
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Chapter 15: Crafting Bonds

We trudged along the road, the journey from Veilstead to Everglint was expected to take a few hours. This route was considerably shorter than some of the other potential paths we could have chosen. While we drove, I took the opportunity to engage Era in a conversation about the basics of doll crafting. She looked adorable as she diligently took notes.

I began my explanation, "It all starts with finding the right piece of wood. You need wood that's not too hard but not too soft either, something like oak or cherry works well. Once you have your wood, you'll sketch the shape of your doll onto it. That sketch is your blueprint, so make sure it's precisely how you want it." Era nodded in agreement as she continued to jot down notes. I went on, "Now, you'll need some tools. A good carving knife is essential. You'll use it to carefully remove the excess wood, gradually shaping your doll. Remember, take your time during this step; precision is key."

After about an hour of travel, we decided it was time for a break, especially since our friends in Veilstead had packed some additional supplies on our caravan. We pulled over and enjoyed a pleasant lunch. Once we'd eaten our fill, I decided to illustrate my points with a practical demonstration. Picking up a small wooden figurine from the caravan's table, I showcased the process. "See, you'll start with a basic shape and then refine it, adding details like the face, hair, and clothing. Some craftsmen even create joints so the doll can move more dextriously." With the swaying of the morning breeze, I mimicked the carving motions, as if working on an actual doll. "Once the carving is complete, you'll want to sand the wood to achieve a smooth finish. Then comes the fun part – painting. Use different colors to bring your doll to life. Some artists go the extra mile by adding tiny accessories."

I paused, allowing Era to absorb the information. "Of course, Era, what I've shared so far is just the foundation. The real magic happens when you infuse your doll with a bit of your own magic. That's what makes it unique, almost like it has a spark of life." Meeting Era's gaze, I spoke thoughtfully, "Crafting these dolls is more than just a skill; it's a way to express yourself, to tell a story through your artistry. In a world filled with danger, it's a reminder of the beauty and creativity that still thrive."

Era nodded, her eyes reflecting newfound appreciation. "Thank you, Lucius. I never thought of crafting in such a way. You remind me a lot of my dad; he had a lot of love in his dolls." A smile graced my lips as I responded, "You're welcome, Era. Crafting can be a rewarding experience, and I believe you will surpass me eventually. And remember, you already have a knack for puppetry; combining that with doll-making could lead to something truly extraordinary."

Continuing down the road, Era shared more of her backstory while attempting to carve a doll of her own using my carving knife. She began, "My dad was quite the adventurer and an artist, much like you. It was on one of his journeys that he met my mom. He encountered her in the mountains north of here, where the harpies reside. At first, she attacked him, but they fell in love after she got to know him." I inquired, "So your father was a human, and your mother was a harpy?" She nodded, "Yes, she even left her home so that she could travel the world with him."

Her expression turned pained as she continued, "Humans can never get over their hatred for other species. I lived in a small town called Eaglewood, north of here. My parents and I lived peacefully for a long time, but when I was nine years old, monster hunters burned down our house." Anger flared in her eyes, "Humans, they burned down our house just because my mom was a harpy. We were never truly accepted in the village, but eventually, a new crowd of people monster hunters settled in. Once they caught wind that the village had a harpy in it, they struck at night and killed my parents. My dad managed to barely get me out of the burning building, but all of his dolls and my parents both burned to death that night."

I kept my gaze on the road, giving Era the space to continue her harrowing tale. After a moment of silence, she spoke once more, "All that I have to show for it was my life and the doll that he had given me when I was little. He always said it would protect me, but I never imagined what my fate would be. I had nowhere to go; I had to leave the village or be hunted down by the hunters. I wandered from town to town as a little girl with nowhere to call home. The only skill I had was the puppeteering my dad had shown me when I was little. When I was really young I basically either had to lie, beg , or steak to get by. Once I was older I had to survive by taking on small mercenary work at first, and then I moved up from there."

It was a grim and unsettling story, one that filled me with a mixture of sorrow and admiration for Era's strength in the face of such adversity. I couldn't find the right words to offer her comfort, but I hoped that my presence was enough to convey my support. Prejudice and hatred had caused her unimaginable pain, and it was a stark reminder of the injustices that plagued the world. As I reached out to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder, her tense demeanor seemed to ease slightly. She continued to work on her doll in silence, and eventually, our journey led us to the grand city of Everglint.

Approaching the city, the grandeur of Everglint unfolded before us. Towering stone walls, adorned with the city's emblem of a majestic lion encircled by golden laurels, stretched into the sky. Enormous banners waved atop the walls, and the city gates, guarded by imposing stone figures, stood wide open, inviting travelers and traders. The vastness of the city became increasingly apparent as we drew nearer, with buildings of various heights forming a captivating tapestry of architecture and colors. This city was nothing like Veilstead; its size and welcoming atmosphere signaled a stark contrast to the smaller, more guarded city we had left behind.

The streets bustled with activity, a stark contrast to the smaller, less populus city of Veilstead. Colorful canopies shaded merchants hawking their wares, while carriages rumbled along cobblestone roads. Citizens, clad in vibrant garments of diverse styles, flowed through the city, weaving a vibrant tapestry of life within its heart. In the distance, my eyes were drawn to towering spires and grand palaces, testaments to the city's opulence and power. Everglint was not merely a city; it was a thriving metropolis, a beacon of civilization in a world rife with danger and uncertainty.

Era and I exchanged awed glances as our caravan navigated the bustling streets, our anticipation growing with each passing moment. This place dwarfed Veilstead in raw size; you could fit two to three Veilsteads within its vast expanse. We decided to stow our horses and caravan in a nearby stable, opting to explore the city on foot for the time being. The stable hand took charge of our belongings, while Era showered affection upon Midnight, she said goodbye to the horse while wearing a smile befitting her youth. After paying the fee, we set out to explore the sprawling shopping district that sprawled near the city gates. It was evident that Everglint wanted to make a grand impression on travelers and adventurers, advertising its appeal right from the moment they entered.

Our path led us through a diverse crowd, a striking mix of races that was a rarity in other places. Dwarves, gnomes, and various other beings filled the streets, but what caught my attention the most were the few elves I spotted. Elves were known to rarely venture beyond their homes, considering themselves blessed by the goddess. To see them mingling with common folk was a sight to behold. Merchants with colorful stalls called out to us, though I personally avoided such practices, preferring more subtle methods to sell my wares. We continued our aimless exploration until Era suddenly tugged at my arm, excitement dancing in her eyes. She exclaimed, "Lucius, let's check out that stall!"

At first, I barely noticed it, tucked away in a far corner where few seemed to venture. As we approached, a woman at the stall called out to us, her voice carrying a unique charm. She beckoned, "Hey there, young one! Free samples for both of you. Help yourselves!"

An air of intrigue and curiosity washed over me as I beheld the enigmatic figure before us. Her presence was otherworldly, her features captivating in their distinctiveness. Her porcelain skin was as pale as the moon's gentle glow, in stark contrast to the lustrous silver hair cascading like liquid metal down her back. Those silver strands seemed to shimmer and catch even the faintest glimmer of light, enveloping her in an entrancing aura. Her eyes, twin pools of liquid amber, held a mischievous glint, revealing a playful spirit beneath her composed demeanor. They were like windows to a soul that had glimpsed both the secrets of shadow and the radiance of starlight.

She was garbed in attire that suited her enigmatic allure, adorned with intricate, arcane patterns and a color palette of dark, mysterious blues and purples. A vial of orange liquid dangled from her fingers, a clear indicator of her connection to the arcane and the esoteric. Yet, the most intriguing aspect was her race; she was an elf, not just any elf, but a dark elf. Rumors of such a race had reached my ears, but I had never encountered one in the flesh until now.

A chill ran down my spine as I noticed the vial in her hand, its contents mirroring those we had seen in Veilstead. I recalled Era's account of Samuel's words, suggesting that someone had provided him with the drugs and amulet. In a twist of fate or perhaps misfortune, we had stumbled upon the one person we had been trying to avoid in Everglint. As the mysterious woman extended her offer of free samples, I shared a knowing look with Era, our unspoken understanding growing stronger. In Everglint, danger lurked in the most unexpected corners, and it seemed we had just found ourselves on the precipice of unraveling the very secrets we had been chasing.