
Chapter 33

Milan, ItalyMarco

“WHAT WE’LL DO now is take the guided tour of the hospital, Valerius, and you try to locate him as we make the rounds. And listen out for instructions from me—I’m going to have to play this one by ear.”

“Okay,” Valerius said. “Can I talk to him again?”

“Don’t get carried away with it, and if he starts to ask questions, try to keep him happy without giving away any important information.”

“I understand,” he said.

“Good, now go flush one of those toilets, and let’s both wash our hands and return to the administrator’s office. One more thing: contact your sister and pass this along to her. Tell her to ask Father to have someone search for a record of this guy.”

“Okay. This is like detective work, isn’t it?”

“Sort of. Are we ready?”

“Sure,” he said. “Wait a minute—Serafina will be in school for another hour or so.”