
Chapter 79

“Well, not exactly familiar. Their current rooms are closest to ours, and I think the new arrivals will need that proximity to us. We’ll assign them the new rooms.”

“Works for me.”

Dani and I were ushered into the office of the fertility clinic director, Dr. Manzo Hiscoti, a few minutes after ten. Because I’d had a hand in selecting him for the job, I knew more than a little bit about him, even though I didn’t know him very well personally.

“Ah, ConteMarco and Dr. Rosati, good to see you again,” he said.

“I thought we got past that ‘ConteMarco’ nonsense the last time we met,” I said.

“Sorry, Dr. d’Argenzio, old habits, don’t you know?”

Dr. Manzo had spent many years in the UK getting his education, and it showed.

We chatted for a minute before he got down to business and assured me that both babies were healthy and of normal weight for twins.

“And the mother?” I said.