
Childhood Soulmates.

Warning: Mature content. Farah Blade: Twin sister of future Beta Adam Blade of Blood Moon Pack, Daughter of Beta Alexander Blade, and his mate and wife Isabella Alexander Blade. Beautiful, Innocent, Body of a supermodel yet never has an attitude or show attitude, Sweetest person you will ever meet but at the same time firm and strongest person ( both in wolf form and human form) you ever meet, Never mess with her family and friends. The only person who can calm him (her Best friend who loves her most apart from his Parents). Xavier Knight Black: Future Alpha of Blood Moon Pack, Only son of Alpha Damon Knight Black and his Luna and wife Stella Damon Knight Black. He is arrogant, Ruthless, Powerful, and the Most feared person, the Body of the Greek God, Girls fall on their knees for him boys respect him and even some are jealous of him, mostly all fear him but he pays them no attention, the person that has his heart and most important to him is her (his best friend) and his Parents. Both wished to be each other's fated mate and when finally their wish came true, they had to face various difficulties just because they were fated mates but they overcame all difficulties and remained together and lived a happy life in the end with their newly developed family. _________________________________________________ Farah: MATE! Xavier: MATE! I and Xavier said it together. I can't believe it Moon Goddess just made my dream come true. My mate is my childhood friend, my Crush whom I have a crush on from childhood, maybe in love with, My Xavier, My Xavi, My Mate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the full journey of Farah and Xavier from childhood friends to soulmates.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · Fantaisie
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Best Friends.

There was a small dinner party at Alpha Damon's house. Only a few important guests were invited: Beta Alexander and his 5-month pregnant Mate, Gamma and his Mate, Warrior Edward, and his Pregnant Mate and their one-year-old daughter Melissa and other few Warrior mated Couples. Melissa was trying to be friends with Xavier but he was not even paying attention to her even though they were only kids at the dinner party. He was closely sitting with Beta Isabella even keeping his hands on her belly to hear the kicks of the babies. Everyone was a little bit shocked because it was not Xavier's usual behavior. He is always moody, never talks to anyone much, and even doesn't play with other kids. Everyone notices his usual behavior but whenever he is near Isabella, he behaves like a normal kid and even smiles when feels babies kicks, which is very shocking to everyone because he doesn't smile at all, and not only that he hates touch apart from a touch of his parents but mostly he let his mom touch him but he is very comfortable to touch Isabella's belly, which is also shocking for everyone. Everyone knows that the babies are gonna be best friends of Xavier at least one of them. No one had a problem Beta Alexander and Isabella are very happy that their babies are gonna be best friends with Future Alpha just like they are the best friends of present Alpha and Luna. And Alpha and Luna were very happy because their son is behaving normally towards babies and they were also happy that their son is going to be best friends with their best friend's babies. The only people who are not happy are David's family, Edward hates the Beta family because he thinks he should be a Beta, and the fact that Xavier is showing interest in their babies is very frustrating. He had already planned that their daughter was gonna be the future Luna whether she was the fated mate of Xavier or not. He has been teaching his daughter to be near Xavier as much as possible but the stubborn kid is hard to charm, he didn't even acknowledge her.

They were having dinner when suddenly Isabella's water broke and she started shouting in pain. The first time Xavier felt afraid for babies. His eyes become moist with tears. He ran to his mother and hugged her tightly. His mother slowly comforted him and Alexander took Isabella to pack the doctor and Others followed him.

Isabella gave birth to Twins: a boy and a girl. Adam Blade and Farah Blade. Adam is older than Farah by 2 mins. But Xavier is only obsessed with Farah. He had not put her down when Isabella had put her in his lap. Even Farah also starts crying if she is not in Xavier's lap. Everyone felt that there was this connection between them and that they may be mates. Their parents are super happy about it but David's family is fuming by hearing that they may be mates. Melissa immediately felt hatred and jealousy towards Farah. She felt that Farah had snatched her best friend from her and it didn't fit with her when she tried everything to be friends with Xavier but he didn't even acknowledge her and this newborn baby got his attention even when she was not in this world. Her father always told her that Xavier was her Best Friend. Only Her!. How could this newborn baby take Xavier from her?

Xavier felt like this baby was the most beautiful or should he say the most beautiful girl in the world. He felt an instant connection with Farah. She is going to be his best friend. Only HIS! He will make sure that no one takes her away from him. She already become the most important person in his life apart from his family. His Farah, His Faru.

Alpha and Luna felt a special spot for Farah as she made their son normal only by existing. They just prayed to Mood Goddess that what they sensed come true. They become mates in the future.

Beta Alexander even is happy with Xavier showing interest in their daughter but still, he is not very happy with the future Alpha's obsession with their daughter that he has not put her down for a minute. He is not happy about it after all she is Daddy's princess. She had already formed a special spot in his heart for her. He will not allow the boy to be obsessed with his daughter's future Alpha or not.

Isabella felt that her daughter got all her attention so she got a special spot for her son in her heart after all he was gonna be Mama's boy but that doesn't mean she didn't love her daughter. She and Alexander love their children equally.

5 years later...

Two kids are playing in the garden one 5-year-old girl with brunette hair and most beautiful blue eyes. She looks so beautiful with the sweetest smile on her lips looking over the 6-year-old boy with dark black hair and beautiful hard grey eyes. He looks beautiful just like a girl, looking at a girl like she is the only girl in this world like she is some sort of precious jewelry, he is looking at her with love and adoration.

Farah: Xavi! Xavi!

Xavier snapped out of his daydream and smiled at her which is only reserved for her. He hardly smiles at anyone.

Xavier: yes princess.

Farah: you look funny smiling alone and thinking about something.

Farah started laughing hard after seeing her grumpy best friend who was pouting cutely at her. This site was reserved only for his princess and no one else. Farah went close to him pulled his cheeks and said sweetly.

Farah: so cuteeeeeee!

Xavier removed her hand and said fake angrily.

Xavier: Hey! OK fine I will not talk to you...

Before he could ramble anything she kissed his cheek. Xavier's mood instantly became heavenly, he showed her a wolfy grin and kissed her cheek as well.

Xavier: ok you are forgiven now.

In a corner was the girl with red hair with black eyes watching their interaction. She was fuming seeing them so happy together. Xavier never even glanced at her and here he was smiling like a fool with her. She hated her so much. Why even she is here, why she was born, were the questions in her mind.

She went to them and said sweetly to Xavier.

Melissa: Xavi! Hi

Xavier immediately stopped smiling and became cold and distant as he said earlier his soft side is reserved for one person only. He said in a cold voice.

Xavier: it is Alpha Xavier to you.

Xavier likes to be called Alpha Xavier by pack members even though he is not Alpha yet. Only his family and close friends can call him Xavier and only his princess can give him a nickname. Melissa becomes a little afraid of his voice. Even though he is not Alpha yet he has so much power in his voice. Farah remains unaffected. She knew a soft side of Xavier was only for her. She knows how much power he has and she knows very well Xavier will never harm her nor will let anything happen to her. But she becomes irritated with Melissa always trying to be friends with Her Xavi. She doesn't like her or any girl who tries to be Xavi's friend. Xavi is only her Best friend. Only HER!.

Melissa tried to talk more with him but all he did was his Faru's hand and left without even glancing at Melissa. Farah felt so happy that her Xavi didn't talk to her or any girl in the matter. Xavi only talks little with her brother Adam who he considers his friend but not a best friend because that place is reserved for his princess only.

Kyle tries his best in school to gain Farah's attention but all she does is spend all her free time with Xavier. She didn't even glance at him not even once. He was frustrated but at the same time was afraid of Xavier because he had seen what Xavier had done to the boys or girls that tried to harm or bully his princess. He will never spare them, who hurt his best friend. And he even doesn't like that his princess is friends with any boys apart from Cole who he knows is like a little brother of Farah. Even though he allows it that doesn't mean he does not become grumpy when she is with him he suppresses his grumpy mood only for her because Mara and Cole are also her best friends which he doesn't like not even a bit but don't let show her because her happiness is important above all but he thinks her best friend is only him but never tell Farah anything because he doesn't want to upset her not in a bit.

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