
Chapter 16

Max and Cassidy headed to the courthouse after lunch and found out that all they needed were two witnesses and then wait 24 hours after initial paperwork before they can get married so they did the paperwork and set the timer for tomorrow and then left the courthouse and went over to Malcolm's office. Cassidy and for Malcolm secretary why they were there and they took their seats in the lobby. Malcolm came out and called them back into his office. It's nice to see you both. What can I do for you guys today? Well we have decided to get married and we're doing it tomorrow but we need two witnesses and we thought that you and Mandy might like to come and be our Witnesses Cassidy said. We would be delighted to come tomorrow what time do you need us to be there Malcolm replied. Max broke up next and said we can meet you here at noon and then I will take us all out to lunch afterwards.

That would be fine Max so until I see you tomorrow have a good night. Malcolm walked them to the door and gave a sigh of relief after they left. Cassidy and Max headed back to the house to get everything arranged for their big day tomorrow. Once at the house Max headed up to his room and something made him stop in the middle of the stairway and caused him to turn around and look back to where Cassidy was standing. So max when do you want to move your stuff into my room? I will move into your room after we are married if that is okay with you because I would like to start our marriage off on the right foot! Speaking of right foot that won't be back down so why on do you get yourself something to drink and I will be right back. With that said max headed upstairs.

Cassidy wandered into the kitchen and got herself a glass of tea and was wondering what Max was doing. She wandered into the living room and sat on the couch and propped your feet up on the coffee table and thought of her dad and about the letter he left her. She decided that she was going to open it but as she got up to get it Max came into the living room holding something in his hand so she sat back down. Maxine Cassidy was on the couch so he walked into the living room and bent down on one knee in front of her. Cassidy will you do me the honor of being my wife? As Max said those words he opened the Black Velvet box that held her original engagement ring.

Can I see you just sat there staring at the box then back to Max she couldn't believe that he still had her ring after all this time. Max we're already getting married tomorrow you didn't have to do this can Cassidy's reply. I know I didn't have to but I want our marriage to start out the right way and that starts with me doing this Mac said waiting for her to say yes. Okay yes Max I will marry you Cassadee answered after she said yes Max took the ring out of the box and slid it upon her finger and closed the Box.

Next got off the floor and sat on the couch. Cassie. I know you didn't want to talk about the past but I need you to understand something I know that you overheard part of the conversation between your dad and me and I also know that if you would have stuck around you would know what I told him that I didn't want his money and that I loved you and whatever went on between you and me in our marriage was our business and not his. Yes, he did offer me money to marry you but that was not the reason I asked. I asked because I did love you and I still do like I said before I will do whatever it takes to prove that to you and if it means waiting for you to realize that then that is what I will do. So for now I'm going to go to bed and I will see you tomorrow and with that maxed it up and kiss Cassidy on the top of the head and left the living room.