, I decide that it's all over; I have nothing left.

As a response to my resignation, a small card dropped out of my pocket. Glancing down, I noticed it was the card that Professor Castweaver had given me. As Gwen approached me with a look of defeat on my face, she smiled. Quickly realizing what the card on the ground meant, my brain flowed with ideas. Gwen said, "Nobody will blame you if you forfeit, you know? They won't look down on you for that." I checked my pocket for a tool that I always kept on me; it was small, but it was there. Frowning, I muttered a phrase under my breath and slammed my fist on the ground. "Dammit. Dammit, it isn't fair; we were so close." I gave a pained smile, "Alright, I hate to admit it, but it's my loss." I stuck out my hand, "Your team was just better today. Do me a favor and make sure you save Era for me."

Gwen smiled, "Yes, Lucius. I will personally want to be a part of pursuing the covenant. You have my word; I will make sure she gets back to you safely." I smiled as she shook my hand, "Thank you. Thanks... that means a lot. Or at least it would if I wasn't going to save her myself." My smile turned more devilish as I yelled out, "Somniel!" I had placed down a dagger that I had taken into the competition; it had the rune for sleep on it. Combining that with my new rune "vanish" that Professor Castweaver just gave me to hide the tool. The dagger glowed; she had unknowingly grazed it with her foot when she shook my hand. Immediately, her face grew cold, "You... little sly..." I grabbed her as she fell forward, her eyes giving way to sleep as the cheer of the crowd roared. It wasn't the way I pictured winning it all, but given I only had one spell left, this was all I could do.

Professor Castweaver, I was interested in who her mother was, but right now, I had to thank her. What an amazing rune to add to my list. The power to hide my runes would prove to be one of my most powerful tools going forward. I can now create rune traps for opponents with this, and as I carried Gwen in my arms, I smiled. Eris shouted, "Unbelievable! The Grin Reapers have done it! They have crushed the dream with such a simple tactic. At the last moment, they win it all!" I carried Gwen to a medical staff member as I raised my hand in the air. Excitement gathered in my chest; I had won it all, no, we had won it all. Eris approached me with her megaphone in hand; she smiled widely, "Our new champion, the Grin Reapers! Undefeated! With Altaria personally backing your team from the start, do you have anything to say."

Butterflies grew in my stomach as I said, somewhat exhausted, "Thank you for all the support! Altaria, your guidance and trust made all the difference. We couldn't ask for a better mentor. This victory is for my friends and for those that could not make it today. Just know that Lucius Evergold never goes back when he says he is going to do something." Altaria walked over now from her spot next to the king; it seems she is going to say a few words. Altaria spoke into the megaphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause to the next generation. Everyone here gave us an amazing show. This group has quickly become my pride, and I hope that you will see more of them in the future. Let the legacy of the Grin Reapers start right here, right now. Everyone, your new Everglint champions!"

The crowd went wild, and Altaria, with a smile, handed me a trophy made of silver. It seemed like this was truly a huge event in the city. The king's name was even engraved at the bottom with the school name and year. Walking to the medical ward with the sizable trophy in hand, I felt deep pride for what we had accomplished today. My team was waiting for me; some of them were still passed out, but Quinn was now awake at least his body was extremely durable. He smiled, "I knew you would do it. Truly, your best talent is that mind." I smiled, "I would have been history without you, Quinn." We high-fived as we basked in our victory, but the energy grew colder as Prince Sorbek entered.

He looked at us with sad but stern eyes, "I have nothing to say. You defeated me tactically. Please. Hit them back for me." He turned away, clearly emotional, "My father was treated like a puppet, and my brother was killed mercilessly. I won't stand for this. I want revenge so bad it hurts, but promise me. Promise me you'll get them back, for my brother." I said calmly, "No, I won't get them back just for you." He looked shocked. I added, "I will get them back for everything else they have done too. Taking Era, almost killing us multiple times, and playing with people's hearts like they are just tools. Mark my words, next time we talk, it will be a victory celebration. Every one of the covenant will be held accountable."

Prince Sorbek frowned, and I sensed he was about to weep, "Thanks." He quickly made his exit, perhaps for fear that he was about to cry. Professor Castweaver entered next, her face contemplative as she puffed out some smoke. She smiled, "Congrats, kid. You earned that trophy today." I nodded, "I couldn't have done it without that rune. Your mom. Was she a rune mage too?" Altaria, next to me, responded, "Yes.. Her mother was my best friend." Professor Castweaver frowned, "I don't like talking about her much. I am sure Altaria feels the same way, but yeah, she was, kid. A damn good one too. That rune.. it was one of the only things I have left of her." I asked, "What happened?"

Professor Castweaver's face grew dark, "She died young right after she had me. She was an adventurer just like Altaria and the king. They had a party just like you have, but she died in battle." Altaria sighed, "The covenant. Listen, boy, let's not pry too much; it's a sensitive subject. I understand why you are curious, though. All you need to know is that the covenant has existed since I can remember. She died a long time ago at their hands." I dropped the subject, "I can see when I have dug too much. I will do my best, for both of your sakes then." Altaria looked contemplative, "We all want them gone, but the covenant is like a lizard; if you cut its tail, it will just grow a new one. Lucius, tread cautiously on your path to the future; it may be bright, but remember, even the moon can cast a shadow over the sun when the time is right." With that, the curtain fell on the Everglint Institute of Arcane Arts Annual Mages Tournament. The covenant was now on the horizon, but I smiled to myself, knowing that we had come a long way in such a short period of time.