
Child Of War And Death

Prophesies suck... Three days ago Droy had been a normal teenager until his father who he found out later was the Greek God Of War ARES came to tell him his life ends the day he came to this world...Which of course IS IN THREE DAYS TIME!!! Blame it all on Apollo and his Oracle(sigh) Follow the journey of our protagonist Droy as he is dragged into the mythical realm of the gods. War, Fury and Vengeance are coming. .... Read my other novels too Discord @Hellstrom#7459

JN_Njane · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

The Big Bad Wolf

Needless to say, the night was a nightmare.All night Droy had stayed wide awake afraid if he was to drift to sleep just a bit he wouldn't be waking up again. He didn't know how, where nor when he was to die just a general time frame from midnight to midnight. The owls outside were hooting and the wind was blowing furiously onto the window shutters. Droy was tucked in his blanket and was holding onto it like a lifeline and praying to all the gods he knew, his father being one of them.

Fear had paralyzed him in his eyes he had the look of a connered mouse. Lost and scared. His breath was fast and his heartbeat louder than harvest thunder. The whole brave act he had been putting up for the last couple of days couple of days crumbled like a sand castle.


Anna wanted to be there, to keep him safe, comfort him and cuddle him to sleep but Droy didn't let her in and pushed her away. She had already tried asking Droy if she could keep him company but Droy had refused sternly. It may be because of the blood of the children of Ares, prideful and never showing weaknesses in front of others. She knew her son and she had expected this to be the answer. In the end she decided to prepare some popcorn and watch some Harry Potter over the sitting room television so that she could see and hear if anything went wrong.


Some time had passed. In the sitting room Anna was fast asleep with a mouthful of popcorn while in his bedroom Droy was dozing off as all the stress had really taken a toll on his psyche. This and the monotonous hootof the distant owl caused his eyelids to drop, feeling heavy as lead.

Suddenly through the air of night ,a loud piercing scream, cut through. It was so loud full of anger and rage it lifted and replaced all the mental fatigue, the tiredness and the drowsiness. A feeling as if he had been given an adrenaline shot was circulating his whole body. Droy felt fresh and strong like never before.

By now he had learned that lately weird stuff was happening in his life and he had unanimously decided to not let things slide without a second glance first. Currently he was sitting in an upright position in his bed and just what he was waiting for was heard again. A second scream and it was much more louder. This was all that was needed to jerk Droy into action to go out and investigate.

Walking down the hallway past the kitchen then to the living room, he saw his mother on the couch, peacefully sleeping away. Popcorn was all over the whole place. He tucked her in properly and made sure she was comfortable but just before he could switch off the tv Harry asked "Mr Wesley, why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?"

"Well Harry, to kill them before they kill you" Droy replied sarcastically.

Nevertheless he continued moving forward and out to the porch. There on the porch were two rocking chairs that were being rocked by the howling wind. Droy walked down the porch steps and walked towards the bare hickory tree that had no leaves at all by the right side of the house. Under the light of the full moon the tree appeared black and even more twisted. Bit by bit everything was starting to look like a horror scene where the villain would pull up and go on a killing spree. And this thought,..absolutely did not cheer him up, it only made him nervous and on edge he would jump at the crack of a stick he stepped on.

Looking up the tree, Droy could see a bird, a vulture with pitch black feathers that had a strange shine to them they looked like metal feathers. The moon shone on the bird like a spotlight. On its large back was a strange red line running from the bottom where the neck connected to is body to the tail. A small red head with a visious curved beak reflected the moonlight upon it touching its bronze metallic surface.Its talons reflected the same bronze colour as they tightly gripped onto the branch.

Before Droy could even finish examining the magnificent creature, it raised it's small red head towards the sky and spread the two majestic wings. Along the tip of the 3m (10') long wings were the same red like the line on the back and head.When it's beak opened it let out a scream louder than the first two.Being beneath the source of such a mighty scream felt akin to being under a ringing church bell

The vulture turned to face Droy, it stared at Droy for a while and in turn Droy did the same, staring into those black cold intelligent eyes.This went on for a few seconds before it launched itself up in the air but before that Droy could swear the bird winked at him.

Droy was left alone ,his gaze fixed on the direction in which the vulture had been facing. First of all judging by the regular intervals between the screams and the increased voice with each scream sounded like an alarm, but what for? He had no idea. And the second reason was, the wink given from the vulture look more like "well, I warned you, now deal with it."

Out beyond the darkness and mist, emerging from the treeline to the poorly lit locale was a large black menacing creature. The creature resembled a wolf but much bigger. Even calling it a wolf seemed like an insult.

At the withers it reached 1.8m (5'4) tall and from head to tail it was around 3.4m (11ft) tall. On its huge mug were two cruel glowing red eyes that looked more like a pair of lava pits than eyes actually. The dog wasnt here for fun and games, this point was further proven by the snarl that appeared on its about with the bridge of the nose twisted in anger, the eyes reduced to slits, and the lips revealing the rows of the teeth and large carnassials covered in bronze metal, it they had been hiding just seconds ago. The wolf had a pitch black fur that burnt like embers at the ends through out it's coat randomly as they would light and dim like fireflies.

It didn't stop there because there were two things that had caught Droy's attention. On the side of it's body near the front legs were three gill-like slits that moved rhythmically to it's breathing.That was not the shocking part. As the gills opened the only thing that could be seen were the raging red and yellow flames similar to Wrath's.

Last but definitely not the least was the emerald flames burning around it's neck like a mane and at the tails end. As the gills structures closed the cold fire took charge and create a chill in the air that would be negated as soon as the gills opened and the creature breathed out. Inside were the red flames of Wrath whose energy, the anger, rage and fury ,he had felt while standing close to Ares too so he knew the power of Wrath in him must be his power.

What remained a mystery were the cold emerald flames.

"If the power of Wrath originated from Ares then the power of Frost must have come from somewhere...someone. Could it possibly be another god? Could it be the one from the dream that day?' Droy thought.

Hello readers HellStrom here... I joined the contest as you know. If you find this book interesting and like to see more of it Vote for it..100+ powerstones = mass release of upto 15-20chapters

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