
Chronicles of the Alchemist warrior

2025 was the year of greatest human advancements. Dinosaurs being brought back to life, start of the cyborg plan in USA, end of Russian war and many more. Just as the humanity reached the peak of peace and prosperity, something unexpected happened. Not another war. Not another pandemic. But something that shouldn't reasonably exist in this world. Gods. The gods of four pantheons descended on the world and inhabited their respective countries. Half the population of earth got eradicated in a month. During this massacre, Nepal, surrounded by China and India, experienced very little damage. Despite having gods descend there, they revered them and the gods protected the Nepalese. Thus giving birth to the first empire of the new world. 200 years later, a boy was born on that same land who would later be known as █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

ProfessorBilan · Fantaisie
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Suryapal Empire

It was the first empire that Prithvi Shah II created 200 years ago, during world war III. Fighting with the internal and external threats, the king established his empire as the new superpower. He created a system and a treaty that ended the world war, giving him the coveted 'the Great' title. 

The capital province of the empire, Nepal, was situated at its northern borders. Within the province was a small village separated by a great river. 

. . .

"The UN declared English as the universal language to unify the world on 2030 AD. That's also why our village, formed after the declaration, has English name but the provinces have the ancient Nepali or Hindi names."

A short man with black patchy beard walked across the stone-walled room while the teenagers around him paid no attention. He thought, 'Who gives a fuck if these brats listen or not. All I want is the salary and the "head" I'll get after that.'

He smiled with a drool in a daze while a female student looked at him with a frown. 

Regaining composure, he continued with the pointless teaching.

. . .

The lecture ended smoothly and the teacher got out of the room. 

A student stood up from his wooden seat.

All eyes on him. 

The student put his round glasses down with his twig-like arms. 

He went to the first row and looked at a tall muscular guy with a book. 

"Give-" His voice cracked. His face turned red but he proceeded regardless. 

"Give me my girlfriend back."

The class chuckled and whispered while looking at the two.

"An orphan and a loser. What a combo, this is."

But the tall guy continued reading. 

The scrawny kid gritted his teeth and yelled, "Elias-"


The kid flinched but his voice didn't. He leaned forward and continued,

"I thought you were a nice guy. So, why? Why did you steal her?"


"YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVED HER." The kid held back tears and continued, "I don't want excuses. Undo whatever curse you've put up on my Becky." 

The whole class fell dead silent. "Answer me-"

"Jeffery, look back." 

A young woman stood tall behind Jeffery, shadowing his whole body. 

"My, what an interesting conversation. Would it be okay if I joined in?" she said. 

Jeffery slowly turned back and said, "M-miss Victoria." 

The chuckles turned into laughter and Jeffery looked everywhere in defeat. Then, he saw the pitying face of the one man he despised with all his heart.

Elias said, "Don't do this to yourself." 

The laughter stopped a few seconds later and the class continued normally. 

Jeffery stared daggers at Elias's back with face void of emotions while murmuring. 

"it's all his... all his fault... why me?"

The students went to their homes at 5pm. 

Elias had two hours of walking and a hill between his home and school. 

He bid farewell to his friends and glanced across the street to see a girl wink at him. 

Jeffery, looking at the scene the whole time from afar, cursed at Elias. "Fuck it, I have no regrets now." 

Elias reached the shore of the river at the base of a hill. 

Just as he traveled halfway through the bridge, a familiar voice reached out to him from the back. 


Elias jolted his eyes back and saw a big fireball forming. 


Meanwhile, on the northern part of the empire, four shadowy figures were atop a cliff. One of them said, "Nepal is just a few days away. Soon, Lord Ravana will be overjoyed."

"Overjoyed is an overstatement. Father's standard aren't that low."

"So you two have time to talk, huh? Go hunt some animals." 

The last figure floating on the sky looked at the setting sun.

"Kept you waiting for too long, Vishnu." 

And so, the epic begins.

ProfessorBilancreators' thoughts