
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Chapter 13: The Power of Unity

n that tense moment, Samuel's movement defied all reason. With a single, swift step, he closed the gap between us, and I could barely react before he was upon us. He swung down, targeting Vestia first, the woman who had angered him so. Vestia conjured a small light shield to block his swing; it shattered but saved her from the blow. Panic surged through my veins as I desperately retrieved my sleep dagger from my pocket. I thrust the dagger toward him, but it was as futile as a child's toy against an armored knight. The blade made contact, but it might as well have been a mere scratch on his invulnerable surface.

The blade shattered upon making contact with his skin, and my hand was blown back, forcing me onto my back on the ground. Before I could comprehend what was happening, Samuel's vice-like grip enveloped me, lifting me off the ground effortlessly. I dangled helplessly in his grasp, my limbs rendered useless in the face of his unnatural strength. The world around me seemed to blur as fear and desperation coursed through me. Seriously, was this really it? Would I die before I even had a chance to start my journey for real? Samuel laughed, "Shouldn't have done that, kid." He raised his sword to my eye, but right before he could thrust it, a dagger came flying out from one of the alleyways.

He dropped me on the ground like a sack of trash, and I turned my head to see Isabella giving a signal to her gang. My heart pounded in my chest as I realized the extent of Samuel's power, and a profound feeling of powerlessness washed over me. It was clear that our initial plan had failed miserably, and I couldn't bear the thought of witnessing the annihilation of our group. I wondered why Isabella had helped me, but truly, I felt very weak in this moment. I couldn't help a single person, let alone myself.

A voice called out to me as I had just about given up hope; it was Era. She looked down on me with her red eyes and yelled, "Get up; we aren't dead yet." She helped me to my feet, and Vestia looked panicked next to me. Vestia exclaimed, "Guess the ace up his sleeve was just taking the entire town by force."

We watched as Isabella dexterously dashed around the battlefield; it seemed she also used dark magic. Dark magic was rare, but not nearly as rare as light magic. Each person is born with an element they are most attuned to. For example, Era's is life magic, which is somewhat common, and mine which even I don't know. Most people don't know their elemental affinity because most common folk don't study magic. Unless you plan on honing your magical skills, knowing something like that isn't necessary. Most people aren't gifted with powerful enough magic for it to matter, and mine is much the same. I don't really need to know because I just use runes for my magic anyway. People with low ability for magic, like me, can still use runes, as runes themselves don't require a lot of magic affinity.

Isabella bounced off dark spots in the air as she dodged back and forth, trying to gain the upper hand in her battle with Samuel. The dark magic she was using created spaces like launch pads for her to slash at Samuel and quickly dodge backward. I would be impressed if the situation were different. I yelled at Vestia, "Isn't light magic naturally effective against dealing with dark magic? Is there anything you can do?" Vestia shot back, "No fool, my light magic is only good for protecting and healing; I can't use it to fight." She had a point; each type of magic was good for specific kinds of things. For example, dark magic was good for creating space like Isabella did or strengthening one's body. Vestia's light magic was mainly only good for creating barriers or healing. There were tons of spells for each element, but those were the primary functions of the elements.

An idea popped into my head; it could work, but it would require Vestia's aid, and since Samuel was distracted, this could work. Era stepped forward, "I know that look in the short time I have known you; you just thought of something stupid again. Very well, I will cover you." Luna was assembled and ready to fight. Light magic should work to weaken dark magic like Samuel is using. I can provide the means for her light magic to reach Samuel with my runes. I had never tried this before, and I didn't know what would happen, but if this works, Samuel should be affected. Luna flew through the air, slashing at Samuel from behind. He took no damage but bellowed, "Stupid flies! I will teach you a lesson for buzzing around me!" He turned toward Luna, ready to strike.

In response, I pulled out a marker from my backpack and drew a symbol of an F facing to the left instead of right. Vestia questioned me, but I just quickly told her, "Put your hand over the symbol, focus on channeling light magic into my hand." She did as she was told, not understanding why. I began to wait for Samuel to get closer. He was battling with Luna, but it would appear he had a massive advantage. Isabella dashed up to him, still trying to get a hit in, which caused him to back up a little. I yelled forwards, "Both of you! Get out of the way!" They both dexterously backed up, causing Samuel to face me, both eyes raging out of control as he began to dash towards me. I yelled out, "Cosmodine!" The symbol on my arm began to glow, and he stood in place, just as I thought he would. He saw us as nothing more than insects. He yelled out, "Give me your best shot, you inferior maggot!" He was super confident, rightfully so; normally, we wouldn't even be able to hurt him given his superior dark magic infused into his body. However, we had one of his bigger weaknesses right here.

My hand heated up, and I felt it burning my flesh as hot white fire began to gather. I yelled out, "Eat this!" The fireball was sent out at an impossible speed. Had he dodged sooner, he would have avoided it, but he simply let it hit. Right as he realized he had made a mistake, it was too late. The fire connected, burning his skin, and the fire was different from just a simple fireball. The fireball was radiant, thanks to Vestia; it burned with the power of light itself, something that Samuel couldn't have predicted. The fire burned Samuel's clothes, his skin, and hair. Blood and smoke trickled to the ground with force. Samuel yelled out, "N-no! That kind of spell doesn't exist; there is no light magic like this in the world. How can you possibly possess this kind of high-level magic?" I panted; my right hand was completely burned, and I was surprised that it hadn't taken off my fingers. Something like this couldn't be cast multiple times; my hand seared in pain.

I got down on one knee, as did Vestia, as we strained from the pain of using everything we had. I imagine her strain is much worse. The runes I cast only required a small amount of magic from my very limited supply. For her, she has been casting high-level spells one after the other since earlier today. I had also used a lot of her light magic to empower my fire rune. Despite this, Samuel leans on his sword, the blade burning with dark energy as he walks towards us confidently. I guess this is it. That is all I have. Dammit, I wish I was stronger. I wish I had been able to do more to him. Just then, Isabella, seeing her chance, dashes at him with a dagger in hand. Some of her goons, like Dex, join in, trying to strike him with all they have. Samuel slams them all with his fist, his dark magic slicing into them as he pushes a wave of destruction into them.

Samuel, with serious eyes glowing with black energy, yells out, "Enough playing around! You all die here! I will create a new Veilstead, one that will be feared across the land. One that will rival even the great city of Everglint! I will show that king of Everglint that nobody makes a fool of Samuel Blackwood!" The powerful blow had struck the Steel Serpents in all directions, with Isabella landing near me. I looked down on her, "Why are you helping me?" She glanced up at me, her eyes pained, but a wry smile could be seen on her face. Isabella laughed weakly, "I am not helping you, kid. I am helping this city. I have lived here my entire life; if I abandoned it now, I would be less than scum. I can't afford not to care anymore; there comes a time where even criminals like me have to give a damn."

Samuel slowly walks towards us, noticeably slower than before, but still we only had a few moments to prepare. I again draw a rune in the symbol of a Y flipped 90° right onto my hand in marker. Vestia might have been spent, but I had one more option right next to me. Era tries to fight a charging Samuel; she slows him down a little, but realizing she is the source of the doll, he hits her with a wave of black magic. Era is pushed away; I am worried, but I have to focus she may of bought us the time we needed. I look down at Isabella. I say to her, "Well, if you want to protect this city, I think we have one last shot at this guy. Focus your dark magic on my rune, and we may be able to save ourselves and this city." Samuel is now directly in front of me; he grins like a hunter about to get his prized rabbit.  Isabella doesn't question me given our options, she sticks out her hand and focuses. I feel dark power flowing into my arm. I look up at Samuel. He bellows, "Say goodbye, but don't worry; you will fuel the progress of Veilstead." I say to him, "Farewell, Samuel. Veilstead will rise, and your darkness will be but a memory." I yell out, "Magivara!"

The combined dark magic from Isabella and my rune began to converge, and the world around us seemed to hold its breath. Samuel, his confident grin slowly fading, took a step back, uncertainty creeping into his eyes as the swirling magic enveloped him. The air crackled and hummed with the intense magical energy, making my heart race even faster. Samuel, the menacing figure in front of me, was now obscured by the growing magical storm. Isabella and I struggled to maintain our footing as the force of the impending explosion pushed against us.

In that critical moment, Vestia, who had somehow managed to recover just in time, rushed forward. Her hands glowed with a faint white light as she attempted to shield Isabella and me from the impending blast. The tension in the air was palpable as the world seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the inevitable explosion. And then, it happened. A deafening explosion of magic erupted, sending shockwaves rippling through the area. Samuel was engulfed in a swirling vortex of dark and light energy, his once-confident stance now reduced to one of desperation. The sheer force of the explosion sent Isabella and me tumbling backward, struggling to stay on our feet. The last image that crossed my mind was the face of Vestia, her determined expression etched in my mind as I lost consciousness.