
Chloe’s Choice

After using the wish to change her life, Chloe finds herself and her father living the life of Marinette‘s family. The new world has a new Ladybug and the events aren’t matching up to what she remembers of her old world. But in this new world she’s not going to be the weak rich girl she was before.

madhat886 · TV
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10 Chs



Walking into her classroom, all of her classmates froze in fear seeing Chloe walking in. Marinette shrinks into her seat seeing her, like many of their other classmates. Chloe sat in the front row with lots of space between her and the others. While before Chloe was a bully with no bite, she now is a bully with a body count. Causing everyone to fear her, both students and the school staff, with only Miss Bustier being the only one Chloe listens to.

The reason why she's still allowed to attend school is that her very presents is the only thing that scares off villains or keeps them from doing much harm. When the Mad Bomber tossing the cartoon bombs around was blowing up buildings, it was Chloe who burst out of the main entrance with a bat and hit the bomb like a baseball sending back to the Mad Bomber.

Not to mention that because of her presents all the other trouble makers in the school are too scared to cause trouble. As Chloe straight up killed Donna Elle who was another school bully in the school after she was Akumatized into a villainess. Chloe fed her into a wood chipper feet first, laughing in her face as she watch Donna disappear into the spinning blades even after she turned back. Then Chloe fell over dying from the wounds Donna gave her while she was a villain. They were brought back to life but now Donna has PTD and is horrified of Chloe, to the point where she transferred schools. And all the other problem students are on their best behavior as not to incur the wrath of Chloe.

Chloe is now the school bully even if she really doesn't bother bullying others, as all it takes is her speaking up to anyone in the school for them to let her have her way. Like in the school lunch line all the students move aside to let her get to the front. As she makes it no mystery that once they get Akumatized, she can go and kill them as brutally as she wants. And because they're super powered supervillains at the time, no one is telling her to stop. Which also translates to local gangs and trouble makers also keeping away, as they are scared of Chloe.

Like when some punks were messing with Nathaniel, Chloe chase them off. With the punks not wanting to face someone who fights super powered villains. Which at first her classmates all thought that she's going to be nicer and protect them. But only for Chloe to throw it back in their faces that, only she gets to mess with them.

The most of the school staff wants to get rid of a Chloe but seeing what happen that one time she didn't rush in to fight, the damage the spider villain cause with part of the school building being destroyed to stop him. Made it clear that no matter how much of a bitch Chloe is, she does the job of being the meat shield for the rest of the school. And Red Queen and Cheshire had a much harder time fighting said villain without her.

"Stop milking your death," Chloe said to Marinette who is huddled up in her seat.

"Chloe," Alya said hugging Marinette to her.

"I died 13 times already and you don't see me milking my deaths. Which 5 of my deaths were caused by you, Nino, Nathaniel, Kim, and Mylène," Chloe points out. Making said students look away shamed faced and that Chloe killed each of them in return.

"Is that why you just killed me?" Marinette ask.

"I'm not going to be killed and taking you with me, when I can just end the fight right there," Chloe said.

"But even Red Queen doesn't like you killing," Sabrina said.

"I get the job done and the only way to get the akuma out is by either beating the villain or killing them. And Red Queen can always bring them back to life," Chloe said.

"You could just knock the villains out like me," Alix said remembering how Chloe swung that bat into her face.

"If, I can. But it's not like any of you are my friends who I care about. We're just classmates and you know what happens if I don't do my job in protecting you from the villains," Chloe said.

"But you really should think about what you will do with your future if you continue to act like this," Adrien said.

"I already did and I'm planning on either joining up with the military. It's a job where it's perfectly legal for me to kill," Chloe said.

"What?" the class asks in unison.

"That's strange, you all said the same thing at the same time," Chloe said causing her classmates to all stare at each other.

"Yes," all the class said in unison at the same time, again.

"Alright stop that," Chloe said as all of her classmates stare at each other.m

Miss Bustier Enters the classroom.

"This is really weird! Okay, stop talking!" the class said in unison.

"Are they talking at the same time?" Miss Bustier ask Chloe.

"Yes," Chloe said.

The class all look at each other thinking of something to say that the others couldn't possibly think of.

"Antidisestablishmentarianism!" they all said in unison and all stare at each other with wide eyes.

"This is getting creepy," Miss Bustier said.

"Seriously?!" the entire class said in unison again. "GAH!"

"JINX!" Chloe shouted out getting everyone's attention onto her. "Now if you all talk, I can punch you."

"Enough, it's time to start class," Miss Bustier said.

"Good, and unless Miss Bustier is talking to you. None of you can speak, or else," Chloe grins wide as she punches her fist into her palm.

"Chloe," Miss Bustier said.

"What? With all the stuff, I do around here. I earn it. I gave up 13 lives already to save people that I don't even like, that I'm not even being paid for to protect," Chloe said.

Miss Bustier was about to say something when a car slam into the wall of the classroom and fell with part of the wall creating a large opening. Outside in the distance is a giant pig attacking the city picking up cars tossing them in the air and destroying buildings. The class could only stare at the scene of destruction and at the speeding form of Chloe on her bike racing towards it. (1)


The next day -

In the lunch room the students all stared at Chloe who is eating a leg of ham, that still has the bone in it that is the smaller forearm, that she gotten for her lunch. That came from the pig that got turned into a giant pig monster, which killed Chloe after she speared its eye with a sharpen piece of wood from the wreck buildings, but allowed Red Queen and Cheshire to beat the pig. Red Queen brought Chloe back to life and restored all the damage done to the city.

The next problem came in what to do with the pig, which no one knew where it came from. But because it did kill Chloe, it would have to be put down. Chloe step in and said that she'll take care of it, which she brought it to one of her father's friends who happens to be a butcher. Saying that this way the meat won't be wasted.

"You're really eating all of that?" Sabrina ask.

"What? Uncle Fred is a good butcher and made honey glazed ham for me. Me and dad got half of the meat from the pig. And this will help me bulk up so, I can get really rip," Chloe said.

"Shouldn't you be drinking egg yolk?" Alix ask.

"Nope, I look it up when I started to get in shape. Turns out cooking the egg fuses its protein strands together and increases the amount of protein that will be digested compared to a raw egg. Consuming raw eggs also puts you at risk of salmonella poisoning," Chloe said. (2)

"Still isn't it strange to eat pork?" Ivan ask.

"Which killed me for the 14 time. So me having it made into meat for me and dad, is Justice that taste good. I even learn how to butcher a pig and help in cutting it up," Chloe said making many students to not feel hungry anymore.


Author's Notes -

1 - Chloe is a problem child and has many issues, but she also charges into danger to save people she doesn't care for, and for free.

2 - Don't eat raw eggs. A safer way is to get the stuff sold in a fitness store.
