
Chapter 66

“Yeah, and we don’t have to worry about security for the kids,” I said.

“Should we tell them the news?” Dani said.

“What news?” Tom said.

“We’ve decided to go the surrogacy route again,” I said.

“We?” Noah said.

“Yeah, both of us,” I said. “By the time the boys come home next summer, they’ll have siblings.”

“That sort of thing wouldn’t fit our lifestyle at all,” Tom said, “but more power to you.”

“Yeah, you guys fly all over the world performing these days,” I said. “That would hardly leave any time for a family.”

“Not exactly all over the world,” Noah said.

“Babe,” Tom said, using an extremely patient tone, “in how many opera houses in how many capitals have you performed during the last two years?”

“Well, if you put it that way,” Noah said.