
Chronicles of Eldoria: Shadows of Destiny

In a realm steeped in ancient prophecies and magic, Aiden, an ordinary young man, discovers he holds the key to Eldoria's fate. As he grapples with newfound powers, a diverse group of allies joins him in a quest to thwart an encroaching darkness. The intertwining threads of friendship and romance weave through mystical trials, fae mischief, and personal redemption. Together, they face betrayals, unveil long-buried secrets, and confront the ultimate challenge: a final confrontation that will decide Eldoria's destiny. Will they emerge victorious, or will shadows cast a permanent veil over the realm?

WorldWanderer · Fantaisie
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76 Chs

A Rift in Unity

Dawn's roseate fingers crept hesitantly across their ramshackle encampment, outlining weary forms hunched around scattered cookfires. Haggard faces told plainly the toll recent brutal skirmishes exacted, both physically and emotionally. Worst still, the latest betrayals hinted corruption festered from within rather than enemies without.

Aiden watched motley fighters rouse to scrape together breakfast, avoiding his gaze. Only loyal Brevan shot him roguish wink where he tuned his battered lute strings nearby. Since the clash over his illicit affair, conversations felt weighted by unspoken recriminations on all sides. United in purpose once, now bonds strained to snapping among comrades become strangers.

Wandering the camp outskirts restlessly, Aiden glimpsed Kendra tending a rudimentary spit turning venison over low coals. Heart suddenly too burdened for speechless company, he approached hoping for perspective beyond fraught silence.

The rangy scout glanced up scanning his disheveled state frankly through windblown crimson hair without judgment. Her remote marsh clan felt even more outsiders to these tight-knit borderland fighters. If any empathized with his present isolation surely she might.

Settling on a nearby stump offered mutely, he searched for suitable words. "I fear allowing selfish passion unravelled our bold vision of unity serving this realm and crown." He stared bleakly toward distant hazy peaks. "Was claiming some brief solace worth destroying found family and failure of our sworn quest?"

Kendra studied him pensively while adding seasonings to sputtering meat. At length she spoke measured words. "I cannot judge what passed privately between souls, nor its wisdom now. But I understand how swiftly currents shift from tranquil to torrent if balance tips too far awry."

She slid sizzling portions onto wooden trenchers, handing him one before continuing gently. "Blaming yourself gains little. Nor does demanding others offer grace they cannot comprehend."

Here she met his shadowed eyes. "Time may wear down these jagged edges if all strive to remember shared purpose. But best heal wounds within your own heart first, rather than plead validation from companions still wrestling grief."

Aiden nodded heavily through the simple repast, bolstered somewhat by her stoic counsel. Perhaps space allowed chilled tempers to thaw if he avoided provoking confrontations. With concerted effort, this schism need not become permanent rupture.

After thanking the somber scout and enquiring discreetly about her injured brother's recovery, Aiden continued roaming camp borders aimlessly. If receptions remained cool elsewhere he must entrust that to time and provide no further fuel against himself or lover. But chance wandering near Lady Isolde's warded pavilion unearthed darker revelations.

Muffled sobbing leaked from within the spelled canvas structure. Fearful the formidable mage suffered some relapse from recently healed battle injuries, Aiden hastily swept aside the opening flap. There across rumpled pelts sprawled the intuitive moon prophet Ylva, fair head cradled in Isolde's lap as she wept bitterly. Deep violet robes askew revealed cruel thorns tattooed around her slim wrists and neck.

Aiden froze in dismay while both women jerked round startled by his intrusion. Ylva's puffy features flushed scarlet with embarrassment just as Aiden registered shackle bruises marring her wrists below vivid inking. Numb disbelief competed with dawning horror - these permanent markings clearly established the waif girl as a coercively bonded oracle slave, cut off from personal freedom or power.

Isolde carefully drew a woolen blanket over Ylva's bare shoulders before addressing Aiden sternly. "Have care how you enter without warning, Sir Knight! Not all ladies reside comfortably amidst military camps."

Chastened Aiden quickly averted his eyes from Ylva's wretched state. "Apologies my lady! I feared you taken suddenly ill when I heard weeping..." His voice trailed off awkwardly as understanding dawned.

Their gifted young seer was no volunteer advocate freely banding her prescient powers alongside their crusade at all. Which meant...his gut twisted sickeningly... she endured captivity all this time without allies realizing her plight. Swallowing bile, Aiden met Isolde's inscrutable eyes.

"I shall leave you to privacy of course, but pray later you explain what fresh tragedy we aid unwittingly within our own ranks?" Quivering outrage colored his muted appeal. Isolde nodded majestically.

"The full tale shall be told, Sir Aiden. For now assist discreetly preparing travel packs. Time is of essence." Ushering him swiftly outside, her grave expression left no doubt - revelations uncovered this day irrevocably changed everything assumed about their quest.

Hours later Aiden entered the command pavilion at Isolde's summons to find Kendra and Breven already waiting by flapping canvas walls. Captain Rylan leaned sternly beside a travel worn saddlebag but stood politely as Isolde entered murmuring reassurance to someone apparently hidden just within tent flaps.

Aiden's stomach knotted realizing they had no assembled thus since the night she made her stunning personal confession in his defense. Was she about to expose whatever fresh treachery enslaved young Ylva under their willfully blind notice all along?

His fears realized when Lady Isolde led the wraith-pale oracle herself to stand blinking anxiously center stage. Up close without glamouring robes, evidence showed plainly now of long standing captivity and control - engraved thorns encircling slim wrists and neck, skin unusually pale from years without sunlight, limp mouse brown hair hanging lankly to conceal haunted eyes darting like a caged animal.

Aiden swallowed rage toward past blindness and shifted nearer hoping his solid presence brought some comfort. But the reclusive girl cringed away shifting closer toward Isolde and mystic safety she clearly represented. Lady Mage regarded them somberly.

"Brave friends, I present Lady Ylva, long time seer bound unwillingly to serve throne through powers they barely comprehend much less revere." Isolde kept one steadying hand upon the trembling girl's shoulder. "She confided only in me previously through magical rapport. But recent events make clear continued secrecy dangerously ignores key injustice under our very noses."

Her piercing gaze circled them. "I posit we were manipulated using this sensitive child to further crown conquests. Are we any better than tyrants if ignoring such coercion for expedience?"

Her words dropped venomous into fraught air. Captain Rylan looked affronted by the bold challenge while Breven fingered lute strings angrily clearly loathe to accept ethical shades marring their glorious campaign. Kendra lapsed into resigned brooding as thoughConfirming long held suspicions.

But Aiden felt galvanized by this graphic evidence of overlooked oppression driving their so-called just cause. "You speak only truth, my lady. I for one shall continue this crusade only if we make exposing and preventing such vile sanctioned slavery our foremost priority now." He crouched nearer the trembling oracle meeting her skittish eyes. "Dear Ylva, I swear to you upon my soul we shall win your freedom and protection somehow."

Her answering Watery grimace seemed equal parts hope and despair. But before more sympathetic oaths echoed, Captain Rylan stomped forward scowling fiercely.

"Enough upending our entire siege campaign over one compromised asset!" He glared coldly At the cringing oracle. "Coercion serves crown necessities regrettable as that reality proves for peasants. But we must not abandon greater victory rewarding generations to come simply because taste for cost turns bitter!"

His blunt pronouncement sparked predictable outrage within the tent. Kendra looked disgusted while Breven jumped up spewing inventive curses against such heartlessness. But Aiden felt words inadequate expressing fury churning molten through his veins. Captain Rylan embodied the ruthless neglect failing people most defenseless against tyranny's spreading stain.

Vaulting forward fist cocked, Rylan narrowly ducked the wild blow before fists and accusations flew fast from all corners. Breven grappled the Captain shouting heated threats while Kendra wrestled both men apart her compact frame belying startling strength.

Throughout the chaos Isolde sheltered the distraught oracle, sharp voice rising to pierce the din. "Cease this madness immediately! Are you warriors or beastly rabble??"

Chastened the men separated warily but Aiden still trembled with outrage. "Speak some sense into your obstinate Captain, my Lady or I shall enforce respect differently!"

Here Breven crowed agreement cracking knuckles eagerly. Kendra frowned repressively loathe to see tent discord worsen but leaned tacit support near the timid seer. Surely even marginalized marsh folk despised such exploitation by the powerful. Lady Isolde read the room swiftly and stepped forward wielding authority to appalling effect.