
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Chapter 30: Redemption's First Step

I rush out of my room, and though Aurelia doesn't explain what is going on just yet, I follow her in a rushed manner to where Lysandra is being kept. When I get there, the door is open, and inside, a scene is unfolding: Era has a dagger in her hand, standing next to Quinn, who has taken a battle stance. Lysandra is standing in the room, with fire burning in her eyes, looking ready to strike. Her head still looks damaged, but she seems full of vigor. Era spots me and says, "I knew we couldn't reason with this beast, Lucius! She's going to light this place on fire, even though we just helped her!"

I speak up, looking at Lysandra with confidence, "What do you want, Lysandra? We helped you out. Can't you just leave peacefully?"

Lysandra smiles and retorts, "You should've killed me when you had the chance, boy. Your little feathered friend is right; you've made a fool of me too many times. Saving me is the last mistake you'll ever make."

I'm getting tired of people insulting me and respond, "Listen, we had a long day yesterday, and today, I just want to sell my wares. I don't want any trouble. If you still want to fight, let's take it outside, one on one. Once you lose, you'll never have to show your face to me again. Is it a deal?"

Lysandra's eyes twitch, and she's seemingly not used to people talking back to her. She barks, "What's stopping me from ripping you apart right where you stand?"

I mock, "While you've been sleeping, I've gotten a lot stronger in that short time. If you start something here, and win it will only show that I held back to avoid destroying the inn. If you have any pride as a fighter, you'll take me up on my offer and fight me outside, just you and me."

Lysandra clenches her fist and reluctantly agrees, "Fine, outside, you and me. I have my own pride, and I won't turn down a duel like that, on my honor as a gang leader."

I have her right where I want her. Fighting inside, where I have to hold back in close quarters, would be disadvantageous. We leave the room, and Lysandra follows behind me. Quinn says to me, "Lucius, remember what happened last time. Please don't be foolish; we can all get her at once." I hold up my hand, "Despite being a merchant, I have my own pride to uphold, man. Don't worry; I have a plan this time, and I'm a lot stronger than last time." Era adds, "Just remember, if it starts to look bad, I'll jump in. I can't let my teacher die already, not when I've just begun crafting passable dolls." I shake my head, "I appreciate it, but have faith in me, please. Both of you, don't step in unless I ask."

Since the inn is close to the gates leading out of the city, I say, "Lysandra, we will fight out there." I point to an open space outside the gates, a wide-open plain perfect for my game plan. Once we get outside, we position ourselves 20 feet apart from each other. The wind blows faintly as we fight a distance away from the gates in the open grassy fields. I ask, "Quinn, give us the signal when we can begin." He nods and gets ready to signal. I prepare with two runes already inserted into my gauntlet. Lysandra mocks, "This will be over quick, so don't blink. Once I'm done with you, your two friends will be next." I shoot back, "I wouldn't get too ahead of yourself. Even if you beat me, Quinn would wipe the floor with you."

Anger flashes in her eyes as Quinn puts his hand down, officially starting our match. Aurelia, Quinn, and Era watch from the sidelines. Aurelia cheers, "Get her, Lucius! Big bro can't lose!"

Lysandra wastes no time. Her feet heat up as she sprints toward me with blinding speed. If I were the same as I was earlier this week, I'd stand no chance. She runs ahead, her foot heating up, ready to strike me in the face. She yells, "Flames of Cerberus!" She's about halfway to me now. But before she can leap into the air, I complete my incantation. "Natrium! Lithora! Mudburst Eruption!"

Combining earth with water, as I expected, creates mud. I fire that mud forward, my gauntlet glowing with power. Once the mud sprays out and hits Lysandra's legs as she charges, the slippery terrain throws her off balance. She slips and lands directly on her face, grunting in pain. I waste no time with my next spell and cast, "Cosmodine! Lithora! Pyroterra Shackles!" Both fire and earth fire out at once, connecting with the wet mud to form a harder, more binding substance. The mud hardens like cement around Lysandra. In two moves, I've caught Lysandra in a mud binding spell to ensure she can't hit me. I move over to her, my plan complete, and sit on her, my legs crossed, as she yells and struggles under the weight.

She curses at me, "Dammit, what is this? You couldn't do this before. How have you gotten so much stronger? Tell me!" I shrug. "I got a few tips from a teacher here in this city. I told you already I'm not the same as I was when you hit me yesterday. A lot has happened since then, and frankly, you just aren't up to par anymore." The mud beneath me begins to get hotter. Lysandra's eyes are filled with rage now. "Are you calling me weak, you little bastard? I'll show you who isn't up to par!" I jump back as far as I can as the mud shatters beneath me, preparing for another round. Lysandra seems like a different person, and her intense temper flares.

I had two more spells in me, but then I'd be tapped out for now. I had to make these spells count way more than any regular mage would have to. I had no time to think as Lysandra charged at me again. I had to use something quick, so I yelled out, "Festora! Cosmodine! Pyroclasmic Windwall!" I aimed the shot in front of myself, and the wind and fire created a barrier between Lysandra and me. She mocked me, "I'm a fire mage, boy! Did you really think that would stop me? You're dead!" Fire gathered around her body as she ran through my wind wall, unscathed. I really didn't expect her to shield herself with her own fire. Damn, this was it; she had me checkmated. In my desperation, I tried one more spell, quickly combining my earth rune with an air rune. I only had time to guess at the effects of this rune, so I yelled out, "Festora! Lithora! Earthwhirl Pike!"

The spell preparation was too slow, and Lysandra was already in motion; this would be the final hit from both of us. Her fist burned hot as she came in fast with a right hook aimed at my stomach. My spell was coming out, but it was too slow, and her fist looked like it would connect first. At the last moment, Lysandra slowed down, pausing briefly before the blow could hit my stomach. My earth javelin shot out at her, slamming into her stomach and sending her backward. She grabbed her stomach in agony, gasping for air as she turned to me the fight in her simmering down. Quinn yelled out, "Lucius is the victor, duel's over!"

Lysandra began to stand up slowly; it appeared that the wound on her head had slightly opened again. I got on guard again as she stood up, but she stuck out her hand. "No need to strike a pose, boy, you won. I'm not so dull that I'd make any excuses. You won fair and square. I won't come at you and your friends again; I'm a woman of my word. I lost the duel. To do anything else would be an insult to my pride as the leader of the Crimson Daggers."

I relaxed a little. "Why did you not strike me down? You had me wide open; why did you hesitate?" Lysandra made a face, as if remembering something painful. "You remind me of someone from my past. Your stupid kindness, your looks, and the way you talk make me sick. Enough of that, though. I hesitated at the last moment, but it doesn't change that I lost."

She took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one, smoked it, and then threw it on the ground, crushing it with her foot. She frowned and said, "I never once thought I was weak. I never once thought my gang was weak, but I've been shown otherwise. My brother was taken out by a punk with a sleep rune. I lost yesterday in one hit, and today you beat me in a one-on-one duel." She laughed a little and continued, "It really goes to show what kind of person I am. I'm only good at bullying people in a small town. I'm the definition of a big fish in a small pond, aren't I?" I spoke with the voice of understanding, "Lysandra, we've all made mistakes, but it's never too late to seek redemption and become the person you want to be. Your gang days don't have to define your future."

Lysandra frowned and questioned, "What are you suggesting, boy?" I followed up with, "Listen, I am not sure what happened to you in the past, or what your life has been like up to this point. I also am aware I have no idea what being in a gang is like; I am still pretty naïve about how the world works. However, one thing I believe in is your potential for change, Lysandra. It's not about the size of the fish or the size of the pond; it's about becoming the best version of yourself." Lysandra questioned, "Are you suggesting I can redeem myself?" I nodded, "Anyone can change; all it takes is taking that first step forward."

I took a moment to think; this was a turning point for both of us. I realized that I needed strength in many areas to survive in Eldoria. When I left home, I just expected life would be about trading goods, and I didn't think fighting would be an aspect that would come up often. I had matured a lot in the short time I had spent on the road, and I now realized the dangers that came with traveling. I looked at Era and Quinn and turned back to Lysandra. "Look, I am not going to mince words here. One thing has become clear to me: in order to survive as a merchant, I need strength. Your skills are undeniable, and you have a lot of potential as a fighter, along with experience in leading a group."

I paused for a moment, my mind racing with possibilities. I began to realize what I would need going forward. I needed to form a proper group strong enough to hold their own in any situation. I had heard of strong parties forming guilds to expand their activities, and I believed something like that might be necessary in the future. I continued, "Listen, I understand your frustration, Lysandra. We've all faced setbacks, but the key is to channel that frustration into becoming even stronger. We're all here for different reasons, and I know you have your own goals, but I would like to give you an offer. Lysandra, would you consider joining us? Those people who attacked you yesterday are the types of enemies we will have to face going forward into the rest of not only Luminora, but Eldoria. I will be honest; I am scared, and I don't know if I can take on enemies like that group, but I am not just planning on running back home. Please consider joining us, Lysandra, and let's unite our strengths to face our common enemies. We can help you refine your abilities, and in return, you can contribute to our cause with your unique talents."

Lysandra paused for a moment, her face hardening, but she burst out into laughter. Gradually, her laughter faded, leaving a sense of resignation in its wake. She looked away for a moment, lost in her thoughts, and then replied with a hint of introspection, "You've got guts, Lucius. Your words hit closer to home than I'd like to admit."

With a sigh, she continued, "I'm not making any decisions right now, but I appreciate your offer even after how I have acted towards you. I don't know how I feel about joining your little gang of preschoolers. However, Maybe it's time for me to reassess my priorities. I will say that yesterday losing in one shot really hurt my pride. I think if nothing else, I will want to teach that guy a lesson, but I am not dumb; I understand how weak I am compared to him. I think if joining you will make me stronger, if nothing else, that thought is tempting." She stated melancholically, "This defeat, it stings, but it's also a wake-up call. I've been confined by the life I've led, and perhaps it's time to see what lies beyond it." With a new dream in my eyes, I believed this could be my first step towards a guild, a group that could make my journey forward easier, and for once, I could focus on making products to make people smile instead of thinking what I want written on my tombstone.