
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs


"Cultivation is like a step-by-step on how to improve yourself down to the genetic level... not it goes deeper than the genetic level. it affects the soul, mind, and even subconscious. it's like rewriting them, but even then it's not a complete rewrite. which is why some cultivation arts are better suited for others," Alex said while sitting in the sect leader's office who was nodding his head in approval. 

"This Thunderbird Cultivation art will slowly transform me into a lightning man. It would boost all lightning-type techniques I use while giving bits of weaker abilities related to the Thunderbird. I'm pretty much gaining the Thunderbird bloodline," I said softly, 

"thats right... but it's not even 1%, more like 1/1,000,000th of the Thunderbird bloodline." He said amazed that Alex could see so far into this technique.

"This is why I couldn't get the original one. cultivation arts can't simply be passed to outsiders, while at the same time, one has to be careful who they sleep with, it risks clan secrets and their bloodline spilling out." I said softly, the sect leader looked at me for a moment before shaking his head.

"You are a genius. from what I see from your past, you should have been a super genius. perfect grades from a young age, i'm guessing you were always able to recall stuff you see right?" the sect master asked while showing me his computer which showed my past grades from when I was in school 

"Yeah. I don't remember everything, I can just recall stuff better than others." I said softly, to which the sect master nodded slightly.

"You have a strong mind, an abnormal mind for that of a simple human. adding how you inherited perfect genetics from your father's side. you were truly blessed, you were lucky all your life. this is... your 3rd hardship in life." He said softly, to which I went quiet for some time before shaking my head

"4th... my parent's death, my job falling apart, the divorce i'm going through... well, that 4th one is personal. On that note, can you look into my sister?" I asked softly, to which the sect leader nodded slightly,

"I have to run a complete background check on you, while also erasing you from the internet. do you believe in stuff like Voodoo magic?" The sect leader asked, to which I nodded slightly 

"Growing up, my dad always cursed someone who was using that stuff to try and get his way or something like that, adding cultivation being real. is it hard to guess voodoo is real?" I said with a shrug, to which the sect leader nodded slightly.

"Voodoo is of course real. there are 3 main ways voodoo could be targeted towards you. the first is through your DNA or something belonging to you. even the clothing you have on could be used to link Voodoo magic to you. your appearance is the second way, and lastly your true name." The sect leader said seriously, 

"There is a reason why I have not told you my name. just knowing someone's name could lead to you being cursed." the sect leader said making me think for a moment.

"what if someone just up and changed their birth name? I have seen people who changed their names over 5 times due to a phase they are going through." I said to which the sect leader shook his head.

"the name given upon birth shall remain your first name. we cultivators go by titles, my title is the sect leader of the Grand Thunder sect. when you leave, remember to think of a name for yourself. at the same time, hide your face... back to the main subject. you are a genius." the sect leader said leaving me speechless as he kept coming back to this subject

"Alex, you seem not to understand what I'm saying. some people have perfect memory, but even so, just because they remember everything doesn't mean they understand everything. you can recall everything and can understand. If you didn't hide just how smart you were, you would have been 10 years old, but in college. if you were born into a rich family, I 100% believe you would be a billionaire standing before me. even so, you came from nothing, even while limiting yourself to spend time with your wife and child, you were on the road to becoming a millionaire by the next year." the sect leader said while looking deeply at me.

"Why does this matter? because it took you 30 minutes to understand a SKy tier cultivation art. fucking 30 minutes, while still being a mortal. this is something even those powerful cultivators in the past couldn't do." The sect leader said annoyed while looking at the look of confusion I was giving him

"But I only did it so fast because I had you to speak with and answer my question. if not, I might have needed like 2 hours." I said softly, causing the sect leader to glare at me. What the hell was he hearing?

"Yes, thats equal to the time many powerful cultivators would have needed. In other words, your comprehension talent can rival those light years above you in strength, and thinking speed." He said while sitting back, rubbing his head speechless by all of this.

"There are 3 types of talents. the first is the cultivation talent, this is the one we tested for. the second is body cultivation talent. How fast and well can you train your body? the 3rd is comprehension talent, which is where you are shining in." the sect leader said seriously 

"Alex, you are most likely a peak Heaven Grade Talent. before you, things would come easily to understand. it only seems like the trauma from your wife's betrayal had fully awakened your comprehension power. My disciple, you must not run around revealing to people how talented you are." he said seriously while handing me a blue crystal.

"thats a spirit stone. it's a unique ore that absorbs Qi from the air, causing it to take on such a unique form. it would help you cultivate fast but don't overuse spirit stones. As it's not 100% Qi you would be absorbing. remember, it was once an ore, so you will be absorbing that ore into your system, leading to impurities, and your cultivation becomes filled with flaws." He said while I looked at the spirit stone for some time before looking at him.

"Can you show me how to use it? I learn best from watching others." I said calmly, to which the sect leader nodded slightly. many people learn best from trying, and others learn best from watching others try.

"Okay, to absorb it's best you close your eyes, and focus on your palm. after which, you take a breath through your hands, drawing the energy within your body." the sect master said, while he closed his eyes. The spirit stone energy dropped.

Alex closely watched this scene with [The Almighty], but he was not simply watching that scene, but the sect master countless future possibilities. form when he was cultivating, to training his martial arts, or even fights, I saw them all and got to quickly understand the type of person the sect leader was.

"You got it." The sect master who was doing everything slowly so Alex could understand asked, Alex nodded while taking the spirit stone, and went on to absorb the Qi from the spirit stone without bothering to close his eyes. 

"The energy is leaking out," I said softly, sensing how some of the sea from the spirit stone escaped. Ignoring the speechless look the sect leader was giving me.

"Yes, it's impossible to effectively use all that energy within the spirit stone. some leak out, and some escape your hold. the same thing is true for cultivation, the energy you absorb to cultivate isn't 100% under your control, which is why one can't rush into breakthroughs. you have to slowly guide that energy following a cultivation art." He explained while I simply nodded

"I will be leaving, there is someone I have to see." He said to which I nodded slightly, not bothering to ask while I left, returning home. I went out and got in my car, I pulled out my phone for a moment, hesitating if I should call my sister... but in the end, I went online to check up on her TikTok page to see what she had been up to. but I found that her page was completely blank.

"Odd..." I said while trying to see her Facebook and other social media platforms she was on, but they were all blank. her name was erased from everything, leaving me stunned for some time. Just because she has died didn't mean this would happen, it most likely meant someone had gone out of their way to erase her.

I grew worried, yes I haven't talked to my sister for over... wow, it was over 15 years. but ever since I have been supporting her dream of just laying around all day in her room, watching anime, and trying to become famous or something. but we had a huge fight back when I was in high school, which led to me cutting her out of my life, but I still gave her 5k a month. the fight was... well, it was personal. let's say she was not happy when she heard I was dating Sarah. 

"... I guess I'm all alone," I said while sighing. I couldn't bring myself to call her, not after what she did. Sighing, I drove home while cultivating at the same time. this was dangerous as It was beginning to rain, and by the looks of things it might be a storm. but I mastered cultivation. 

by the way, I had near-perfect energy control. what do I mean by this? simple, [The End] allowed me to master just about anything I see. although for now it was limited to me instantly mastering stuff to 10% and greatly boosting my comprehension speed, it was still impressive. 

When I mastered the Thunderbird cultivation art, I understood it inside and out. every single piece of information it wanted to teach me and show me, I had understood it. this meant, my current energy control was perfect. although not down to the atomic level, it was good enough that I wasted no energy, and used the perfect amount of Qi for just about anything I wanted. this was good as I didn't need to worry about cultivation slowly because I could of course better control the Qi within my body than the outside world.

this meant I should be able to make countless breakthroughs with a small amount of energy. by the way, the sect leader talent was at the Mid-Sky tier, which was above the Earth tier. in other words, my talent was slowly growing to become a Mid Sky Tier talent.

Adding the fact I would need less energy than others for a breakthrough, and my already overpowered abilities... well, I was on a path to becoming the strongest in a short amount of time. 

"wow... it is a quality change to one being," I said to myself once I took the first step into cultivation, which was being a cultivator. I was now at level 1 body transformation realm. 

The Body Transformation realm was the first realm in cultivation. it was split into 10 levels, although in the past it was only split into 4 parts. these extra 6 steps came due to the lack of heaven and earth energy, one needed to take extra steps thanks to that. 

From level 1 to level 3 Body transformation realm, or what it used to be known as the Earily Body transformation realm.

Level 4 to level 6 Body transformation Realm used to be known as the Mid Body transformation realm.

Levels 7 to level 9 Body transformation realm used to be known as the High Body transformation realm. 

lastly level 10 body transformation realm, this was a realm only those with perfect foundations could enter. if not, they would skip over it and go into the next stage of cultivation. it was considered the peak of Body Transformation.

Within the Body transformation realm, one does many things. such as Skin Refinement where they strengthen the skin to the point they are bulletproof, Flesh Refinement, Bone Refinement, Viscera Refinement, Marrow Refinement, and many more.

Pretty much, they transform the whole body. at level 3 body transformation, it's said that even the best of bullets fired from the best of guns would only leave behind a mark. also, at level 7, one builds a Qi sea within their dantian.

those below level 7 have a huge weakness. if one can block Qi from them, they would not be able to draw upon heaven and earth energy to channel to boost their power. but this weakness disappeared at level 7, as they could store Qi within their Qi sea. 

"Why is she back?" Pulling up to my driveway, I was instantly annoyed seeing Sarah at my door. but upon closer look, it wasn't Sarah. This woman had on dirty clothing and was sitting at my door, wet from the rain. she looked like a complete mess. 

"Lily?" Getting out of the car, I ran over to her and helped her up. but the woman just hugged me, while she just cried nonstop. but after a moment, her body went weak, fainting.

I was stunned for a moment, but I helped her inside the house where I removed wet her clothing, and tried her off before having her sleep in my bed. but when I looked at her legs, I realized what happened. her legs were swollen, and seeing the condition of her shoes, she should have walked an extremely long distance to reach me.

"..." This made my heartache, the fact out of everyone, she came to me showed she had no one else to turn to for help. Who was this woman you may ask? My childhood friend, and Sarah's worst enemy. She was also the person who helped me greatly in starting my company... I was really lucky to know her. but in the end, I betrayed her, which led to her hating both me and Sarah. But I managed to ease her down to a point where we became... somewhat of friends, but it could never be the same, so we drifted apart.

I went on to go cultivate while I waited for her to wake up. Lily only woke up the next day at 7 am, just in time I was getting ready to head out towards my store.

"... where are Sarah and Hope?" walking downstairs with some robs on, Lily looked around the house which seemed... empty. with me in the center of it all, cooking a meal which caused her stomach to start crying out.

"Sarah and Hope left me for another man... So, what got a rich girl like you walking hundreds of miles to see me?" I asked softly,

"Everyone is dead. My family, all died, my uncle had taken the chance when everyone was sick from the virus to take hold of their company. by the time my parents recovered, we found ourselves broke... following the animals suddenly going crazy attacking and killing all of the humans. countless died. I was only able to escape thanks to my dad." She said while hugging herself. she was shaken by everything she saw.

"the car was badly damaged in my escape, and with how the gas prices had suddenly increased, I wasn't able to put gas in my car, so I had to walk the remaining 100 miles... you're the only one I could think of. if anyone had a talent for cultivation, it had to be you." She said softly, making me sigh softly.

Growing Up, I was mister perfect. perfect genetic, looks, and luck. this led to me having a smooth life all my life. But without the system, what would I be right now? 

"I'm about to go to work. you can stay for as long as you want. do you have a talent for cultivation?" I asked softly, to which Lily shook her head

"I never had the time to test it. for the past few months, my life was a rollercoaster, of ups and downs." She said with a shake of her head. Nodding slightly, I had her come over. I took her hand, and after sending my energy into her body, I was able to test her talent. I copied this ability from the orb which measures talent. [The End] had one weakness, and it was that I couldn't control what I copied. everything I see is copied

"You are a human-tier talent of the 3rd grade," I said softly, stunning Lily. I went on to give her something to eat. 

"Make yourself at home, when I come back, I will try and help you enter a sect," I said softly, to which Lily just nodded slightly while looking at the food before her. she never smelled food that looked so nice... now that she remembered it, it's been 2 days since she ate anything. 

"Thank you," Lily said weakly, as a rich girl, this new era was going to be hard for her to adapt to.

"You need not thank me... You made me, I should be the one repaying you. without your funding, or even your support. I would not be where I am right now." I said seriously, she shook her head.

"You would have found a way. I'm more shocked that someone like you hasn't become a millionaire after so many years." She said to which I sighed softly, but I said nothing and went on to go to work while taking the food I bought yesterday into the car. Lily sat there for some time with a blink look, before she went on to slowly eat.