
chronicles of Nikos

where the Central Powers emerged victorious from the Great War, the world stands irrevocably altered. Sixty-five years have passed since the fall of the British Empire and the rise of the American Empire and the German Imperium. This victory, however, came at a price—the Forgotten faith of Christianity and Orthodoxy has been entirely erased from the collective memory of the new generation, replaced by the dominant ideology of Avanism following the success of the Great Reformation.As the anniversary of the Central Powers' victory approaches on December 26th, 1983, tensions simmer beneath the surface of society. The scars of the wars of Rebellion from 1918 to 1949 still linger, and the world teeters on the brink of uncertainty. Meanwhile, preparations are underway for the grand celebration of Avanism National Day on January 1st, 1984, promising both spectacle and reflection on the state of the world.

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character bio

Name: Pyrros II Blackriver-Nikos

Age: 23

Date of Birth: December, 24, 1960 of germanian calendar

Place of Birth: London, imperial kingdom

Religion: The Avanism, they worship twin gods name Alexlic and Hellexic, and the Avanism preach about white supremacy and superiority. Avanism was born during the ten Reformation That destroyed christianity and orthodox after world war one won by the central powers

Appearance: long dark green hair, man stood at the height of 6'5'' and with built of lean and slightly muscular that is from athletics and training. His notable features are High cheekbones, strong jawline, a thin scar above the right eyebrow

Personality and Mannerisms: Pyrros is generally reserved and formal in public, keeping most thoughts and feelings private, he was polite and courteous, with a talent for Diplomacy for young age and Intelligent, thoughtful, often contemplative in nature and he was driven by a sense of duty to his family name and position in society. And still have grief and anger over the deaths of his cousins by Black uncivilized barbarians as Pyrros see it now, and Pyrros is a excellent public speaker when needed, able to rouse or calm masses, and he is athletic and skilled in horseback riding, fencing, archery from Nobility upbringing. He enjoys histories, philosophy, strategies in his spare time. Has poised and composed demeanor, rarely showing strong emotion openly.


father: Alexis Nikos is the head of Nikos Industries and the Nikan Church of Avanism

Mother: Alice Blackriver (deceased from a illness)

Brother: Alexander Nikos was a general in the imperial army (deceased from the Francia-Imperial war)

Brother: James II Nikos is Disinherited by alexis after he joined a Imperial military

Sister: Anastasia Nikos and she is married to Crown Prince Augustus Leonuaner of the Greek Empire and the older sister to James and Pyrros

Uncle: Jonathan Nikos is the apostate poplist leader of the Kuresheim party that are Supremacist and White supremacist and Jonathan wanted to bring back glory of the british empire and Commit genocide against the germans

Cousins: Jerome and jeremiah Nikos are Twin sons of jonathan Nikos (Deceased from September riots of 1975 In which they were murdered by black rioters)

Good Story

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