
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

Jax's Pov:

I put my ear to the door and begin to wait. Specifically, I'm waiting for a change in her breathing patterns. I sit there for half an hour. Then Amy's breathing begins to slow to a sleeping pace.

I open my door and peek my head out. I see her sleeping on the couch. I look around and there it is. Her badge. It's sitting on the kitchen table. I walk slowly trying to not make any sounds. I sneak past her. I grab the pass and out the front door I go.

I walk quickly to the commons and step in. Instantly Jason and Vivian walk up to me. "Did you get it?" Jason asks me. I nod my head and we begin heading down the hall where once again, I'm looking for Kade. I lead the way with Jason and Vivian following close behind.

We get to the spot where I got shot. I sniff the air. The scent of him still lingers. I follow it around corners until a door is blocking our way. "Do you hear anyone behind the door?" Vivian asks with a shakey voice. I put my ear to the door. "I don't hear or smell anyone," I say while putting the key card up to the scanner. It beeps then the door slide open.

I step in looking down the hallways that lead in different directions. I sniff the air and there is a slight scent that I can follow. I walk in the direction of the scent. Then it cuts off. "It's gone." A shiver goes down my spine. "What do you mean?" Jason asks me looking around. "I don't know. It just stops."

"Let's just keep moving, maybe they decontaminated this area," Jason says walking in front of me. We continue for a while then I can smell him again. "It's back." I say and take the lead again. The white walls slowly turn to gray. It gives off a creepier feel than the other halls.

Kade's scent gets strong like he's just standing right in front of me. "He's close," I say. I hear Vivian make a small squeal of excitement. We get to the end of the hall it splits in two directions. Down both ways, there are doors upon doors with little windows.

"Oh my God. Do all of these doors contain people?" Jason asks while staring down one of the halls. "It smells like it," I say to him. I walk down the right corridor following Kade's scent. "I'm going to look for Emma now," Vivian says to me as I get farther away. "I'm going with her so you're on your own," Jason says.

I continue down the hall to a door that has his scent practically seeping out of it. I put the key card on the scanner and I hear a lock unlatch. I grab the handle and open the door to see him. My breath immediately hitches at the sight. "K-Kade?" I say quietly.

Kade is skinny so skinny he looks dead. He's lying on the floor not moving or making a sound. I can't even hear a breath leave his mouth.

I go to him and sit by him. I lift his head into my lap with tears running down my face. "I'm here. Please say something." I put my ear close to his face. The slightest breath leaves his mouth. A weak voice speaks to me, "Jax?" I stroke his head trying to give him comfort. "I'm here, I'm here. It's ok." I say as tears fall from my face onto his head.

He begins to move himself so he's sitting against the wall with me. He lays his head against my shoulder and stares at my crying face. I turn to face him and bring him into my warm embrace. "Jax, don't cry," Kade says while hugging me back. "What happened to you?" I ask while pulling back and looking at his emaciated body. "Experiments. No food. Abuse..." He tells me while looking down at his own skinny body.

Jason appears at the door, "Can I have the card? We found Emma." I reach my arm out with the card in hand for him to take. "Kade I..." I glare at Jason and he gets the message. Jason takes the card and leaves us alone.

"If your hungry, you can..." I don't get to say another word when Kade's fangs are digging into my neck. It stings a lot. He didn't even numb the area. But it's ok. He's starving. I pull him into my lap. That's when I realize he is ice cold. The clothes he has on are so thin that they probably won't give him any warmth. I rub his boney back as he gently sucks blood from my neck.

I sit silently listening to my boy take my blood. He's with me. That's all I need. He's beginning to warm up in my arms. Kade finally releases my neck from his mouth. He licks it a few times finally numbing the stinging pain. "Sorry, I was starving." He says while laying his head on my shoulder. "I love you," is what he whispers while snuggling into my neck. "Love you too, Kade."