
choices adult fan fiction

This is a collection of fan fiction stories of Choices stories you play books. The stories are mostly story focused and they have explicit mature content.

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CH01: New case

In the dark, deep inside an alleyway, a hooded figure approaches another man hiding his face under a cap. The hooded figure has their hands inside their pockets. The man checks out the surroundings and then pulls out a report from his back.

"Here, the original report you asked for!" He says.

The hooded figure takes it and opens it. After reading it carefully, the hooded figure starts talking. "You didn't read it, right?" The voice is modified with a device.

"No, just as you asked! I don't even know what this case is. I just took this one out and placed the one I was given."

"You did well!"

"So, the cash?"

"The cash has been sent to your wife as planned! Pleasure doing business with you! If we need anything help in the future, we will contact you! If you ever get caught, do not reveal anything that happened tonight!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, otherwise my family will face the price."

The hooded figure leaves as the man checks the front pocket of his jacket. 'Now, I was hoping to get a face on camera but whatever. I shouldn't get caught though.'

The man also leaves the alleyway and starts walking away by the sidewalk.

A car passes by the man towards an agency. Inside the car, Detective Cameron Rose was lost in thoughts. By his side, his partner Trystan Throne was driving the car.

"Once we're done reporting to Mafalda we're getting drunk tonight, Cameron!"

Now playing as Cameron Rose.

You try to forget what happened that day but every time that day of the year comes by your mind keeps telling you, you haven't solved your case. "Earth to Cameron, your girlfriend is talking to you!" You turn your attention to Trystan who's bumping her right elbow on you while driving.

"Sorry, Val! I was thinking about something!"

"Your uncle told me. Is it tomorrow?"

"I didn't want to ruin the mood, babe!"

"It's okay! Let's get to bed early and we will solve as many cases as possible tomorrow!"

"Huh, what are you talking about!"

"If your dad were alive right now, that's what he'd be doing, right? Let's remember him by doing something he likes."

You look at Trystan's smile for a moment as she is driving. A grin forms on your face as you pinch her cheek without thinking. "I love you Trystan Valerija Torne!"

"Hey, why did you pinch my cheek? Can't you see I'm driving?" After rubbing her cheek, "Love you too, Detective Cameron Rose!"

She pulls over in front of the agency. "I'll wait here for you! Hurry up!" You open the door and get inside the agency. After getting in, you see an empty office, the only light is inside Mafalda's office where she works. You knock on her door and then enter.

"Huh, Cameron! Took you long enough!"

"Sorry, you know Trystan! We had to stop by to be fashionable!"

Mafalda chuckles and takes the reports from your hand.

"You can leave now!" You turn back and before you can open the door, Mafalda interrupts you, "Actually, come early tomorrow! I have a particular case for you two!"

"Are you sure? You know what tomorrow is, right?"

"That's why I am asking you. The client can only be here before office hours. You'll know the reasons when you meet her tomorrow." You nod and leave the office.


The next morning you wake up early next to Trystan. Your right hand moves to her face without even a second of hesitation and you brush her cheek with the back of your hand. "Good morning, handsome!"

"Good morning, princess! Sorry for waking you early, you know the boss!"

"If you want me out of this bed then kiss me!" You lean in to kiss her forehead and then rub her jawline. "I thought you were going to wet my lips"

"As tempting as this offer is, I'm not kissing you before you brush your teeth!"

"Ahrg, fine!" She gets up from the bed and walks up to the bathroom while you check her ass cheeks.

"Love you, sweetheart!"

"Love you too Cam!"

After you're both done getting ready, Trystan drives you to the agency. You both get inside the agency early in the morning, just like last night, the only space with people is Mafalda's office. You open the door and extend your arm to Trystan.

"After you, my princess!"

"My man knows manners, I love it!"

She enters as you follow her to see a young girl in a high-school uniform, probably a high-school senior.

"Cameron, Trystan, this is Ellie Monroe, our client." Mafalda introduces you to the girl who is sitting in front of her. She gets up and speaks. "It's a pleasure to meet the duo of Rose and Thorne."

"Is that what they call us? I didn't make the connection but our last names have a connection." Trystan smiles at you. You shake your head.

"So, you wanted us this early because our client has to go to school?"

"Precisely! Ellie here is here for her brother who is accused of sexual assault on a minor."

"Okay Mafalda, you know that I don't take cases like this. I'm defending an accused of this kind of crime."

"Cameron, calm down! You're talking about the client's brother. We don't know if he's innocent or not, yet. Isn't that why you're here?" Trystan throws her left arm around you.

"Yes, Rose! You heard about that Stone kid, right? I personally know Clint. He's not someone who'd do something like this" says Mafalda.

"Okay! I'll listen to what she has to say!"

Now playing as Ellie Monroe.

In my family, it's just me, my brother and my mom. My mom was a sexual assault victim. The result was my brother, Clint. Then she got married to my father. When I was twelve, he died during a fire accident. My brother, Clint finished his studies and became a teacher. That's where I'm currently studying. The...victim of this case Alia is...was my friend. I used to bring her to my house. That's when I found she was interested in him.

Alia: Hey, your brother is cute

Ellie: I'm going to stop you there. He's way older than you and he might end up being your teacher.

Alia is from a wealthy family. She has a tendency to get everything she wants but she didn't pursue Clint. I thought she valued our friendship more than her infatuation. Then I decided to participate in the student body presidency. I had a feeling that Alia didn't approve of my decision. Clint eventually became our maths teacher. That's when it happened.

Announcement: Mr. Clint Monroe is called up by the president. Will you please come to the principal office immediately?

Student #1: Is our maths teacher in trouble?

Student #2: I don't know, maybe he parked his car at the wrong parking.

Student #3: Imbecile, Mr Monroe doesn't have a car.

I heard the announcement too. It didn't bother me at first but after a couple of minutes, the students started gathering up at the entrance. My brother was in handcuffs. He looked at me and then turned away. On the side, Alia was crying on the shoulders of her father. That's when we learned that Alia filed a case against my brother.

Now playing as Cameron Rose.

"If I get it right, your friend who had a crush on your brother was jealous of your presidential candidacy, went crazy and destroyed your brother's life by accusing him of something serious. Is that correct?"

"That correct!"

"I don't understand. If he was just accused and he didn't actually do anything, why do you need us!" Trystan asks.

"You see baby doll..!"

"Cameron, stop flirting with your girlfriend in front of our client, especially a minor!" Mafalda pauses you while filling up papers without even gazing at you.

"Sorry, boss! Where was I? Right, most of the cases that involve minors have to consider the minor as the priority. In this case, the moment the accusation is made, Clint becomes a criminal and he only has to prove his innocence to the court. I take that you have problems proving it that's why you need us."

"Yes, Clint refused the accusation. I trust him. I know when he lies but my testimony isn't enough when they have proof of his DNA on Alia!"

"Wait, is she pregnant?" Trystan asks.

"No, she means they found his sperm"

"Ow, that explains everything."

"Did they test it? Do you have any details about the lab reports?"

"I have them on paper. But first, I wanted to get you guys on the case before you take any international super missions."

"Don't worry, unless my future in-laws get into trouble, we're not going anywhere!"

"Aaaw! You're cute"


"I'll stop it, boss. Just so you know, Ms. Monroe, we're taking this case only because my boss is vouching for your brother. If I find out your brother did something wrong, I'll personally handle his business."

Ellie gets up. "Thank you for taking this case. I feel relieved now. Now that I can get to class without any worries. I can face those judging looks today" A slight smile forms on the side of her lips.

"She must have gone through some comments at school. Now I feel bad about judging her brother without thinking" You think as you get up.

Mafalda also gets up after closing the file she was reading. "I'll drop you at your school, Ellie! You two, I forbid you from hooking up in my office!"

"Mafalda, you're embarrassing us in front of Ellie." Trystan blushes.

"We will drop her, Mafalda! It will get us some more time to catch up on the case!" You interrupt the awkward moment.

"Are you sure?"

"You won't have to worry about us hooking up in your office!"

"Fine! Be careful, Ellie! I talked to your principal, if anything happens, call me!"

Trystan moves to the door and Ellie follows her. You flip your wallet and look at your photo with your dad.

"Rose, tonight we are celebrating at your uncle's bar!"


"We're celebrating Tommy's legacy. It was your girlfriend's idea. She planned it."

"When did she have time to do all that?" You close the door and hurry up to join the others.


On the way to Ellie's school, you ask her some questions.

"Ms. Monroe, what makes you sure of your brother's innocence."

"I know this question makes him look stupid but believe me, if you met my siblings, this question makes perfect sense," says Trystan.

"Yeah, the only sibling of yours without any cons is Margaret!"

"I like Margaret Thorne. She's the best!"

"What about me? Is that how you're going to treat your girlfriend, by putting my sister's pluses over mine" Trystan pouts.

"Val, you're perfect for me and only for me. That doesn't mean you're the better Thorne in everyone's standard."

"Stop making me not get mad at you, Cam! Didn't Mafalda tell you not to flirt in front of the kid?"

"It's fine actually. I love seeing you two talk like that. It's distracting me from what happened these past days."

"Okay, can we get back to my question, Ms. Monroe?"

"Ellie is fine. To answer your question, remember when I said my mother was a victim of a sexual assault."

"And she got pregnant with Clint, right?"

"Mom didn't want people to think he'd go up to be like his biological father. Our neighbourhood knows about our situation so she raised him to respect women. Which is why, Mrs. Ginovesi likes him. He took some personal classes her daughters."

"How did your mother take this?" Trystan asks.

"At first she was shocked. She knows her kid more than anyone so she is not that much worried. But our neighbours aren't leaving her alone."

"Nosy neighbours are the worst!" Trystan sighs as she hits the brakes. "And we're here!"

"Ms. Mon...Ellie, you can go first. I'll go talk to your principal."

"About that, I don't want the students to know about the fact that I hired detectives. So..."

"We can reveal why we're here to the students or staff."

"Our principal knows. But can you two act like you're here for something else!"

"Sure, we can act like we're looking for a school for our kid who we were hiding for 15 years." Trystan grinned.

You rub your forehead. "Why? Where do you get these stupid ideas?"

Ellie laughs. "Thank you!" She then takes her bag and leaves the car. You and Trystan look at her going inside the school perimeter.

"Cam, do you want kids?"

"I want a daughter just like her!"

"Look at us, planning a family and all!"

"Val, you're my endgame."

"Why do you like my middle name this much?"

"It's also the name of one of my favourite fictional characters!"

"I love you, Cameron!"

"Love you too!"