
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Chapter 23: Dr. Elora's Invention

We loaded Lysandra into the Caravan and quietly left the cavern as a unit. The ride back was somber. We had basically failed our original goal, we got completely defeated, and are going back to Everglint like wounded animals. Lulith sat beside me this time while the others piled into the back of the caravan. As we rode back, I asked Lulith, "So, what did that man Gabriel mean when he said you have no magic?" Lulith snapped back, "Lucius, you sure ask a lot of questions. Do I look like an open book to you? Just understand I have magic, but it is just very small compared to what is normal for other dark elves." I responded, "No harm in asking, right? But I'll drop it for now. One more question: What exactly happened between you and Samuel in Veilstead?" Lulith raised an eyebrow, "Oh, that muppet Samuel? Just a client, nothing more. He asked me for an entire shipment of drugs. I am a businesswoman; I gave him what he asked for without asking any questions."

I inquired, "What about the necklace?" Lulith questioned, "Necklace?" I explained, "Vestia, the newly appointed mayor of Veilstead, said that someone gave Samuel a necklace and gave him the idea for his plan to drug the people of Veilstead." Lulith frowned, "I wasn't given any of the details; I just did as I was told and gave him drugs I crafted, that is it." It would appear that she was clueless about the overall scheme that took place in Veilstead. She glanced to her hand that still held a rune in place. She then said annoyed, "When is this stupid thing going away? I thought it would disappear after we got done with the expedition."

I frowned uncertain, "It should have gone away already, to be honest. My runes don't last that long because my magic is also extremely low. It should have only lasted a few hours." Quinn seemed to perk up in the back of the caravan; he edged closer when he spotted the rune. Quinn suggested, "Oh, that is one of my creator Seraphina's runes, right? I have seen this one before; every one of her creations is given these runes at birth. They don't use her power but rather take energy directly from the one it is casted on. I am afraid it will suck away her magic slowly over time. For a rune like this, it is meant to be eternal. I am sure there is a way to remove it, but it is not so easily removed, or else every creature bound to Seraphina would attempt to get rid of their bindings."

Lulith flared up in a bit of rage, "Lucius! What the hell? Why would you use such a permanent pact on me?" I looked away embarrassed, "Honestly, I never used it before today; I just got desperate because I wanted to ensure you wouldn't attack us." Lulith shot back, "I'm not some wild animal you need to control, Lucius!" I got small in my seat, "At the time, I thought you were a psychopath that drugged the people of Veilstead. I mean you called out to me, selling orange vials similar to the ones in Veilstead." Lulith pouted, "Those were magical enhancement potions, completely different from the rubbish I sold in Veilstead." She then looked at Quinn, "What does this mean for me?" Quinn put his hand on his mouth, "It means you will be in servitude to Lucius, which binds you to him, and you can never take a violent action towards him." 

"Lulith put her head into her knees, "God dammit, I only signed that stupid rune to please him. I never thought I was selling away my soul." Era chimed in, "Lucius did what he thought was right at the time. We all did what we thought we needed to survive. Well, anyways, partying with you isn't my first choice, so do try to contribute." Lulith let out a growl, "You little harpy, I should make a chicken stew with you!" I put up my hands, "Now, now, we're in Everglint again; let's be civil." We parked the caravan at the stables and made our way towards an inn. We found an inn close to the stables called the Dusky Dawn Inn. We paid for one room for now, and we set Lysandra down inside on a bed to recover.

Era asked, "Are you gonna find someone to help her?" I nodded, "Yeah, can I ask you to stay here? Watch over her, but make sure she is properly restrained. I will get someone to help her. Maybe you can make a new puppet or repair Luna; I have noticed some cracks on her." Era affirmed, "Got you; I will try to use the techniques you showed me." I left both of them back at the inn. Quinn and Lulith followed behind me. I stated, "We need to see Doctor Elora; we could use Aurelia's help healing Lysandra." Lulith spat out, "I don't get why we should help a criminal like her anyways." I sighed, "Because it goes against my principles to just leave a woman bleeding in the middle of nowhere to die. Plus lets be honest you are no angel who sells drugs like those addictive vials to a creepy like Samuel." She pouted again, "He was a regular I had no need to question him at the time. Plus he offered such good money I couldn't refuse girls gotta eat ya know." 

We made our way to the location that Dr. Elora provided for me in the cave. The buildings were all made of stone, and the location was in the eastern district of the city, a mix of a shopping district and a residential district. The scent of pine and roses wafted up my nose from a nearby garden; it would appear that the further you go east, the more impressive looking the buildings. The sun was shining, beating on our heads as we walked; it was now almost 5:00 p.m. I was getting hungry again; maybe on our way back, we would stop somewhere to eat again. As we arrived at the location marked on the card, it became evident that her work was not just scientific but also artistic in the way it blended with the surroundings.

The lab itself was housed within a substantial stone building, carefully constructed to harmonize with the architecture of the area. Ivy and other climbing plants snaked up the walls, giving the structure a sense of natural integration. The scent of blooming roses, lavenders, and other fragrant flora wafted from the garden that surrounded the building, creating a soothing olfactory environment.

The large windows of the lab were fitted with intricate metalwork that bore the resemblance of tree branches, allowing for an abundance of natural light to illuminate the interior. It was evident that Dr. Elora appreciated the balance between science and aesthetics. The door leading into the lab was a beautifully carved wooden piece, hinting at the knowledge and wonders that lay beyond. Once inside, I spotted, many scientific instruments, artifacts, and shelves upon shelves of books, a testament to Dr. Elora's passion for her work. In the center, Dr. Elora seemed to be marveling at something closely; she didn't seem to notice us yet. I called out to her, "Doctor, we are back."

Dr. Elora turned around and smiled when she saw me, "Ah, Lucius, I was just finishing up the invention that I promised I would make." I gave a wry smile, knowing that I had next to nothing for an exchange, "Yeah, about that, we failed to get any of the stones." I explained what happened in the cave when they left and how we basically just ran away. Once I was done, Dr. Elora gave me a surprised look, "A crystal worm? I wish I could have studied that creature. Creatures like that are very rare. I have honestly only heard of creatures like that in folklore." I took out a stone from my satchel, "Yeah, and it dropped this. It isn't an opal, but I am hoping that you might have some use for it?" Elora's jaw dropped, "Lucius! Where did you get that?" I jumped; I didn't expect that response, "Well, I got it in the cave with the worm. I assume it dropped off its body. The thing was covered in these gems."

Elora excitedly explained, "Yes! That is just the gem I was looking for; this is better than any opal. This is a Juristite sapphire; they are legendary in the scientific world. This worm was wearing these? No wonder it was so tanky; these gemstones are said to be indestructible!" I was caught off guard; was this gemstone I took on a whim really that valuable? Lulith chimed in, "But those three we saw at the cave killed that worm?" Dr. Elora looked surprised, "They killed it? Impossible; that worm should of been 20 times stronger than diamond!" Dr. Elora exclaimed, "I need to find this worm; you said it was still in that cave, dead?" I explained, "Yeah, they killed it, but I just assumed its body would be worthless." Dr. Elora smiled, "Far from it, boy; that worm's body is invaluable. I must go post haste to gather more gems." I asked, "Can we still trade for that invention?" Dr. Elora laughed, "Yes, of course, my dear. Hell, with the information you just gave me, I owe you a lot more than this thing I whipped up!"

She pulled out a gauntlet from a drawer in front of her; it seemed like she whipped it up in just the short time we had been apart showing off her genius. As I looked at the gauntlet that Dr. Elora had presented to me, I couldn't help but marvel at its intricate design. It was a remarkable piece of craftsmanship, both in terms of functionality and aesthetics. The gauntlet itself was made of fine, dark leather, giving it a sleek and elegant appearance.

What truly stood out were the specialized slots on the gauntlet's surface. Dr. Elora explained, "These slots in the back here; you can insert your paper rune markings onto the back. The runes can then be activated by your call and powered through the gauntlet so that you won't risk your own body." These slots were ingeniously designed to hold runic slides, allowing me to harness their power without the risk of injury. It was clear that they were meant to be easily interchangeable, as the slots were conveniently located along the back of the gauntlet.

To load a slide, all I needed to do was slide it into one of the available slots, securing it in place. The gauntlet's inner mechanism was designed to recognize the rune on the slide, channeling the corresponding magical energy without exposing my skin to the potentially dangerous effects. It was a brilliant solution to a problem I had faced for a long time, and I couldn't wait to try it out.

With the gauntlet securely in place on my hand, I began to experiment with the runic slides, changing them in and out effortlessly. It was a practical and elegant solution, allowing me to use runes without the fear of burns or mishaps. Dr. Elora had truly outdone herself with this invention. She beamed, "The tips of the fingers here have been made with the magical rocks we found in the cave; they should absorb any potential magical backlash." I asked one more thing, "Hey, doctor, the gang leader I told you about that tried to kill us after we left the cave; she got badly wounded. Can you maybe have Aurelia heal her?" Dr. Elora nodded, "Yeah, I don't see why not. The professor has stabilized now. Consider this payment for the information on those precious stones; they are truly invaluable."

Dr. Elora called Aurelia, the small elf who came out of a backroom, greeting us with cheer, "Friends! The professor has gotten a lot better; thank you so much." She seemed about to cry again, but Dr. Elora interrupted, "Aurelia, they need your help to heal someone; please provide them assistance." Aurelia nodded, smiling brightly, "I would be happy to help; after all, you saved the professor's life." We were about to follow Aurelia outside again to go back to the inn, but an old woman seemed to block our path. She had silver hair tied back into a ponytail; she looked like she was in her 70s, but her sharp blue eyes would suggest that she had her wits about her. She had blue robes on with gold accents and had a wooden cane with a red jewel on top. She looked at Dr. Elora, "Are these the kids you were telling me about earlier? Now, young man, don't leave just yet; I have an important matter that you might be able to help this old body with."